I’m fairly sure those same players want to personally play out killing as many Horde as they can alongside Elune as if the Sylvanas loyalist options sets precedent for that.
Meh … lets just end this little tangent with … you are probably right; but it does remind me why the NE and Draenei power fantasies are just not for me.
Hey, just read your thread and yeah, Darkshore does a terrible job of giving the Night Elves closure. But it doesn’t have to be the end. There has to be a lot more story to tell. I just don’t want one of my favorite characters to get killed for your revenge. And no, faceless masses don’t mean anything. They could say a million night elves died in that fire and there would still be an abundance of nelf players and NPCs to interact with. Look at Blood Elves, 90% of the population wiped out and 20-ish years later they’re everywhere. Burning teldrassil added to the nelf story more than it took away.
They weren’t faceless, or - as other posters more often say - nameless. They were NPCs that we interacted with in those zones. As Alex Afrasiabi put it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isvjc8AfxHU&t=28m14s :
In order to appreciate the burning of Teldrassil you kind of have to understand what Teldrassil is first, right? And the way time works in our game it flows by level. So you'll still be able to start in Shadowglen, go to Dolanaar, Darnassus, Darkshore, go through all of that, and then when you hit 120 we'll burn it all down. 110. Pardon me.
As a weird side tangent. Anyone else weirded out about how little actually story content has been datamined for 8.2.5. We know there wont be Heritage Questlines for the Gobs and Worgen, but what about the Velanora quest? I was more or less certain that there would be something about the Undead NEs in that sidequest. What happened to the datamined dialogue where Sylvie is convincing Nathanos to “trust her as he always had” (which seemed real sketchy)? Vol’jin’s storyline? The War Campaign? ANYTHING other than Magni?
Its weird … thats either a really bad sign and there is nothing of substance, or there are really big spoilers in the quests of this patch and they’re deliberately hiding it.
Yes, is really weird, this time blizzard has encripted almost all of it.
compared to 8.1.5 it seems like 8.2.5 will take a little more longer
and doesn’t seem to be bringing much of anything.
seems like the most important thing that the dataminers got so far was just… a rock HD.
maybe,like you said the next quests will be spoil too much of whatever dumb ending that blizzard is planning.
meanwhile i will call this patch the selfie patch of bfa.
but i am worried that we will not have any story at all.
As to when I will move on out of character, I already have.
When will my character move on, when the Horde surrenders.
But that is just how my character would feel. As to what would satisfy Night Elf players who feel they were shafted or Horde players who feel they were forced to commit an atrocity against their wishes; I’m not sure what can be done. It will depend on how Blizzard crafts their ending for BFA (I wish them luck as it will not be easy).
Despite what people think and how Blizz sometimes makes it look, the alliance is just that, an alliance. The High King is just a figure head and he holds no real authority over any other nations or leader. Anduin is only King of Stormwind. The other racial leaders are not his vassals.
Anduin has no real authority to order anyone not a citizen of Stormwind around nor do they have to do anything he tells them (as shown by Tyrande telling him to go suck an egg)
People keep saying this, but my life is spent on anime and video games and manga (and my work involves reviewing specification sheets all day, so that’s even more staring at computer screens for money). I think I have the least Night Elf life style possible. I don’t even have any plants.
For shame. You’re supposed to work third shift, and have a ridiculous amount of indoor plants, outdoor plants, pets, livestock, amd wooded acreage. Like me.
Yeah, whenever someone uses the line “Trust in me as I have always trusted in you” when asking someone to do something … that’s shifty as hell. Its the sort of thing you do when you don’t want the person you’re making the request to, to not think to much about what you have them doing.
Seriously, I may be in the minority … but I just cannot shake this feeling that Blightcaller is getting setup to suffer a massive betrayal by his Queen. His stay a while and listen especially rung of a person who was convinced (at the very least) that whatever Sylvie has planned it INCLUDES both he and the Forsaken (a reality I am no longer convinced is true since Teldrassil). Its the same sort of “assumptions at the expense of ignoring warning signs” that hit Saurfang so hard in “A Good War”.