When are we getting normal flying?

They should make dragon riding the new norm. Sky swimming is boring and slow in comparison.

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I wish they’d given the finger to the PvP whiners and never done Pathfinder
 as the song says “You can’t always get what you want”.


My guess is 10.2 same as with Pathfinder but I hope sooner.

Well, hopefully both systems would be available so you could choose which one you like. and idk, the reason I personally dislike dragonriding is partly because of the physics


Not gonna change unless there’s an unsub wave like WoD, and there’s too many DR lovers to get that kind of momentum. It’s probably going to suck for the rest of us for a long time.

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Both systems should and can coexist. There is no reason that both can not be in the game.


Be a cold day in hell before blizz removes my flight form flying as it’s a staple to us druids.


Pathfinder again is a no go for me. I am waiting for them to allow reguular flying or I am not buying the expansion. I have plenty of transmog and mount farming I need to do so I damn sure do not have to play an expansion. I want to play it for sure, but I want to play it in the way I enjoy and not in the way Blizzard thinks I will enjoy. I hate dragon riding and I hated it in Guild Wars and that is all this is a Guild Wars idea borrowed.


To clarify, is this thread saying that people prefer flat non-monentum-based 310% speed flying, or that people simply want to be able to fly dragonflight-style on their older mounts?

Truth be told I can’t fathom why anyone would want to revert to the old style of flying once you’ve experienced maxed out dragonriding.

It’s faster and far more interactive. Seems like a no-brainer to me!

That’s true for me, at least. Of course, I don’t want dragonriding to be taken away from the people who like it, but I do want the option to go back to the old system


Tell that to us Druids Flight form will never be replaced not even by dragon riding which is an expansion feature only and most likely won’t be implemented in the next expansion


Sure, doesn’t hurt anyone for both options to be available, so that’s totally fair.

Just one of those things where one option seems better in every way, to me at least.

It’s like going from one primitive gaming system to another. While playing the prior version, it seems amazing. Then you play the new version, and the old one seems outdated

Flight form is a fair point, though I would think it would make sense for druids to optionally adapt to dragon riding and mimic the behavior.

Not sure whether it will continue into future expansions, but I just prefer to enjoy things while they’re available

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That’s what I prefer. 310% speed flight with the ability to hover is perfect for me.

I tried dragonriding and know how to use it, but I don’t enjoy it at all. I have all the glyphs and can regenerate vigor without having to land.


Generally speaking, I prefer the slower flight speed that original flight gives
 dragon riding is way too fast for my tastes.


Normal flying is so bad now. Dragonriding everywhere when?

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I have no interest in using “regular” flight in Dragon Isles.

What I do want is the ability to apply the appearance of existing dragons, protodrakes, pterrordaxes, and wyverns (and whatever else shares their skeletons) to the dragons we’ve got.

I’d really like to use the Uncorrupted Voidwing as my void elf with Dragonriding, but alas. These dragons aren’t hip enough.


We won’t be getting regular riding it until at least the last raid, by then node farmers won’t matter or make much farming and we have that huge gap from the last raid to the next expansion.

For you, maybe. I still vastly prefer it and want to keep it around alongside dragonriding.


do you have a plurality of taste

So much so that they sometimes go by different names.