What's your highest level death?

I have 0 60s who have died. I feel fragile at level 60 in HC. When leveling to 60, you have everything to gain. When you are 60, you have everything to lose, nothing to lose. Unless you play with friends who can get your back during a d/c. I have made a lot of paladins. Hard to follow for you? I had one that died while pocket healing a friend to murlocs, one that died at Princess while I was afk, one that made it, two that are currently leveling.

10 hunter
10 warrior


I am doing warrior now. Tried it naked challenge as I have seen so many others do… had to put gear on at level 8. Fury is what I play in retail. I have zero warriors of any level in any other version of WoW except for here on HC and then again on retail. And @ Glinda who thinks they know a warrior. About my other post I made… it was 3,190 rating Illidan and BG9 Cata S11, the Frost server there.

How would you know?

You’ve never leveled to 60 in Hardcorpse.


No, it wasn’t.

Lucky for me, I have screenshots…watermaked screenshots so you cant take them and say it is yours…also…view me in PTR then I can copy a toon over. I will even allow you to bask in my glory and grovel at my feet…my warrior was. It used to be in CTA guild before it got bought out by a player, I called him out on it in guild chat so he disbanded the guild.

He quit. Player named Russianpower took his place and does a much better job. Stragnecloud runs the ITC group of guilds now. He does many RBGs on them. Ally side. The other guy runs his Horde side.

You are by far the most annoying troll on these entire forums. Out of every single one of them that is on here. You keep following me around, post to post to try and refute me. And what happened last time I did post on my max level toon here to show to you? You said. “Don’t get your friends to post for you”. You’ll do it again so there is no point.

So, post on them here.

Oh, wait, you can’t because they don’t exist and/or the dog ate your homework.

That’s demonstrably false.


Hey, what server was it you said our Classic lvl 60 toons were both on?

What does this nonsense have to do with hardcore and mourning our dead?
You’re disrespecting the OP.
So am I but I’m sorry this wholesome thread is being derailed.

Hail the victorious dead.
Why victorious? Because we go again.


You are a man in his 60s and yet this is how you act…

Put a sock in it, Ivanka.

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I feel like I am Mission Vao arguing with Carth Onasi. If both were much older, but still. One day, you will turn into a nice person here and then people will actually like you.

Wanna know a really depressing fact? You’ve been posting on that toon for years, sometimes your post count glitches but yea…if you spent all that time in game instead…you would be talking to me on an R14 with full Earthshaker gear. You’d also be 60 in HC now too.


I’m a man in my 60s.

Another birthday coming up on Halloween.

Which server did you say we were on when you awed me with your non-existent pallie?

The other poster is a guy in their 60s. They have my respect for showing their real face and proving who they are. Could be in 50s though. They did not deny the claim of me saying 60s. But If you too are a man in their 60s… then that means that this entire time it has been banter from a catfish pretending to be a woman. eerie and unethical. Cannot be associated with you anymore. Will humor you no more. Thats why every offer to see my toons in game was rejected, but you showed much more interest in seeing posts of my toons on my Instagram. So na…not linking that. Calling me and other people babe and hun here on the forums went from a cute little gnome being silly to just downright creepy. Asma is not infatuated with me the way you are, they earned my respect. All you ever have is female toons on Classic, yet are man in their 60s trying to get my info. Well… now I know what you’re all about. Muted.

I literally lost a level 15 paladin when I could have survived by just using a health potion when I had several. I just kept running away and watching by health drain to zero. My reaction was poor when danger arrived.


I’ve lost a 44 priest, and a 40 warrior so far. Both my own fault. Priest died trying to solo the elite giant in STV, warrior embarrassingly died farming mount money while in the deadmines. Thought I could pull the goblin in the foundry without the rest due to my level. I was very wrong.

I will say the biggest killer in HC is not any specific mob. It’s getting cocky that will get you killed. My priest had just solo’d the pirate ships and I was riding that wave thinking I was invincible. The warrior had just solo cleared SFK and I was like, “what other instances can I farm?”.

Don’t get cocky.


X for doubt.

39, Forgot about the Goblin Miners you need the crystals from. They love to daze. Plus stealthed panthers in the area in STV…not to mention some of those gobbos have mechanical pets.


Mechanical pets which are, just for good measure, taunt immune. I really be careful around that area since the VW is all but useless for picking those up.

I have seen a number of players on the deathlog go down to those mechanicals.

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I don’t think holy pally leveling is all that uncommon. My classic pallies are always (even in HC) holy from 10 on, although maybe you were alluding to the cloth gear restriction. I’ve never done or seen that.