Scaling worked, had it not Azuna would have been the first zone, the zone to start the story. It still begins in Azuna.
They said that you would start in Azuna if Scaling did not work in time.
Scaling worked, had it not Azuna would have been the first zone, the zone to start the story. It still begins in Azuna.
They said that you would start in Azuna if Scaling did not work in time.
So your point is… if the game was designed differently, it would have been designed differently… right.
Instead it was designed and released with no canon order.
Actually Azuna is the Cannon first zone since it was intended to be the first Zone you go to.
I would have perfered her bring it up and have to avoid mentioning her goals there over making it seem like the horde eother knew or just difnt care what she was doing .
This is just opinion
What ever they intended before release was changed after release. Blizzard released Legion with no canon zone order. The designers intentions on that were scrapped before release, because zone scaling worked.
If you feel scrapped ideas are canon when they boost your narrative, that is on you. But there is no basis for it.
Blizz really needs to release a csnnon timeline for that give one sode or the other evidence. Cpuld really make the alliance a bit bad given they would be killing forsaken for no reason.
It still did not change the cannon, only where you can go as a player. There was the zone you could start at to get the story started, and there was the zone you could just start at. Either Away Azuna still happened before Stormheim, the story ends with a clue about what was going on. It ain’t much but it was enough to get the ball rolling. Anduin has this stupid plotarmor/flaw thing from when he got hit by the Divine Bell, it physically hurts him to do evil. Just glossing over an attack like what happened in Stormhiem doesn’t fit that trait very well.
I mean you can glean a few things from some of the questing you do. Valsharah and Highmountain are in a vacuum so their place in the order doesn’t really matter too much. Suramar is obviously last because we breach the city and begin a rebellion leading into the raid. I’d say out of the last two Aszuna comes first because you can find that sunken ship with a partially destroyed battle plan for Stormheim. So it goes Azsuna -> Stormheim -> Suramar and the other two don’t matter.
Logical enough for me
I think that it was Azsuna>Valsharah>Stormheim>Highmountain>Suramar> Broken Isles>Argus but my memory isn’t solid beyone Azsuna happening before Stormheim.
As far as I remember, Azsuna was usually assumed to be the first because that’s where you have to go first to do your profession quests.
Personally I always felt Val’sharah and Highmountain should have been faction-only zones and been the first. Yeah I know, goes against the philosophy the expansion was rolling with but those two places are where I feel the most out of place depending on my faction choice and being there.
I was ignoring Broken Isles and Argus because there’s no disputing their place in the order of events. There’s nothing to conflict with. Why are Valsharah and Highmountain placed like that though? They don’t really have any effect on the story of the other zones and you only go there to collect the Tears/Hammer respectively which could be done at any time before Suramar.
I kind of agree but more so for Valsharah than Highmountain. Valsharah is explicitly Alliance but you never get bossed around by Horde npcs in Highmountain.
IIRC Highmountain was what was supposed to get us to 110. Valsharah I placed there because some time was supposed to elapse.
Same, though I was carrying Huln Highmountain’s Spear so it made a little more sense for me to be there. That Said Baine was supposed to be there but that got changed in the last minute.
That is supposition. Which you are free to make. But it is not canon just because you view it as such.
There is no canon order to the zones in Legion unless Blizzard says otherwise, and they chose to release the game without a canon zone order.
Glean what you will - but that does not make it canon.
We still are not even sure how Blizzard will write the canon for Legion as far as zone timelines and order halls. The zones could be happening all at once, with different Order Halls getting credit for different things.
Legion was unique in those respects. As I said - the canon timeline is not definitive until Blizzard says what it is.
As far as Anduin’s bones - he ordered Genn and Rogers to keep an eye on Sylvanas. He did not order the ambush. So his bones may not have reacted to the ambush as a bad thing on his part, since it was not part of his order and he was unaware it would happen.
He does “forcefully rebuke” Genn for it in BtS. So he was not thrilled with it.
That’s a bit hypocritical don’t you think? I mean the story of the zone backs me up, what do you have on this? It is Cannon that Azsuna happened before Stormheim. It’s the first zone we go to. Game Mechanics do not always equate to being Lore. Is it because it makes Greymane look better, or because it makes Sylvanas look worse?
This is a problem with Alliance lore, it mostly comes from outside the game.
I will let Blizzard decide what is canon - not some biased forum posters. And they have not stated a final word on this.
What they did do was release Legion with no canon zone order and the ability to start where you wish. I started in Highmountain with some characters - so claiming Azuna is the first zone we go to depends on the Player’s Choice. Just as Blizzard designed it.
What is gameplay mechanics and with is lore is something Blizzard will clarify at some point. Probably in Chronicles. And it is for them to clarify.
If you want to believe anything that supports your head canon, have at it. But do not expect others to. When lore is contradictory - I say it is unknown, instead of jumping to conclusions that fit my favored narrative.
Notice I do not claim a timeline to be true - just that Blizzard has kept it vague and incongruent. To the point that there is no certain canon zone timeline or zone credit or raid credit for Legion. That stuff usually gets cleared up or rectified in Chronicles.
So when they said that if Scaling does not work, you will start in Azsuna, you are going to discount that.
Except that it is cannon, back by the story/lore that Azsuna happened before Stormheim.
It’s not headcannon when the lore backs it up.
The lore does not back up which event occured first in the canon timeline. It only shows when your character received the letter from distressed sailors.
It is never stated the letter is the impetus for Anduin sending the mission. So the letter has no effect on the timeline.
The letter is never mentioned. It could be the case that the ambush at Stormheim happened as you found that letter, if all the events happen at once. Again - we do not know how Blizz will handle the timeline of various zones.
When they address it, you may have a point.
I thought about trying to make a story point here, but most people are so entrenched on the issue I might as well draw a smiley on my hand and have it nod in agreement with my awesome points. It would be about as meaningful.
Instead, I will point this out. Camp T, a minor outpost with NPCs nobody cared about until they were dead, happened in Cata. People still aren’t over it. Teldrassil will never be gotten over.
Also, don’t name your Kalimdor settlements starting with “T”, cripes. Doesn’t bode well for Thunder Bluff.