When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

True, but he’s posting on an Alliance toon and a Void Elf no less. If he’s going to troll let him troll on a troll :stuck_out_tongue:

Void Elves are just blue Blood Elves. And just like Blood Elves they’re secretive and have their own agenda, probably doing dark magic and listening to old god whispers. The only reason void elves would help in darkshore is because they have something to prove. The Night Elves are still everywhere so no need to be dramatic and say things like “extinction”.

Except both A Good War and Elegy make it plenty clear that they’re teetering on the brink. Sylvanas acknowledges that the Burning would render them “defunct as a species,” and Tyrande’s assessment was “How many Night Elves are left in the world? Not nearly enough.”


You know how dramatic nelfs can be. Blood Elves got wiped out but now look at them.

The Blood elf story since their inception in the Horde has been about rebuilding and reclaiming their legacy.

Try knowing about something before bringing it up.

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Imagine semi-necroing your own troll thread for this.


I brought it up because I feel like belves have succeeded.

The Night elf story has been the opposite of the Blood elves. Try again.


Everytime Elesana remakes the same thread I’ll bump this one.


Where exactly? Was it being forced to bend to Sylvanas’s demands under threat of expulsion? Was it having such a tenuous allegiance to your new allies in the Horde that you were inches away from jumping ship back to the Alliance? Was it expelling what appears to be a decent chunk of Quel’thelas’s population to drive them into the open arms of the enemy, giving them a good advantage against you? Or MAYBE was it when an Alliance leader restored your sacred font of life using the martyred spark of a Naaru that the Blood Elves had tortured and drained?

Where amidst all that did the Blood Elves “reclaim their legacy?” Past that, the Blood Elves won’t referencing the fall of Quel’thelas to Arthas - you literally just had a questline to remember something that occurred in Warcraft III, and you’re annoyed that Night Elves are still upset over something that happened just now.


Literally 10 years later…

It took you four minutes to type that? Honestly, I’m actually rather fond of Quel’thelas, but your assessment deserves heavy criticism.

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That seems like a biased assessment.

Not enough for what? I am sure there is enough to change a light bulb.

Kept erasing and rewriting :stuck_out_tongue:

Adding to an argument on the fly isn’t a crime. I actually haven’t erased anything, I’ve just added to the existing one. If you can’t deal with that, then you’re on the wrong forum, bucko.

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I’m pretty chill bb, just a fun distraction from my calculus homework


Yarn io? Is that like raider io for crochet?

Even in old folks homes, elitism is rampant.

They’re still split into 3 subfactions(previously 4, but the felblood elves actually stayed dead) and have yet to reclaim Quel’thalas from random ghouls something around 7 years later in-universe.

The word “species” does not show up once in either A Good War or Elegy. And Tyrande was more assessing that the Night Elves around the world were who were left of her people, which turned out to still be enough. There’s always enough of any race for whatever story Blizzard wants.

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