When are we getting normal flying?

Which would unfortunately also alienate players who like dragonriding. I feel like blizz really created a no-win scenario for themselves here.

Looking into my crystal ball, I foresee Ion saying:

“If you like Dragonriding, you can level with Dragonriding by doing Dragonflight in Cromie Time. If you don’t like Dragonriding, you can choose a different expansion.”

A lot of the people that seem to love Dragonriding seem to hate original flight
 and a fair share of Dragonriding detractors appear to have loved traditional flight. These two camps have been at war with each other for nearly a decade now.

If the next expansion opens with no flight of any kind, it could actually cause a backlash against Blizzard by both camps at the same time.

That would be a mess, and a shame, but very interesting to watch.

never underestimate the ability of someone to ‘cut off their own nose to spite their own face’ out of stupid, arrogant, pride.

The number of special deals/trials suggests otherwise, as well as the fact that we haven’t heard a single peep about first day sales. Remember how they bragged about breaking records with Shadowlands’ first day sales?

Judging by how they have designed the game in recent years, it would appear they were under the impression that if too many people left the game over mechanics they hated, they would all come back if Blizzard told them what they needed to hear. Looks like it didn’t happen. Raid participation is down 50% compared to Castle Nathria.

The “disability argument” isn’t one they were concerned with because they didn’t even take into consideration that their demand to “git gud” at getting over whatever is keeping players from obediently following orders would disproportionately affect disabled people. They locked themselves in a corner on this and there’s really no way out. Having trolls repeat the same tired arguments has never worked in the past to affect player behavior. It won’t work this time, either.

Your claim that they have provided “reasonable accessibility settings” that should satisfy people who find they still can’t use it is merely blaming the playerbase, something that you always complained about up until now.

And it doesn’t remotely take into account other mobility, vision, and coordination issues that aren’t even disabilities but will make it impossible to fly at breakneck speed through rings that are out of the range of vision.

You pulled that out of thin air. You have no idea.

It’s not worth it to make the game accessible to players who never had an issue with it before, but you want them to keep paying. Sweet.

Which orifice did you pull this number out of? I’m serious, this is just a lie.

And the idea that you, you personally, want to force people to play in some way that is difficult and frustrating, and you think it is reasonable that a company should literally force their customers to do things they know they have designed their product to prevent them from doing is just so bizarre. Is this an entertainment product, or is it a devious means you have decided will brainwash players who were incorrectly playing because they thought an entertainment product should be entertaining?

Seriously, you’re telling us you’re an employee who has access to confidential internal data? The fact is that all these times you and the people you think are your bosses have repeated that talking point about “they’ll all be right back”, players have not come back. People who leave because they were upset about changes to the game are unlikely to be back anytime soon. And even if they do, they will never be regular subscribers again.

You have managed to reset the playerbase to lower numbers with each dud of an expansion. Those people aren’t coming back. Repeating false assumptions because “I read it on the internet so it must be true” doesn’t make them true.

You have a lot of assumptions and claims based on nothing.


I highly doubt most people will even use regular flying once they enable it.

It feels like crawling compared to Dragonflight.

Idk, hovering would be kinda useful when farming some things


I’m glad I don’t have to see people’s gigantic and ugly abominations of mounts anymore blocking every flipping mailbox.

Now I just have to deal with ugly dragons with too much contrast.

I would, and know several people who would as well. I’m not interested in going fast, for one thing


You do what Blizzard says or else!! Hopefully they replace flying with crawling!

I wouldn’t expect Normal flying as a feature to come quickly.

Blizz has a nasty habit of moving at the speed and grace of a glacier when comes to making meaningful changes, as I suspect there are external factors at play that would actively undermine the efforts of those who created Dragonflying.

plus if you’ve played previous expansions then you’d know how much they “respect” old flying. Personally I think someone has a grudge against the old team for not coming up with something that could beat it.

Dragonflying is nice but it lacks the balance and grace regular flying has simply by having the ability to hover in the air.

Gathering is 100 times better when I can do it 3 times faster.

There has been some release from Blizz about the pathfinder requirements but we still do not know all of them. So far:

  1. max renown for all factions including cobalt assembly
  2. gold achieve on all regular and advanced dragon riding races
  3. M+ 15 three or more dungeons completed OR 6 bosses on Heroic Raid complete
  4. Loremaster of DragonFlight

We have not been told the rest yet though

Bro, we know you’re just trolling. This is the least believable thing I’ve ever seen. Either post a link or stop repeating this



I don’t hate the regular flight.
But why would I want to go back to a slower, more boring version?

When I do CoS I always think:
“With Dragonriding the trip would be 3 times faster”.

When Blizzard enables regular flight it must have the same speed as Dragonriding or very few will use those mounts

Sure looks like reasonable requirements for the average casual don’t you think?

idk, the people who actually like regular flying mostly aren’t asking for this. I don’t necessarily want to go faster. Plus the dragonriding people would be upset that their only advantage is given away to the other flying mode


I disagree. Dragonriding is too fast for me. I enjoy the slower pace where I can pay attention to the world below me and explore at my own pace. I’ve been doing pet battles in ZM today and I need to pay attention to where the battle pets are and where to land. Dragonriding would be too fast for me and I’d miss some of the battle pets. Regular flight, at the current 420% speed (and with the ability to hover), is just about right for me when it comes to things like mining/herbing and pet battles. I wouldn’t want to go above 450%.


talk about toxic. So what about those of us that can’t do dragon riding. The mechanics makes me sick and difficult to do dragon riding when I’m puking in a trash can. I guess I don’t count, or maybe you think that I am outdated. The reason I play World of Warcraft is because there really is no right way to play it. It was designed so people could find enjoyment playing many different styles. And that includes flying. After all take away regular flying and that eliminates all the flying mounts that Blizzard is trying to sell people. Let alone the flying mounts used to try and get people to buy a 5 or 12 month subscription.


But then why would anyone want to use regular flight?
Just because they don’t have to think or know how to use Vigor charges?

Dragonriding at 8xx% speed vs. regular flight at 310%.

Gathering herbs ?
With Dragonriding you gather 3 times faster.
Go to a dungeon ? It’s better if you wait for the summon

Except for people who have real physical problems that prevent them from using or fully enjoying Dragonriding I don’t understand why anyone would want to go back to regular flying.