I don’t want both types of flying available mainly because they have advantages over each other; you’ll have to use both if you want to be an optimal miner/herbalist.
Unfortunately for people that think like you, Blizzard is a business and wants to remain operating. Corporations tend to shy away from gutting their customer base without a very good reason. Not liking flying is not that reason.
They should eventually allow you to use dragonriding with your old flyer mounts. But hopefully they never reintroduce noclip-airswimming-with-infinite-hover (a.k.a. TBC flying). At most they could reintroduce it to the Dragon Isles after the release of 11.0.
I have 5 vigor and still suck at this dragon riding…oh well…such a waste of a great idea…
They said it will be on the next big patch
That it definitely is. In some instances it is TOO fast, such as when trying to maneuver in a short hop, when you can repeatedly overshoot.
Which is fine if all you’re doing is crossing a zone, but not if you are trying to do anything else.
They’ve already said it will be available later in DF I’m guessing 10.2.
It needs to be available next patch always doing dumb things making people mad both is a much better option let everyone have what they want
I would like both, just to be able to have the option. They’ve said it will be available eventually. At some point we’ll find out when. I just want to be able to afk/hover.
Blizzard doesn’t listen to the conversations on this forum. If you want to their attention, you need to walk away. End you sub and tell them in your exit survey that DR is why and then stop playing.
Arguing with the dragonriders does no good. Their new shiney is the bestest shiney and all must admire it.
For the record, I hate dragon riding with a passion. I mean the UI changes were bad and the editor was worse but Bartender fixed that for me. Then there were the changes to the crafting system that reduced non-raiding crafters into servants of the raider class. The trees are a mess but they always will be. That approach failed in Wraith, the complexity is too great to manage. But the impact is almost universal so it doesn’t feel as unfair, though some specs have been more damaged than others.
Favoring people whose playstyle is enhanced by DR over those who can’t abide it is fundamentally unfair.
It is driving me out of a pastime I have enjoyed for 18 years and I am profoundly unhappy about it but there you go. I have to settle to post holiday mailstrum, so my last day will be this week then off to do a NMS expedition and dipping my toe in ESO.
Maybe one of the youtube influencers who told us how wonderful this expansion was going to be can get Blizzard to address the issue formally.
Good luck.
Looking forward to tons of threads requesting to slow down dragon riding speeds because people cant get to rares or nodes in time.
Source? Because in apr 22 they said that there’d be no air-swimming infinite-hover flight mode in DF.
And with the greatest possible compassion, I want you to not have that ability. Not because I’m selfish but because the playerbase takes the path of least resistance and allowing noclip-airswimming-infinite hover (a.k.a. legacy flying) will trivialise the world environment.
Hopefully anyway.
So, that is why you are crying?
I hope that all flight becomes dragonriding for every expac (both past and future) as it’s
- WAY faster than normal flying
- Gives us MUCH better zones. I am absolutely loving how big the dragonflight zones are/feel as well as the vertical depth.
I Wish they would go back and redo every zone in the game like they had dragonriding in mind (wont happen, but it’d be amazing)
It was in an an interview with Ion around the time of DF launch.
You may not feel so but that is absolutely selfish. I really wish folks would stop trying to remove things because they like the new shiny better.
“No clip” doesn’t mean what folks here seem to think it does either.
No, I think that TBC flying is a mistake for the game, something the devs have grappled with from the beginning.
- They could have put Isle of Quel’danas in a flying zone but they didn’t because it would trivialise the wPVP that that place is famous for to this day.
- In WotLK they could have allowed flying in WG but didn’t. Outside WG, they watched as players evaded all the carefully sculpted terrain and pathed / placed NPCs and optimised the designed fun out of the game.
- They tried to remove flying in WoD and had to backtrack because they had nothing to replace it with. They tried experiment after experiment with Pathfinding since then.
- in legion, they watched as players literally afk / hovered over World Quests to get rewards.
- In Shadowlands they tried gating flying till after 9.1
Now that they have dragonriding, which does not allow players to afk / hover out of the way of mobs / terrain and which doesn’t allow them to air-swim in the most optimal path in the world, they have, for the first time, a reason to prevent airswimming “flying”.
Saying “let me airswim if i want to, what do you care?” is like saying " let me bot / exploit if i want to, what do you care?" This is because players will take the path of least resistance and those who don’t will implicitly be penalised.
I think removing legacy infinite-hover flying - which I call noclip airswimming because of how similar it is to noclip debug mode movement in games - for any current expac will improve wow for everyone, now that players have a faster and more engaged way of flying.
And that’s why I want all of us, including you, to not have air-swimming in the current expac, not because I’m selfish but because I think it’ll improve the game.
Your opinion is noted.
I, and I suspect a fair number of others, will strongly disagree.
NONE of the people who want legacy flying are asking for your new shiny dragon riding to be removed.
Do us the courtesy of not trying to remove something others like just because you don’t like it.
That is absolutely selfish whether you recognize it or not.