What's your player housing wishlist?

It doesn’t matter; somehow my daughter will figure out how to store all her crap in it.

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Would that mean everyone sleeping in bunk beds, and when you log off it’s like the closing scene of The Waltons?

“Good night ma!”
“Good night Pa!”
“Goodnight BroWarrior, Famed Bane of the Banshee Queen!”

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Mine is very simple: FF14 interior is the bare minimum thats acceptable. Would I like WildStar housing, the gold standard of how to do player housing? Absolutely. Do I think its possible in a game that was not designed from the ground up with PH in mind? No.
I would like FF14 style customization all round, outside and inside, but I’ll accept just interior customization

I don’t want it be a seemingly required part of the game because I really don’t have interest in player housing in WoW nor did I have much interest in it the various other MMOs I’ve played over the years. I’m interested in my characters and how they look, but I don’t really care about where they live. I guess for most of my characters, I don’t even see them living in one spot…so, I doubt it would be an option, but I wouldn’t mind a vulpera-style wagon I could move around that maybe was, magically, a little bigger on the inside than outside that could be decorated a bit.

I am glad players that do care about player housing are getting an implementation in the game. And, I will try to make use of it, and see if I have any fun with it.

The one thing I definitely don’t want is for there to be any kind of limited slots, and I want there to be permanence if you happen to not login for a while etc. Getting e-mails from SE about FF14 estates being demolished is upsetting and frustrating when you take extended breaks (not that I have taken any breaks in WoW at all except some during Cata, but who knows in the future?).

Oh, and I want at least be able to paint walls at the very least the color I want.


I can’t list everything here as it would take me forever and I don’t have the time, but I generally want it to be highly customizable. I’m sincerely hoping for a new profession to come along like Woodworking that builds furniture and random stuff for your house, but anyways…


Take Garrisons

Remove the professions

Remove mission table elements that don’t loop back into the housing system (in other words, no gold or currency rewards unless it’s a currency specific to housing)

Keep it all cosmetic. Give us trophies, whether through random drop, achievement, or even crafting, for decorations

Let people visit random houses without needing express invitation via party invite, but also ensure house owners have the ability to deny randoms invading their space

Above all else: make it an optional thing that players can just do if they wish, do not tie any sort of power or progression unrelated to housing itself to it. If housing comes with a legendary questline it better be the biggest and most garish glowy chandelier to hang on our roof and not an actual legendary weapon or anything

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Honestly after trying the snooze fest and cash grab Palia, I am not as excited for player housing as I would have been a few years ago.

I’m tempering my expectations so I’m not disappointed when it goes live.

Hey, Blizz asked for our opinions on a not yet released feature so we’re telling them. You don’t need to read them.

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An instance!!! Do not ruin the landscape with houses everywhere!!!

The ability to paint the walls and doors, and maybe some working windows.

+1 for SWTOR. Everything from the super basic apartment to a whole freaking warship.

Stuff I want from SWTOR:

  • Interactable stuff. Not everything, but some stuff would be nice, like being able to roll dice if I acquire a set in game, turn a fireplace on and off, admire artwork, etc.
  • A variety of places to acquire said stuff. Quests, drops, rep items, etc.
  • Stuff that moves. One of my favourite things about SWTOR housing is that a lot of the NPC/pets have minor movement (pacing, turning their head, baby roombas going in circles, etc)

I know NPCs are wanted. It’s a stretch but if I could make copies of my friends that would be awesome too.

An island with a real estate office.

And a guild hall in the middle of the island.

I want the ability to take other people’s homes by force.

Could be a cool war mode feature. Set up guards for your house and let people assault each others homes.

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For it to be entirely optional and not cost a billion gold to obtain. I’m happy for you all who wanted it as I thought they weren’t going to do it for a long while but even once its added I’m fine without it. I got a player house in GW2 I don’t need two digital houses to micromanage and I got the GW2 for free so if the WoW one costs money GW2 already more appealing

I was thinkin along the same lines! I want a giant killer robot to guard the halls of mine!

-Ability to own multiple houses
-Houses purchased and owned by warband, not per character (but able to design and decorate per character, if that’s possible)
-Decor available from achievements, rare drops, and professions (update old content to drop trophies, furniture, and decor, as well)
-Highly customizable with dyeing, materials, and a large variety of themes
-New professions centered around player housing, like furniture making, new archaeology concepts, textiles, or gardening
-Guild hall spaces with decor earned from guild achievements and content (not necessarily “housing,” but a meeting space with items earned as a guild)
-Mini games like pinball, poker, rumble, hearthstone, etc, for inviting friends over and chilling
-New World or SWTOR style housing options, with anyone being able to purchase a housing space in a city, that’s instanced to them, and a points system or random selection for displaying those homes publicly
-Ways of displaying other collections like mounts and pets (even just one at a time)
-A jukebox with a music reel collection
-Fish tank for displaying fishable items
-Designable plots, where the house itself can be customized with different materials, room additions, or layout options (this one is a maybe, not a hill I’d die on, I’m actually fine with customizing cookie-cutter houses)

Do not want
-Exorbitant prices or a housing market with limited spaces available that would make purchasing housing unachievable for many (looking at you FFXIV)
-Professions, AH, bank, etc inside that would negate the need to exit the home (only logical exceptions might be cooking at a fireplace or stove, or FREE transmog with a wardrobe)
-Decor for purchase in the store
-No hooks. We should be able to freely place items within our space
-Another new currency to have to keep track of
-Player power being tied to housing in any way aside from rested XP

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That would go against WoW’s precedents of not losing anything when you go away, aside from superficial things like names. I don’t understand why FFXIV would do such a silly thing. It would totally destroy my desire to resub.

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I’m a big supporter of player houses, and have enjoyed them in UO, Star Wars: Galaxies, ESO, BDO, PSO2, and others. I hope Blizzard draws from features and lessons learned in other games when they are making this system. Here’s my personal wishlist:


  • Multiple houses per account
  • Houses tied to Warband, not character
  • The ability to build the house in most zones.
  • Custom geometry for the house and not the canned examples we have in-game already. Let players design how it looks.
  • PAINT. Color customization (after this, work on armor/gear dyes Blizzard, please)
  • Repurpose many of the old buildings with zero/non-essential NPCs as housing plots or create small housing districts. E.g. Moonbrook in Westfall, or Raven Hill in Duskwood, or many of the random buildings in Elwynn. Perhaps have a NPC default phase, and then other phases selectable for player districts
  • Player houses visible from the world. If you run by a plot/district, you see a player’s version of it from the outside. You can set that player’s house as the default, and have a selector to browse who else lives there (or a random button/ID field)
  • The area around the house/district visible from the inside (like in BDO); e.g. if you have a house in Stormwind, you can look out the window and see people running by.
  • Related to the above, give players the ability to build instanced neighborhoods with their friends. Assign the neighborhood an ID and let players save that ID as the default visible plot when they enter the zone. There can also be an option for guilds, but not tying players to guilds would be better.
  • Housing options within major cities. Let me look out onto the streets of Stormwind.
  • (If the above are not feasible, a separate instanced housing district with neighbors you can choose; integrating these into the world would be better though)
  • Housing items dropping from ALL old dungeons when scaled. Give people a reason to do all the rich old content in the game. The art assets in each dungeon should be added to the drop pool or lootable from the dungeon itself (let’s loot the whole place!)
  • Housing items can be rotated, resized, and placed anywhere within the property. Customization should be a top priority
  • Landscaping of the ground in/around the housing plot would be amazing (raise/lower terrain, etc.)
  • Housing items tied to achievements
  • Ability to show off your gear, mounts, battle pets
  • Ability to have your alts in the house as NPCs
  • Ability to play specific in-game music (garrison had that I believe)
  • Orthogonal systems specific to housing. E.g. an in-depth gardening system that produces plants that can be used to decorate your housing plot.
  • A separate teleporter to get to your house (separate hearthstone potentially) that returns you to where you were when you use it again/when you leave
  • “Teleport to friend’s house” functionality

Do not want:

  • Player power or in-game services tied to the house. Give people a reason to be in the hubs still
  • Solo player instances where you never have a chance of seeing another player
  • Exorbitant gold costs clearly designed to push WoW token purchases and keep players out of the system. Mansions as chase items might be okay, but starter homes should be accessible to all players.
  • “Refresh every 30 days or lose your house” rule to pressure people to maintain their subscription
  • Housing items in the cash shop
  • Limited number of plots that means only a small % of the player base can own a house (FFXIV, looking at you)
  • Not personally interested in new professions tied to housing
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That they will reconsider and drop the idea.