How Would Alliance Players Finish The Story?

I personally felt it was all relevant to my statement. I hate what happened to the Horde, its story, and its players.

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I just hate the lack of empathy from fellow players. These forums used to be one of the best pre-bfa, now its easily tied for like GD levels of bad, its just alliance players yelling at horde players that they should feel bad, and them fantasizing punishments for the horde.

Its really quite un-enjoyable to be here now. Constant click bate titles like what should happen to syl, what should happen to the horde and loaded questions, etc etc. Clearly no one follows the guidelines anymore for posting here.

As someone who pvps alot I was pretty hyped for a pvp themed story expansion, just kills me it was done so poorly from a story standpoint.


I love the Story Forums lmao


Context is important brotha man, go through and quote the entire thing, and other posts too ;).

You probably should go back and do that, but you wont, it dosent fit your narrative. Either way ya can only take so much verbal abuse before ya eventually pop off.


Well, yeah. The Eternally Homeless Alliance is a separate issue from the Alliance losing zone after zone to the Horde (minus the twofer that is Gilneas). Hence, why I said the Horde’s territory gains not coming at the expense of the Alliance would alleviate one complaint.


it’s hard.
is simply because blizzard ruined everything, blizzard wanted to make us angry on purpose because “that means that we care”
and give us these kinda of quest where we have to “save” (and fail) 900 civilians in less than 3 minutes.

so when i see teldrassil jokes, or things like that, the anger increases and empathy becomes even harder. how could i have empaty with these kinds of players? they want to screw us? fine.

but you see, the opposite is also true over the last few weeks i have seen an increase in the number of bait threads to the alliance
like this:

adding fuel to the fire HAHA GOT IT? FIRE SO FUNNY. (sarcasm btw)

like your past joke:

like, i know that is just a joke or whatever,and i am not saying that you should stop doing it, but it still rubs me in the wrong way because the tree was serious business for many of us. with the g word of a playable race, now maybe i am letting it affect me too much? probably.

i know that not everyone thinks the same, i know that is not the players fault, but certantly seeing how some people behave doesn’t help at all. maybe i am part of the problem of this cycle of hatred nonsense.

i just wish that is already november to see if this story has future or just unsub . so this nightmare can be over.


I play Alliance as well.

I am pretty open to the ending. You wont see many posts from me ranting about what must happen for me to feel satisfied.

The Horde is doing mean things. The planet, its denizens, and even the Gods are rallying against Sylvanas. There seems to be nothing but pain and disappointment on the horizon for Sylvanas fans. So be it.

I am easy when it comes to the story. It will be what it will be. I try not to come at the story with some attitude that “this better happen!”

But … I will share a concern. As an Alliance Player.

Lets say all these Alliance Posters get most of what they want. The Alliance wins, dismantles the Horde, and creates client states out of the Horde races to serve the Alliance’s greater good.

What do you think happens next? In one expac? Or the next? With the writing team that rehashes plots for rule of cool?

It will only lead the story to a point where the Alliance is a villain, and the Horde has to reunite and rebuild, and be the plucky heroes against the mean Alliance. And probably be helped by the “good” Alliance members.

Its like the people who post here decry the nonsense writing while craving it.

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I want the end to show that actions have consequences, these warcraft wars are ridiculous for this. Kaldorei and forsaken must lose their land permanently, no matter if their lore is deeply tied to those regions. Other races also lost their land and rebuilt their lore. The human lore is deeply linked to Lordaeron and Stormwind is practically a Disney kingdom meme, yet the human lore has not disappeared.

I want the war to simply end the obvious way, there is no peace between the factions, the pacifist views displayed by Anduin and Jaina in the last custscene should at least generate rebellion among humans simply because they think they have a right to be the Alliance consciousness and suddenly decide to impose a stupid peace with the Horde.

Each faction should have a continent, and if the price to end the war is the downfall of a race that is slowly decaying like the Kaldorei it may be. I am not going to argue that a decaying race will prevent the status quo from changing, just in 5 years from now a new lore team will decide it’s time for the Horde to invade Kaldorei lands again and start this annoying cycle of constant crying in the forum about how much Kaldorei are savage and the lore should show how they can defeat the entire Horde and Alliance alone. No they can’t, they use spears against a military machine infinitely more technologically advanced than theirs.

No matter if they are friends with forest bears, bombs doesn’t care if you have the ability to talk to animals. The lore has to move to a forced peace like the balance of terror we had in the cold war. Each faction simply moves as far away from the other as possible, and they have their own zone of influence, end of factional warfare, and end of dramas about whether or not Kaldorei should crush the entire Horde alone.

If players kaldorei and forsaken find this profoundly unfair, simply create a lore in which these two races exhibit simple neutrality towards factions, that they have their own faction inlore, and who are pursuing their own interests.

All the reasons for the Alliance and Horde wars are that races are dragged into the Kaldorei and Forsaken wars, all wars are deeply bound up with the borders of these races, the cost of fighting world wars with the Horde every 5 years to protect the kaldorei are too high, and the same goes for the Horde wanting to protect the forsaken. If WOW were minimally realistic, the Alliance would have already abandoned the Kaldorei on their own luck long ago, simply because the resources of that land are not fundamental to the Alliance, and much less so are the resources of Forsaken lands. This war exists only to maintain the Kaldorei pride of an empire that has not existed for 10,000 years, and in the case of forsaken this childish need to push their curse on others, for me they should be exiled to Northrend with their Scourge friends.

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But you were presenting that as a good thing for Horde players, something we should wish for. The choice between hearing Alliance players constantly screaming at 100% volume versus 75% volume isn’t really that exciting.

Amen. For every Alliance-baiting thread here, there’s a Horde-baiting thread to go with it.

(To be fair, though, this is a thread that basically asks Alliance players how they want to end the story, so we red-background posters should know we are venturing in at our peril.)

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Would you prefer threads mocking fans for being upset about a genocide? Or the posts about how killing thousands of civilians isn’t a genocide?


Yup. I opened it up, perused it for a few moments, said “mhmm just as I thought” and closed it lmao.

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Pro tip to booze hounds:

If you play a drinking game while reading the Story Forums - “Genocide” is right up there with “Sylvanas”, “Tyrande”, and the word “the” itself.

Its even in that short post twice! Get your booze on!


I suppose there are some who would, considering the number of times I read posts treating Horde Bias as some mythological creature like Nessie, or Bigfoot. Or the odd post seeking to elevate both sides in tandem, as the tangent itself was “How do you still give one side this, while still making the other side happy?”.

But, fair enough. I suppose that’s on me to have remembered who I was expecting empathy and co-operation from.

Chiming in a bit late, but Vashir and Deepholm appeared out of no where.

New Islands show up all the time.

There is still I believe a spot unused on the Eastern Kingdoms map north of Eastern Plaguelands/West of Ghostlands, or there used to be a shaded area that wasn’t clickable.

Traveling from the Worgen town in the past version of the blasted lands to Booty Bay took me past a long stretch of beachfront property on the backside of ZG that was undeveloped.

I also wasn’t specifically saying the horde had to have the new zones, but if one was taken from the Alliance (given to the horde, say Hillsbrad/Southshore) and then replaced by a new zone (say Islands off of Westfall) it would have been a better experience overall. Especially since Southshore was mostly dealing with Naga, Murlocs, and making Turtle Soup for the Alliance. All perfect for an Island zone.

Maybe then Cata wouldn’t have started the bleeding of Subs.


I am just going to start off by saying there will be no way to have a satisfying ending with what we got now in terms of story.

Honestly: only way that I can see things being decent enough if Anduin goes off the rails and becomes a shadowpriest for N’Zoth. Horde and Alliance dealing having to unite against a character that has always been about peace between the factions would be cathartic.


Would it have been worse if they had actually given the Worgen a city as well. That is one of the factors bringing about the bias factor all the time. You example is an actual imbalance intentionally done by the devs, just like the smaller number of leveling zones the Horde had been at launch.

Players are correct to point that out as bias. They would not have been correct in pointing out adding zones to balance the initial imbalance done at launch. (The childish would still have but wouldn’t have a rational leg to stand on)

By not correcting this, it lingers, festers, and never goes away. Then each additional time this happens it feeds into the outrage and resentment.

Look at the outrage threads, vast majority of the time they lead straight to Cata and go forward from there.



We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of subjects, that’s for sure. And I feel like my empathy has been rubbed away over the course of BfA by, well, too many threads like this one. I had a lot more of it a year ago.

That said … I know we’re both human beings behind the screen, and if we were to actually meet and go out for coffee or something, we’d probably have quite a nice chat.

And for what it’s worth, I also wish they’d gone the tidal wave route with Southshore. I just don’t believe it would have made a very big difference to faction relations in the long run, because the alternative would also be seen as bias. They should have released a balanced world from the start and then gradually added things for both sides, patch by patch.

See above about my ideal solution to the whole mess.

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With a retcon. BfA was nothing but a massive fever dream that all champions suffered for several months. While they were comatosed the Old Gods slowly started taking over Azeroth in earnest. The two factions kept their bond formed from fighting the Legion strong as they continue to work together to fight the bug armies of the Void.


But once we wake up from that nightmare we procede to kill Sylvanas just to be sure nothing like that ever happens.

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I won’t lie and say I wouldn’t feel an immense sense of relief to have Darnassus back. Despite some posters’ prattle about losing “nameless NPCs”, they weren’t nameless to me. Tolon has been handling my financial ventures for close to, if not over a decade. Feyden and Firodren put me on the path of seeking out those financial ventures (especially Firoden, who started out my Herbalism, and therefore Alchemy, alts). Saelienne’s been where my hearthstone’s been set for nearly as long. And Denatharion was a face I learned well, back when Class Trainers were useful. In short, it was my home, for around a decade, across two accounts, at least three servers, and I couldn’t tell you how many guilds.

But there’s a small part of me that would feel… cheapened, I suppose, by a “it was all a dream”, or time travel reset. Like… they’ve kept me angry and embittered for over a year, for… nothing? (Not that I wouldn’t take it in a heartbeat, as nothing is what I’m likely to get out of this mess anyway.)