When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

She is Sylvanas.
She is the Warchief of the Horde.

If she is slithering around somewhere then obviously she is up to no good.
And shockingly Genn and Rogers were right.


preach it bro/sis/helicopter.


I think the reason alliance tend to get defensive about it is twofold.

Firstly, letter or not, the Alliance absolutely knew that Sylvannas was up to something. Which is why Anduin sent them in, he wanted to know what she was up to. Genn was absolutely overzealous, just that seemed to have been the right impulse given what Sylvannas was in fact up to.

Secondly, Sylvannas uses this in Good War, which is extremely frustrating because no one calls her out on it. It’s an infuriating position to be in because we don’t know whether or not the Horde didn’t know or didn’t care. Most points tend to lean towards the latter, because why would the Horde not spread the word about it when their champion was there to witness her both making a deal with Helya and see her torturing an ally against the Legion.

Ultimately, you’re right that there is no official canon. HOWEVER, what is frustrating is when that event is used as justification for other things. It’s like when someone breaks into a house, and then goes to the police when the homeowner shoots them for trespassing. Like, sure, maybe the homeowner could have done something else, but are you seriously going to expect anyone to sympathize with you when your motives for being there were in the wrong?


Insults are often slung, but if I have a side, my side is a fair discussion on lore. When things are hazy, I prefer to allow for Blizzard to make a ruling. Rather than pretend my assumptions are canon.

I disagree with this comparison - perhaps because it is unclear to me.

Are you suggesting Stormheim is the Alliance’s house, and Sylvanas sailing around equates to a burglar in the night? As if the universe is the Alliance’s house by default?

Or, do you suggest Sylvanas was the burglar in the night 4 or so expansions ago, when her Warchief, Garrosh, ordered the attack on Gilneas?

If that is your comparison, Stormheim is more like a Homeowner chasing down a burglar several years after the crime was committed, and raining death from above on the burglars people.


I disagree

This goes against almost everything you said to me.

Perhaps we’re both a little wrong on this comparison then. So allow me to revise:
Let’s keep the comparison of Sylvannas being the burglar, and Genn the Homeowner.

So in this instance, Sylvannas burgled his house, and he has been asking the police to deal with it for some time now. The police are either unable or unwilling to do anything about it. So, Genn decides to track this burglar and catches them in the act of burglarizing another house. The altercation ultimately leads to the second house avoiding any stolen possessions.

Now, under the rules of the law, Genn is also at fault. However, no jury would really convict him (or at least would have a hard time convicting him) specifically because he stopped another crime from happening. In the case of Sylvannas and Helya’s deal, I would argue he prevented something much worse.

I hope that’s a bit more of an accurate comparison.


Its so funny that a horde player, hiding behind an Alliance alt would ask this dubious question. Like a violator complaining his victim comes for him with an axe in one hand and a pen in the other…

No corner of a house is disposable, especially when that cornee is holding up two sides of the house and three sections of the roof.

No need to retcon because of the ~18 other Night Elf cities and towns across Outland and Azeroth…

Not to mention Varian is dead; same battle as Vol’jin.

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Kaldorei are anything but generic. Especially if you’re referencing LotR.

Or insecurity.

We are the larger/largest race you know.

Until their wallets say otherwise…

Thats your fault.

You mean Anduin and Wrathion behind closed doors?

Mathematically impossible lore and game wise but ok.

Which was the big fuss over MoP that doomed the xpac in the eyes of the masses.

Fixed that for you.

They’re all Warhammer fans. The real writers have been assimilated or impersonated…

This retort was so beautiful it brought moisture to my left eye and i screenshot it. You deserve your own npc or district in a city.


Sira was also a hero Warden in WC3 and possibly was there when Illidan was freed by Tyrande.

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Tell that to blizzard, not me Zoggy.

Lanastrin posted in an older thread with the same theme and accidentally necro’ed the thread, but Lanastrin’s post would have fit in here, too, so posting it here for Lanastrin:


Lol the Horde giving back anything. rofl. No thanks.

Are you frckn serious??? High Born pledged to the legion to blow up Azeroth suddenly have civil rights: LoL!!!

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They’re basing it on the way the zones were designed. Before they came up with the “Go to any zone, it all scales!” design, it functioned the same as any other expansion where it certain zones had certain level brackets, and that was the canonical order of events.

Not to mention that when you hand in the quest from Azsuna, the guy doesn’t shrug and go “Greymane’s already done in Stormheim. This is old news.”


She has to make sure the quote is in a seperate paragraph or the quote won’t cone out right.

This is the part where your wrong. Blizzard’s story of the sacking and massacring Silverwind Refuge, the siege of Astranaar and the Burning of Teldrassil, had as much to do with the fact that even on PVE realms, those places were the concentration of world pvp with Horde mostly winning. This trope goes back to Cataclysm; the only downside to this form of writing is the Horde lost only one town. The Alliance lost two not unpopular, very functioning and unique cities.

  1. Theramore was the only none capital faction city in the game with a bank and passage between two continents.

  2. Darnassus, everything was directly accessible by a flying mount; and you could fly back and forth between the AH and Bank with only dismounting once. Not to mention the green purple atmosphere was soft of the eyes.

Stormwind is so gaudy it makes my eyes want to bleed.

To the contrary, the Alliance needs them: why? Because Stormwind has become so depleted that the Horde couldn’t even turn an eye in that direction unless it was some independent venture. There’s nit even that many mines in the Nation of Azeroth, and those that are? Held by bandits or Kobalds and probably empty.

Stormwind is grossly overated and significance overly exaggerated. Stormwind can’t even maintain productivity of Westfall because of bandits; what would you think hapoen if those bandits were horde?

What this all means is that Stormwind needs its allies to sustain its existence not from Horde, but from its own population. [quote=“Acerba-cenarion-circle, post:253, topic:262180”]
they get themselves into trouble to be bailed out by their betters,

This is hilariously racists and out of context. This is one of the reasoms i visit the forums. The Elves are always in trouble. Because their attention is demanded elsewhere while simultaneously being in possession of an abundance of valuables that cannot be relocated. For the High Elves it was their Rune Stones at first, then the Sunwell twice more. Before that, the burials ground Silvermoon sits on.

Ashenvale was always about the Trees. The Horde hardly has trees and the Kaldorei own 79% of the trees on the continent. Not to mention the wildlife those trees attract. This is why the Horde can’t keep its paws off of Ashenvale, no matter how much is conceded. The Horde’s population is too vast, too consumptive and too insecure to even consider bartering. The later is a huge trench within the Horde; because the resource shortafes could easily have been remedied by the vast forests of Silvermoon and the Woods of Northern Lordaeron that were in access to the Forsaken. This means that your beloved Blood Elves, and Rotten are so greedy that they’d force not one but three of their Allies to wage unrestrained war upon a neighbor for a resources they should already have.

Furthermore, the depravity within the Horde, could becouse Orgrimmar under anyone else but the Rotten were too proud to accept/consider the alternatives provided by their two Eastern Powers, amd chose to remain equals under pain of death instead of anointing them selves superior: Orcs.

Higher by what criteria? Because last i looked, of all your high races neither of them are/were high and of the four of them three have proven not only unstable but depleted and unsuccessful. Im talking about:

  1. Humans
  2. Trolls
  3. Tauren

Of that triad, #2&3 are so bad only 2 has had any towns outside their national boundaries and the Trolls could barely get off Echo Islands: jokes.

The Humans are even worse off, with loosing 80% of their global territories since wc1; maybe even more. The Kingdom of Stormwind is one of three surviving human Kingdoms out of eight. And of those three, the Gilnaens are refugees.

Of those four, the only race that could possibly claim some level of dignity is the Dwarves. The Dwarves because they’ve lost the least of all the races of warcraft to date However, that has more to do with Moira being a Bronzebeard and less to do with your illusion of human supremacy. Stormwind and Boralus are the two only physically surviving human Kingdoms on Azeroth. Sure, the Kaldorei got problems, but thats because like Russia their borders span most of the continent, and are reactive instead of proactive in doctrine.

In other words; to the wealthy, the poor never have problems. The poor never have problems to them because the poor have to spend their wealth, while the wealth of the rich is so vast it’s collecting dust.

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Hmm … I may be in the minority, but while it will NEVER allow people to get over Teldrassil … I do think its at least a good symbolic gesture. The Bronze Dragonflight aided in the rescue of the AU Mag’har. Now I think this had nothing to do with this stupid war, and I HIGHLY doubt that it has anything to do with saving AU Draenor (I fully expect the AU Mag’har to remain a permanent resident of Azeroth), but the fact of the matter is the DID do it.

So … perhaps the REAL timeline is overdue to give something back to the Kaldorei (two things specifically). The first, a genuine acorn of G’Hanir for a brand new World Tree (and not just a cutting of Nordrassil, but a genuine sibling of it). The second, I seem to recall the Bronze Dragonflight still holding on to TWO vials of the original WoE; I cannot think of a better way to help a new World Tree sapling grow than a TWO Vial Well. Regardless of where they are to put it … give the NEs BOTH.

A World Tree symbolizing rebirth and healing, born from the first healthy acorn of the now reborn and healing original mother tree. Quite the symbol of written right (and it would make for one hell of an interesting Kaldorei Questline).