What's your player housing wishlist?

The announcement had almost no details, so anything can still happen with this. What do you want, and don’t want from this feature? For me it’s:


  • It should be a place I can invite others to. If we can’t show it off, what’s the point?
  • I want alts to be able to hang out there as NPCs.
  • I want to be able to craft items for it, and to be able to gift items to others for theirs.
  • I want my steward from Shadowlands as a housekeeper.
  • I want to be able to choose a pet or three to wander the grounds.
  • I want to have a wide variety of placement choices, not just outside or inside of Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
  • Have multiple racial styles available. Elves don’t like leather roofs and excessive spikes.

Don’t want:

  • Mines, or any major profession element. I want to leave to go to work and come home later.
  • My play to be influenced by my home. The house should be a place I build from what I do in the world. I don’t want my home affecting my dungeon or PvP performance.
  • The game to become centred on it the way garrisons did. I want a place to put my stuff, to customise, and to decorate. For the love of Elune, DO NOT OVER COMPLICATE THINGS!

Keep it simple Blizzard. PLEASE!


What you described in don’t wants is not what player housing is to begin with. That’s a Garrison. Which wasn’t player housing.

Basically what I want: SWTOR style player housing.

Instanced, hook placement, simple.

People can come visit.

Many plots to buy. With gold. Not insanely priced.

The simplicity of using existing assets and making it hook placement means we could have a plethora of decos and different plots.

Decos should come from everything: all professions, open world, dungeons, raids, Delves, PvP, etc. Old and new.

And Trading Post packs of decos.

And a vendor for basic decos.

And holiday decos.

The sources are endless and all of them can be existing assets.

Want that chandelier from Den of Mortal Delights in Black Temple? Go kill the mobs in there for it. Want that basic vase of flowers from the inn? Buy it off the vendor in the inn.

Houses should be all different types of architecture and we shouldn’t be forced into “here’s one for your faction only.” An Ashenvale house, an Elwynn house, a Boralus house, an Arathi mini castle, a Silverpine house, a Silvermoon house, a Mulgore house, etc.

Locations and assets for each already exist. Resuse those things!


Too little too late … they should have leaned on it after Garrisons … another feature only 5% of the population wants or cares about. DOA imo.


It’s cute how wrong you are. LOL


Yes, and that’s my one big fear, is that what happened to Garrisons will happen to housing. You must admit, Blizzard is really bad at making things simple and uncomplicated. They take a good concept and keep adding onto it until it’s a complicated mess.


You’re not wrong. But even they said Garrisons weren’t player housing. So hopefully they do have a clue. lol

I wouldn’t mind bringing a few things from the garrison back home. The jukebox for one.


i got one item on my wishlist:

-dont let it be a shop bait.

keep it wholesome.


Yeah. This game doesn’t need this stuff in the cash shop. Trading Post? Okay. But not the cash shop. Nor should it be insanely expensive to buy houses for gold. Expensive? Sure. But not millions upon millions. Let the casuals have their fun.


My want is polar opposite to at least one other post in this topic.

If the house is just cosmetic and offers no benefit to my character then what’s the point? If you want just a house to decorate and roleplay in there’s and entire game specific to that … the sims.

Trophies and other rewards you can display should grant buffs. Rested xp should accrue fastest at home, maybe have a mailbox at your house , have a workbench for crafting you do things at the workbench it’s don’t 10% faster or whatever.

The point- must have benefits or it’s a huge waste of time.

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in response, a video game itself is a waste of time.

How you want to waste it should be the question, and it is here.

MANY. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaany people. want to waste it exactly this way.


I can’t fight for the survival of Azeroth in The Sims, unless there’s an expansion my kid isn’t telling me about.


killable gnome target dummies

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This tells me you’ve never played an MMORPG with housing. Because player housing isn’t the Sims.

Housing is cosmetic collections. Kind of like transmog.

I recommend checking out ESO, Wildstar, SWTOR and even Rift videos of housing. Palia has good housing, but that game is based off of it, so it’s way too intricate for WoW.


All I want is a little fantasy computer with a little fantasy webcam for business meetings :smiley:

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Oh my god yes


I have many wishes but I would like, at least, these things :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :

  • Intanced house like WoD garrions
  • A toy or a hearthstone to go or come back in our house
  • No limit to keep our house in the time
  • Many houses in the world of Azeroth
  • Put some npcs in our houses
  • Invite some minors npcs in our houses
  • Customize our houses with ncps and decorations
  • Be able to change the music in our houses like WoD garrions
  • No limited houses in a city or in an area
  • For hunters: put our pets in our houses. For warlocks: put our demons in our houses

Get a house in these locations:

  • Elwynn Forest (human architecture style)
  • Durotar (orc architecture style)
  • Ashenvale (night elf architecture style)
  • Eversong Woods (blood elf architecture style)
  • Dun Morogh (dwarf architecture style)
  • Tirisfal Glades (forsaken architecture style)
  • Gilneas (worgen architecture style)
  • Feralas (mix between “hunter”/highborne/night elf architecture style)
  • The Hinterlands (wildhammer dwarf architecture style)
  • Eastern Plaguelands (“creepy” architecture style)
  • Stranglethorn Vale (jungle troll architecture style)
  • Duskwood (haunted architecture style)
  • Winterspring (“Arctic” architecture style => like Everlook)
  • Azuremyst Isle (draenei architecture style)
  • Moonglade (druidic architecture style)
  • Mulgore (tauren architecture style)
  • Grizzly Hills (“Grizzly Hills” architecture style)
  • Sholazar Basin (“Sholazar Basin” architecture style)
  • Crystalsong Forest (“Sholazar Basin” architecture style)
  • Borean Tundra (tuskarr architecture style)
  • Valley of the Four Winds (pandaren farmer architecture style)
  • The Jade Forest (pandaren/mogu empire architecture style)
  • Kun-Lai Summit (mogu empire architecture style)
  • Val’sharah (druid architecture style => like the Dreamgrove)
  • Stormheim (vrykul architecture style)
  • Suramar (nightborne architecture style)
  • Highmountain (highmountain tauren architecture style)
  • Tiragarde Sound (kul tiran architecture style)
  • Drustvar (“creepy” architecture style)
  • Zuldazar (zandalari architecture style)
  • Vol’dun (vulpera architecture style)
  • Ohn’ahran Plains (centaur architecture style)
  • Azure Span (tuskarr architecture style)
  • Isle of Dorn (earthen architecture style)

And many other things you can find here :dracthyr_yay_animated: :


I’ve played many. SWTOR wildstar new world … they all provided a buff or benefit to housing.

Also learn sarcasm the sims remark was clearly that.

I think faster restoration of rested XP would be a reasonable buff for a home. It makes sense that you’d relax more there than just being in a city.


I don’t want hooks because I don’t need guidance on where to put my stuff, just let me drop it all on the ground if I want like a hoarder, or optionally arrange it nicely. ESO pulls this off perfectly well. Hooks are for babies. They’re outdated and too restrictive.

Obviously some items are wall items like paintings, but most stuff I can just throw on the ground and put it where I want. You don’t need hooks to decide if thunderfury is going on the ground or on the wall.

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