What's your highest level death?

Mine, 42. Totally my own fault.

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Four characters at Level 16 – zero deaths so far.

However, tonight is “Skull Rock” night.


I almost died today on the winding staircase on my highest level toon there in HC trying to help a friend. It’s in that tower in Elwynn forest. That winding staircase. That was my close call… actual highest ever death…15 on my pally. Cuz my friend I was pocket healing got the bright idea to pull a bunch of murlocs on the beach.

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49 to internet issue.


That has to smart. Dang.


11 Paladin. Was grouped with some friends and we got a bit too big for our britches and took the fight to the Defias in the mine.

Not our brightest day.

Still my only death so far.

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Are you even capable of not being rude to anyone and everyone you come across?

Robo is 10x the player that you are and is a cool guy too.

Same and I felt awful because we almost made it.
My wife’s character (warrior) died but I (paladin) lived. Well at least to finish the fight.
I deleted since I didn’t want to play that class solo (and let’s be real I don’t want her unhappy).
We made it to 29.

I was expressing empathy and I’m pretty sure you don’t need to white knight here.
Y’all need some help if an “F in the chat” is trolling.


Have lost a 23 mage and a 32 mage so far. 32 is my highest. Granted, I was aoe leveling so it was kind of expected at some point.

I have a 22 druid but that got kinda stale.

I was doing well, but my headset ear pad came off during the middle of a pull, there was someone trying to invite me to a group, and I just lost focus. :cry:

Ah well

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Funny because my wife’s character (mage) lived. And our rogue friend.

So I rolled a priest to level with her and we all rerolled Nelfs to play together.


I love mage and aoe leveling but on Era. You’re a braver man than I to do that hardcore.

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Dude, don’t jinx me. Now I’m worried that is going to happen to me. I worry from dying to d/c so much that it has actually become a phobia of mine as I d/ced once on my pally that I currently have… and was so lucky that my friend was there to fight off the mobs for me. A farm in Westfall.


it’s alright. we knew the risks.

i’ve been having a bit of an identity crisis anyway - what will I do if i hit 60?

the loss does not hurt. while not how i wanted to go, it beats getting eaten by a devilsaur.


The wife is a LW on her hunter.
Already talking about going to Un’goro asap.
I am concerned.


You told us that your Hardcorpse pallie died at lvl 60.

46, I got tppk’d

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Level 16 warlock.

Protip: don’t level weapons skills while you’re on the phone with your wife.

Pro-protip: don’t sit there and watch your toon die when you have a 'lock cookie, health pot, blueberry sac just sitting there unused.


Were you dueling or mc’d?

Either way
Going out 40+ sounds rough to me, man. Dang.

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…no. I said I made it to 60, I said I have one pally who is 60 and one who died on the way to 60. There are only 3 pallies on our server who level up the way that I do. Holy spec in cloth gear. All others go ret. 3 of us. And that is it. I actually told you that when on 60 I try to stay parked in SW. I don’t take any chances. I made a pally to 60 and another on its way to 60 died. But the 60 did not die. You die at level 60, then be you man or woman of any age…its raging time. I’d go full on hulk mode if I died at level 60 in HC. If I said I died at 60, which I highly doubt, it was to say that my pally I had before died and I made a new pally exact same name that did succeed.

Horde has US and TB elevators to worry about so even at 60 you are not safe in two of your capital cities. All Ally has is the gater thing in SW and that only killed me in reg WoW Classic. I make sure to never fall in now. And a high level toon doesn’t even need to worry about it. Arent you the one who kept asking if I was male or female irl and I didn’t answer, or was that someone else…

So, hit us with a post from your lvl 60 Hardcorpse pallie.

Oh, wait, you can’t because it never existed.