When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

I feel like any other race who had their city burned down by the opposite faction wouldn’t cry anywhere near as hard as nelfs.

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They wouldn’t bother doing it to the other races. They don’t have as large of a fandom.


Pretty sure Blood Elves have a bigger fandom, and would be louder.


The Horde players are still crying over the purge in dalaran and Taurajo.
I beg to differ.


They’re still crying about the one Orc who died in SoO as well as SoO itself too.


And write the story in a way that it makes sense again. First thing that has to be gotten rid of is sylvanas

Yes but Blizzard likes the blood elves.

Well, night elves are almost extinct, so…

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Agreed. :100:

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This thread’s still going?

People can’t resist bait.

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New undead Night Elf is found in the PTR, proof that the Night Elf story continues, and people still NEED to be upset about it :thinking:

Proof that they will ruin night elves even more because the whole undead night elves thing was an insult to begin with.

They also resurrected a pile of ash to do it, unless there happen to be two Priestesses of the Moon named Amara


Well, I will agree the mental 180 of these NEs was insulting (and deranged … still waiting on that reveal that Sylvie mind-scrambled them using the research she got from experimenting on Deathweaver) … but physically? Naw, I have no problem with the idea that like all other races but Worgen, NEs can be forced into a state of undeath. NE DKs exist. Legion had an entire area in Val’Sharah with a Demon Induced form of Kaldorei Undeath which had physical bodies. Its not that far fetched that such an event can occur.

Its just the mental thing that is insulting.


You gonna be waiting a long time then. Chances are that lovely little addition will remain “mysterious” until the day WoW ends. Lets Blizzard claim being subtle when really its just shorthand for not having to put in the effort to think of a reason.

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Maybe you should stop liking night elves Elesana. They seem to really upset you. Try being obsessed with pandaran. They’re cute, cultured, and have a whole continent to themselves.


i mean, to be fair the pandaren are lucky to be so irrelevant, no one bothers them so they are totally safe in their bubble! :panda_face:


Dude we play ren’dorei and the last thing us Void Elf players need to do is trigger the Kal’dorei player base. We are all Alliance and the Night Elves are teetering on extinction. The Night Elves we generally see ingame are the army of Sentinels who were not on Teldrassil or in Ashenvale during the genocide campaign. The armies of the Ka’dorei are effective all army without a nation. What remains of the Kal’dorei? What cities are there? How many towns and villages? Lorewise very, very few.

These Kal’dorei and Ren’dorei should work nonstop to revive the Darnassian state. Let’s help our fellow Alliance players and not be so dismissive of their rage on how their story has developed.


i doubt that he is an alliance main.