When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

Indeed there was:

Ion Hazzikostas at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnX7yrbyRSo&t=54m50s :

    So, after we started thinking about and talking the Broken Isles we figured, alright, you're going to start off in the city of Dalaran which is kind of your flying fortress, your base from which you mount your assault on the Legion, and then you'll work your way clockwise around the zones, culimating in Suramar, maybe getting two, two and half levels each step of the way so you'll probably hit 110, you know, kind of late into Highmountain maybe Suramar [I think he meant Stormheim, given the slide]... We started building the expansion with this in mind and this direction.

That being said, with the game as it is live, it is not canon that the quest from Azsuna was a factor for why Genn was in Stormheim or what Genn thought Sylvanas was doing there.


Justice delayed is justice to be paid. Time isn’t an escape its an opportunity…

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It wasn’t justice, it was vengeance. Justice is impartially dealt by the letter of the law. Vengeance is emotional.

The High King of the Alliance, the High King which Genn regularly referred to as “our king” called for an armistice at the barest minimum. Genn broke that armistice. Genn broke the law.


LAAAAAAAW! Sorry, had to.

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And everyone was under the assumption that the horde had betrayed them, hence Genn going “for Varian!”. Even Anduin learns what really went down through Baine after the fact.

Genn at least had the decency to wait until it at least it looked like everything was fair game to enact all of his vengeances. Sylvanas pretended to indulge Anduin and Magni at their attemps at peace when she was already planning war, and some people still defend her for it.


Including Anduin, who ordered Genn to only attack the Horde if absolutely necessary.

It wasn’t justice. It was vengeance.

I thought this thread would get three responses then get pushed down to page 10 in a day but a certain number of night elves, dog people, MHP, and blue high elves get so much joy from arguing these things a year later. I’m glad I could provide this for you :slight_smile:


Varian made the truce with the horde to with together on the Broken Shore, Anduin gave him a yellow trafic light.


So as we can see from this thread, Teldrassil will be gotten over sometime after never.


No, he didn’t. He told him not to attack the Horde unless absolutely necessary. Genn made plans to attack the Horde before he left the harbor.


Vengeance is unjustified: seek revenge, dig two graves. Retribution is something that belongs to the victim or their family, sorta like a currency.

In addition This high king shenanigans is something new, and implies the faction leaders are nationless and the Kingdom of Stormwind is not a Kingdom but an Empire. Therefore Anduin you would ve referring to as Emperor Wrynn.

Furthermore, it was Varian who signed that treaty, when he died, it tgat treat had been expired: open season on the Horde.

Food for thought what if Sylvanus had very good reasons to ensure that Teldrassil was not a place that the Night Elves dwelled? I have put in another thread my thoughts about her ultimate end game and playing N’Zoth all along with the help of Hellia and Nathanos as the only other individuals she entrusted with the true course she was on all along. Read it and understand the implications is she succeeds in redeeming all the Scourge and eradicating the Lich King’s existence completely from Azeroth.

That being said why was it important to ensure that Teldrassil was empty was she playing along with N’Zoth in some way to ensure they he completely believed she was his pawn that he was controlling and not the other way around? If so why is Teldrassil important to the Old Gods??? Could it be that in actual fact unknown to the Night Elves their precious tree was actually empowered by an Old God trapped below waiting for his time to be released back in to the world again. Could the tree itself have been a key part of his prison that N’Zoth wanted to control and if he couldn’t get control of it with Sylvanus he wanted to ensure it’s demise so that it unlocked part of the prison of the old god below?

Ask yourself if that is true who is the one Old God we haven’t see in game and have no real information currently on his place of imprisonment? Secondly as Sylvanus did have some level of conversation and bargain with Hellia we know that Hellia was one of the last remaining Titanborn who actually fought and helped to imprison the old gods in the bowls of Azeroth. Could she have been told by Hellia the resting place of the final Old God that is unknown to everyone else?

If so by ensuring that the NE’s were removed and nobody was there within Teldrassil that if the Old God did rise from his prison below he wouldn’t have anyone that he could easily control and manipulate to create his new army which would have been the case if all the NE’s were still living there. So did she actually protect the NE’s from a fate worse than death by her actions?

Just something to think about?

This has been brought up a few times. Teldrassil has been cleansed of all corruption since Cata. The finale quest of the entire zone is using the power of Elune to root out the remaining bit of Old God corruption left by Xavius. Afterwards, it’s blessed by Alexstrasza and Ysera, protecting it from relapse.

Malfurion, if not Druids in general, are sensitive to that kind of thing, with Malfurion sensing something wrong in the Dream well before the Nightmare has played its hand. It’s why Fandral had to keep him comatose to grow Teldrassil in the first place. If there was an Old God gnawing at the roots of it, he’d know. He’d certainly know long before an undead derivative Elf from the other side of the world.

If you’re meaning N’zoth, we have seen him in-game, as of the Eternal Palace raid. His prison was somewhere near the location of Azshara’s Eternal Palace, nowhere near Teldrassil. “Was” being the operative word. Spoilers:

Helya has in all likelihood switched sides, and at the very least, works for the Old Gods indirectly (as if being all tentacley wasn’t a big enough tip off). She was swayed to Loken’s side, after Loken’s corruption by Yogg Saron, and helped Loken further Yogg’s escape plan by sealing Odyn away in the Halls of Valor, just as she had done the Elemental Lords in the Elemental Planes.

Well, firstly, as seen in the cinematic, his prison was not below Teldrassil. Secondly, proximity is not required for N’zoth to attempt to take control of someone. Spoilers again: But part of the Wrathion questline on the PTR is N’zoth trying to exert control over Ebonhorn/Ebyssian, who’s located all the way within the Chamber of the Heart.


A few have tried to desperately grasp at these straws before. The theory has been found wanting.

Not that it would be the the first pants-on-head story direction of BfA, if they did try to pull this off.


Sylvanas broke Horde laws in Gilneas and is now Warchief. What do the Horde care about laws?


Culminating with Heritage armor at the end =D I would be happy with that.


What if Sylvanus knows Elune isn’t what the Night Elves believe at all.

Could Elune actually be something else entirely…Why is it that beings of Light and in particular I will highlight the Naaru can change between Light and Dark. Is the Naaru not actually really telling you the whole story and hiding key aspects that relate to who and what Elune truly is…

Are you so sure that Elune isn’t just like the Void and the Old Gods? Just figured out how to change her aspect to one that seemed to be opposing the Void but is this the ultimate truth could all of the NE’s just be ultimately pawns to Elune…

Maybe that’s the point she actually understands something you lack the perception and insight to fully comprehend as a race could she see that while the Light might actually be the salvation for her and the forsaken it could also be something that has the potential to be much much worse that N’Zoth could ever be. This is Elune… so Elune isn’t this all loving being of good she is more likely a being with two sides to her one of Light and the other Dark so she is both Void Touched and Light Touched at the same time and actually may have been the one true catalyst for everything from the very beginning of time? Why because she likes to watch and laugh at the folly of those beneath her and this includes the Old Gods ultimately they are also just Pawns of the Void so if the Old Gods are Pawns could Elune actually be both sides of the equation in one…So she is the one true source of the infinite void, and she is also the one source for the light touched as well… So she actually is playing us like a ping pong match for her own amusement…

What if Elune is actually another ultimately benevolent entity who likes to play and twist you will o do her bidding however she is just a lot more deceitful and manipulative that N’Zoth.

Could she actually be an entity which has been…

This is where I think Alleria and Sylvanus’s course will resync in some way as well because you need the power of both the Light and the Void to be able to fight a being which is both light and dark

Could it be that Elune is actually another Old God that we never knew about and has been playing you all along…

Who said I was taking this to be actually related to N’Zoth at all what if this entity is something much worse and even older than the Old Gods. Making them even pawns to be used to move the pieces along a chosen path that it wants…

We know that the old Gods where drawn to the Void but who or what is actually the ultimate source of it all could it be that a certain entity between a corporeal body and a shadowy essence and ultimately wants to have the two parts of her being joined once more. However this being has the ability to have both these separate halves operate autonomously while also being constantly aware of the moves the other one makes. This ensures it always has ways to move the pieces once again in an alternative path if one path is prevented by being who have free will…

Could it actually be Elune and she is not what NE’s believed at all she is actually a very powerful being stronger than anything we have ever encountered and that entities goal all along is through it sway ensure constant battles which will destroy Azeroth in a fashion but effectively release the Void part of it to join the Light part once more and become whole.

Just another food for thought Elune has been playing everyone all along from both sides of the field and somehow Sylvanus managed to connect the dots…not saying this is the actual case but if it is it would explain so much of why things just constantly go the way they have throughout warcraft?

Well, no such entity currently exists in the lore, save the Void Lords. And the Void Lords can’t manifest in the physical universe due to the sheer amount of energy they require to sustain themselves, hence their creation of the Old Gods. Just an avatar of a Void Lord destroyed K’aresh. A Void Lord, or fragment of one, on Azeroth would have ended Azerothian history before it even started.

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You wont reach this person they are dedicated to finding a twist that isnt there and will twist lore like pyromancer to make it fit all to make stlvanas not be evil by making everyone else evil.


“It’s your job to make sure it is necessary. I don’t track my prey unless it’s to kill it.”

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