When are we getting normal flying?

With respect, it’s not that clear. There’s a post People with Arachnophobia? which asks that an option be present to turn off spiders for those with arachnophobia and in that post, there are people who are desperately scared of open water who said that they were terrified of zones like Vash’jir. Out of a sense of misplaced compassion, should Blizzard allow people to toggle off spiders or water? Of course not. I’m all for making dragonriding more accessible but flight is a big challenge for MMOs and many MMOs have done away with it altogether, recognising how much of a hot potato it’s been for WoW to handle after its introduction in TBC.

Luckily, for “older, younger, and physically disabled individuals who have trouble with timed, rhythmic, or quick keystrokes and/or motion sickness” ground mounts, ferries and flight paths provide access to all parts of the game. If there’s a must-go area that isn’t accessible via ferries, ground mounts or flight paths, those should be added. That would be the compassionate and equitable solution.

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