What's your highest level death?

I will definitely remember that area on this toon. I am going agane.

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my highest was 18 night elf hunter, i saw on track only 1 spider and when i zoomed in to get it (darkshire), all of a sudden 5 other mobs came from no where and i got poison dotted (at that time wish i was a dwarf) but I bounced back out of harms way, fired off my healing pot (poison ticking - to block bandages) and i made it out to deaggro the mobs (pet didnt even die) and the poison ticked - plop dead in the water/bank of westfall

side note, got a troll hunter that is level 30 and it seems hes in god mode, nothing in level range can even come close to killin him - toot - toot my own horn lol

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Mine was in STV on my 42 priest, as well. Had been clearing quests like crazy and really feeling like nothing could touch me. Zanzil proved me so wrong.

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I havenā€™t died yet, but my highest toon is 40 right now

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Level 10 Alliance Warlock. I knew that the Harvest Golemā€™s couldnā€™t be taunted, but somehow at that moment it slipped my mind and I still sent the VW in on one. RIP-arooni

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Havenā€™t died yet

WIll update comment when dead.

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The nets. THE NETS!


My highest death was just pathetic.

It was on my level 24 paladin. I drowned in the Wetlands because I fell asleep.

It wasnā€™t late at night, only around 8pm or so. The water wasnā€™t even that deep water; barely over my girlā€™s head.

I just fell asleep and drowned in what was basically a puddle. Pathetic.



Making myself log off when I start to nod is soooo difficult.


I lost a 30 to drowning in Hillsbrad. I hadnā€™t been paying attention to my potion running out and for some reason had the flash on low health turned off. Fighting away, killing murlocs and bam try again. I felt so ridiculous.


Not in Hardcore, but if it makes you feel better Iā€™ve drowned as a Warlock for the same reasonsā€¦more than once over the years.

Iā€™m so paranoid about it now, I pretty much spam cast Unending breath anytime Iā€™m even near any water.


My level 20 paladin died by drowning swimming out to the westfall lighthouse. It was a 30 second swim to the lighthouse. During the swim i was just under water for a couple of seconds. I got on land and noticed my breath health bar was still up instead of disappearing. I knew then i disconnected. I disconnected and saw my internet had disconnected. That was literally the only memory i have of ever disconnecting from the game. That was painful.


I hadnā€™t done any aoe leveling on regular servers prior to this, so Iā€™m double crazy. I did watch some videos and do a bit of research. But other than thatā€¦trial and error. Yupā€¦


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On my 4th rogue now,

First death - pulling elite mobs near SFK without vanish, pulled 3 elites, got dazed, died @l20

Okā€¦ I knowā€¦ Iā€™ll go be smarter and have vanish, be a few levels higher when soloing elites. Didnā€™t learn, pulled the l26 elite harpy in stone talon mts at l29, Got overrun by respawns, dotted by the bleed and dead

Todayā€¦ l19 rogue, decides to go to west fall for a Defias rogue mask. Gets the drop, rather than doing the wise thing of hearthing out I go wandering around for some dumb reason. Aggro 3 x l18 mobs with 2 mages in mob group (still no vanish) , get too close to the beach in west fall and pull murloc hunters that spam trap me to deathā€¦.

4th rogue is still alive


Level 8. I was leveling a bank alt that I wanted to have skinning and a lv9 bear own him.

My main is 42 and still kicking and have 3 alts to level with rest bar at 22-26

  1. Was going through the harpy cave in Thousand Needles. The quest mob had 3 adds with her. The plan was to go HAM on her while my stoneclaw held the adds, loot, drop an earthbind, and bail. I engage, mob died, I looted and started to book it. While running out, all the trash I cleared not 5 minutes prior hyperspawned at the same time. Made it out of the cave only to drop off and take just enough fall damage to kill me. The log said I took only 20 more damage than I had health.

They donā€™t play in there.


Level 60, one of the other DPS pulled extra mobs at a dungeon boss.


So far it was a level 9 priest. I was totally goofing off and that little gnome that said he will cut me sure did.

My highest level is now 37.

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