What's your honest thoughts on Dragonflight 1 month in?

Very good and enjoyable expansion, though it’s been horrendously difficult trying to decide on a main.

It is good if you pvp, otherwise no. Everything beside solo shuffle is terribe

It’s better than Shadowlands, but I don’t feel any real interest or attachment to anyone or anything happening in it. I’m completely indifferent to the dragon story, the centaur stuff is boring as watching paint dry, I’m still working through the Tuskarr stuff, but after hitting 70 questing feels pointless like it always has. I just don’t really care much about anything going on quest/story wise like I did in past expansions.

I like dragonriding, but it needs work…and to not just be a one-off novelty that only works in specific areas. It also feels terrible to get a new mount in the game right now that doesn’t do it.

The events like Hunts and making soup are interesting but so chaotic that it feels like you’re working against everyone around you rather than with them. The game needs these things badly, but it also badly needs these things to be better than this.

So far, I guess it’s fine. If you love WoW it’s more of that. If you left, it’s hard to come back to and doesn’t really offer anything that sucks you back in. I doubt I’ll actually sub to keep playing after the free month expires.

And my server cluster is virtually dead after Shadowlands, people either didn’t return for this or stick around if they did. It feels like most of the people I’ve run into are just trying things out like I am, and aren’t really invested in anything either. I’m only even posting because I logged in to play and just closed out after looking at my character screen, and it has only been two weeks.


I have about 2 weeks left and still dont even login. Legion, bfa, and shadowlands at least kept me around. In truth i dont even want to know how the story finishes up

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I’m digging it, it’s great so far. The happy-happy joy-joy feels a little out of place, but hey; the world’s been under constant bombardment of blegh by baddies for years, the population is probably very sick of war right now and looking for any and all flowers to stop and smell. I can get behind that, my character’s kind of sick of being paraded in front of the big-bads as a champion at this point; Fas is on holiday in the Dragon Isles and does acts of charity now and then for the locals.

Hate archeology got the shaft. Love dragon riding, climbing, Tuskar children, and arguments of why Wrathion or Sabellian should lead the Black Flight.

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I hardly log on. :frowning:


Had promise, wasn’t finished on release, and didn’t deliver on the promise.

I’d give it a C. I don’t regret buying it, but I’m already unsubbed and haven’t logged in for a few weeks outside of a few minutes to open presents for this years Winter Veil. This is the fastest I’ve noped out of an expansion… ever?

One thing a lot of folks don’t mention about the past few expansions is how much scaling has impacted the game. Personally, while there are benefits, I’m not a huge fan: especially outside of Chromie Time. Having optional scaling is one thing, having mandatory scaling that’s both levels and equipment ruins the sense of progression an MMO should have.

And that doesn’t even touch how many bugs have come about due to scaling that have poorly affixed bandaids. The original WoD scaling fix necessitated “legacy mode” for raids, since the devs didn’t re-scale bosses in old content. It also made a lot of old content uneven in terms of difficulty.

Then the subsequent level re-scaling further messed things up.

One of the things WoW has always had is a huge world full of stuff you can go do if you don’t like the current content, and scaling has… largely ruined that, at least for me. This is especially apparent in old raids / old dungeons that are largely completely broken, and unlikely to ever get any real attention from the devs.


I saw renown locks to move it along and said…yeah, no. You all called me up to save the world is my angle here. I am here. let me…save the world.

they need another mechanism to keep the MAU’s up. you must prove yourself worthy is not making sense at this point. we killed the dude who could finger snap out of existence the evil villain we now face. and the villain they work for since we know that always comes.

PVP changes were nice but…not holding strong interest. Another game where pvp is core to it is reeling me back in.

it was nights where random picker kept giving me WG and AV. I just wanted a nice ashran or even ioc. I get enough WG and AV in classic. and the classic 120 on 120 WG is better lol.

No regret or buyers remorse on the expac buy. I got my 1 dollar an hour to use that informal game enjoyment rule met. but yeah…eve has me interested enough I even woke up a 2nd account. with the cyno alts now online, the range of mischief to be had expands lol.


I’m enjoying it, taking it really slow. If I’m not doing quest chains I haven’t finished, or even found yet, I can never have enough herbs. The open world is beautiful and fun to explore.

I’m gonna admit, I was a dragon flying naysayer before the expansion. I was there in WoD and the flying debacle erased all respect for Ion. That led me to negative thoughts about his “flight at first, but this way” replacement.

I was wrong, credit where due Ion, dragon flying reinvented the way I interact with the world. It’s like getting flight in BC for the first time, AGAIN!

Yes, I want my mount collection to be usable again. In some situations, flight form would be more efficient. But for distance, I want my dragon in all the old expansions as well.

It’s good, professions are interesting… and we have been asking for things to be challenging. Wish granted for alchemists… BOOM

Most fun I’ve had in this game in a long time, and I’ve played on and off since vanilla.

I leveled all classes and basically just do dungeons on my favorite ones, and some professions. I’ll probably quit in a few weeks when I’m tired of how much effort it is to get into M0/M+ dungeons.

Good to not have imbalanced borrowed power systems and Choreghast.

Dragonflying is good, don’t put in regular flying. Put in accessibility features or something for the people who say they get motion sick.

Need more class balancing; a few are significantly OP and UP, needing 5-10% nerf/buff. I don’t consider holidays an acceptable excuse in a subscription game to not make simple numerical changes.

New talent system is a major improvement but some talent trees feel really bad and STILL have bugs.

All the rep events get old FAST and laggy AF and I have to go to external website to see when some are happening (and I can’t get the weekly ones done on all my characters). Rep grind sucks, but maybe okay if it was account-wide.

Primal storm events are also trash gameplay and over-rewarding.

World quest/event rewards should not scale with your ilvl; there is no reason someone else who does the same thing as me should get a better reward than me. They should never give better gear than normal dungeon because they are easier content (unless there is a carry in the dungeon, more on this later) – especially the bosses because all you have to is tag them and 20 other people will do the work.

It’s great that you can craft 343 gear for almost every slot; and Titan Training Matrix is a great concept but it should increase material cost of the recipe. Profession knowledge grind sucks, and it sucks it unlocked early before you understand how it works; many regrets. Work order system needs improvements, especially min quality for public work orders.

The Normal/Heroic dungeon experience swings enormously because of overgeared people queuing (most commonly overgeared tank queues because of role reward, but any role overgeared 30 ilvls ruins the gameplay for everyone else). Need to scale player ilvl down to like 346/359 respectively (I’d say lower but it would feel bad if the gear you get from a dungeon doesn’t make you more powerful in that dungeon). Timewalking dungeon scaling is currently a bit off, but that consistent not-so-easy-you-can-ignore-mechanics experience is how all dungeons should be.

Mythics and M+ are still too much effort to get into, partially because the group finder UI is still bad. M0 lockout still? Why? M+ still not rewarding enough; valor system isn’t good enough. Still hate M+ timer and affixes.

Dungeon bosses need major tuning. People mostly complain about a few that are overtuned in M+, so I will instead complain about a few bosses which are comically undertuned in Normal/Heroic (not enough experience to speak for higher difficulties).
I’ll make a thread about this when I feel like it.

  • Algeth’ar Academy – Crawth (no need to score goals, don’t die when knocked off)
  • Brackenhide Hollow – Gutshot (hyenas die too easily so they never do a threatening amount of damage)
  • Halls of Infusion – Watcher Irideus (does not do enough damage even if you completely fail the mechanics)

Also tank ability to solo (or tank+healer kill) most bosses when the rest of the group is dead is dumb.

Still not interested in spending hours in a raid for a slim chance at gear, especially on group loot.

Tier set bonuses are still a garbage concept (mostly because of the RNG to get them, even if there’s a deterministic catch-up); tier sets should only be a cosmetically matching set of gear. Set bonuses for the primal storm gear are okay because of how you acquire them, but it doesn’t make sense for those items to have the same stats AND set bonuses as something of the same ilvl.

Still hate the Great Vault system (just give us more gear from the content).

My understanding of how gear scales for pvp is that I’m like 50 ilvls behind anyone with even the worst pvp gear; if I can’t casually hop into pvp without being at a numerical disadvantage, I won’t waste my time on it.

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Honestly,Bro and I are loving it, he is hard to please,yet he’s trying.

Its definitely got its issues but its hard to not look at it in a positive light after the last 2 expansions

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Loving the expansion. I’m so far behind everyone I know and couldn’t care less. Having fun and using alts I haven’t touched in a long time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Its good, kinda getting bored already tho

Still love it.

The biggest issue is the renown grind, and the stores. Mindlessly grinding mobs has never been fun.

It has me more involved and wanting to log in more than any of the last 4 expansions did if that’s saying something

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Unfortunately, it has me thinking players like me are not wanted or welcome anymore in WoW. Which, is fine. Not every game is for everyone. But I am sad since I was really excited about this expansion. I really do enjoy the dragon riding, but that’s pretty much the only thing. Constantly dying to open world mobs no matter the class from level 65 until who knows what magical item level you need to not be killed in 2-3 hits by open world mobs is just not for me. Leveling alts is so painful I can’t even, and leveling and doing WQs has been my fun in WoW for many years. But now it’s just constant frustration. Oh well. I’m glad everyone else is having fun. That’s how it goes.