People with Arachnophobia?

I had some traumatic experience when I was a kid and have developed some slight symptoms of arachnophobia since. I really enjoy playing WOW but in almost every expansion, there are always some zones filled with spiders/humanoid spiders or other kinds of arachnids. In some places (the new Uldaman dungeon, for example) they would jump right on my face. In the Black Rook Hold dungeon I think there’s even a triggered jumpscare design on that stairway. These places really creep me out and make me really uncomfortable. Sometimes I would just give up the relevant content just to avoid being in these places. I know these spiders are necessary in some sense in these places, but could some functions/options be added so that I can “turn off” these arachnids? Maybe blur their image or turn them into something else?

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I am getting excited thinking about the directions this thread will go…


Breathe… Breathe in your fears.


Already available.

Look under “closing your eyes.”


I’m not afraid of real spiders so much, but the ones in WoW have creeped the heck out of me since day one. Something about the various types in the game, the way they are animated, and the hissing sounds they make. Arachnid Quarter was and still is a horror show.

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I can’t recall what game it was but there is another game with arachnophobia mode where the spiders are made into something else. Wouldn’t hurt make them ants or like flys

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You want people to play with their eyes closed???

But yeah, certainly the amount of giant spiders in the game is a bit annoying, I have some of the worst arachnophobia ever, which sucks cause my favourite zone is Hinterlands but it has so much Shadra worshipers.
I doubt they’d ever do anything to change t though, cater to one phobia and everyone will want theirs cater to so on so forth.


Good lord. Everything in the game needs to be something else, just in case you know. (mice, snakes, heights, men, woman, …)


This probably falls under the category of you needing to alter your life to better work within the world rather than the world altering to better fit your life.


i dont particularly enjoy spiders but they are goofy enough ingame and make silly sounds so its easy to figure out its pixels in a game.

real life spiders tend to be pretty silent :wink:

it’s not an uncommon topic tho. ive read about it a bunch on here and some other games actually have mods to change spiders into other stuff.

in the same vein, fallout had mods to change cockroaches into cats and stuff.


I have pretty severe arachnophobia from running into two Florida orb weaver webs as a child and I couldn’t get them off.

I’ve never been scared of a digital spider…


you can move to china, i hear they use a censored version

I say this all the time and I’m gonna say it here too. It is going to come off insensitive. I don’t mean for it to. And I’m sorry in advance.

  1. The game cannot be designed around your phobias, or anyone else’s.
  2. People often sometimes take the term ‘phobia’ way out of context. A phobia is crippling. Is it crippling you? Is it making it so you physically cannot function in any regard? Is it making it so you, the player, are in your chair in a cold sweat completely incapable of even performing the most basic of tasks? If the answer is no, then this is not a phobia. You have a fear of spiders. It is rational. It happens. It’s okay. But it isn’t a phobia.
  3. If they brought in some kind of option to turn off things which trigger your specific issue, then they would have to do so for every other issue too, and not doing so would be outright unfair. I have an intense fear of deep water. Does that mean that zones like Vash’jr should suddenly no longer exist? No. Should I have an option to turn it off? No.

Either you can deal with the issue, or you can avoid these places some more. But asking for an option just feels unreasonable to me because of the above reasons, particularly number 3.


skyrim and into bears

The mrs. fear of spiders in the states ended with a 3ft huntsman spider in a hotel room in 92.
After that she went to war with every spider she saw as vengeance thats all you need to beat that fear the fact you are no were near hopefully of that thing lol.

where did you go the land down under? lol

My best advice?

get over it. they’re not going to blur spiders for you.

I am illogically and stupidly afraid of seaweed. you don’t see me asking for all the sea plants to be blurred out. I’m capable of recognizing that pixels aren’t real.


Yeah aussie trip for work made it vacation she left door open on the deck and it must came in that way made itself at home in corner of ceiling.
She spent a good month actively looking and murdering spiders throughout the house.
Was hilarious she was a detective tracing every web she came across.

What about kelp? Is kelp alright? I suppose you dont enjoy sushi.

You should be removed from WoW - you clearly do not realize this is all fantasy.

If anything, WoW could help your anxiety. Instead you are demanding it be censored due to your inability to cope with your mental illness.