What's Your Character's Backstory?

Luxuria is a Katy Perry fan.

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Zimos was a Farraki Troll, who was one day ambushed by ‘Goes into Abridged Goblin Slayer voice.’ FILTHY HUMAAAAAAAAAAAANS who wounded him and left him for dead.
He was found and healed by a passing Pandaren. Zimos then decided to learn the ways of his savior and was accepted into the Temple. Upon successfully becoming a monk he headed to Orgrimmar to Swear Fealty to the Horde and by extension the Darkspear.

To this Day, Zimos still carries his hatred of the Human Colonizers (Except Khadgar, who Zimos Respects.), but puts his hatred aside to keep Azeroth safe.

Edit: For those wondering about the name, I tried coming up with a Troll like name, couldn’t come up with anything, thought of other names, looked at Saints Row and went “Zimos will be taken already.” only to be surprised it wasn’t. So yeah, he’s named after a Character from Saints Row The Third. Blizzard really needs to let us use apostrophes in our names.

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Gentlebreeze is the second oldest of 7, and twin to Palemoon. Their parents were killed by centaur in the Barrens when she was ten. The oldest, Morningdove, took care of her sisters until they were old enough. The family consists of Morningdove, Gentlebreeze, Palemoon, Kirigani, Winterdawn, Cloudrunner and Twobears. They have cousins Sunrunner, Sunfire & Torrent.

Breeze is the diplomat of the family, spending time among leaders and dignitaries of the races of the Horde and other factions. She is a gifted healer but has no qualms using her other druidic forms. She is cheerful and kind, but don’t make her angry. She’s a force with which to be reckoned.


Nili was a novice Anchorite who was taken by the Orcs during the fall of Shattrath, tortured on the Aldor rise, stabbed in the gut and tossed off the edge. The bodies below had piled high enough by that point that they broke her fall.

By the time she got to Azeroth she was disillusioned by the Light and couldn’t stand to be around other Draenei so she wandered off and took up work as a Goblin bruiser with an unattended gun she looted off the orcs on her way to the Exodar back on Draenor. Eventually she stumbled into being the captain of her own ship that did…“naval-based treasure hunting”.



Army of The Light warframe operator and arcanist trained from birth to destroy demons by any means necessary.

She’s kind of bewildered as to why the army of light has chosen to loiter on this backwater world when there’s a galaxy of demons yet to be incinerated in arcane fire.

Just press-gang Velen and his rag-tag surviors into service and let the battle continue.

My mother was a lowly intern trying her best to get noticed. Her supervisor told her come up to my office, we have a special assignment for you. They called it the Cosby Suite.

9 months later, I emerged from the void, bathed in the light.

My mother cast me out, called me abomination, but I vowed to always fight for the light.

Fellinator the Paladin was born

I’m a leper, thats a mechagnome, and a death knight. Think my story is obvious

I am Robocop.


Dracen, aka Dracenistel, is the 9th experiment of the SR series created in the underground laboratory of Aberrus.

I see, so that’s why you leave your midriff uncovered…

For all that navel-based treasure hunting :smiley:


I play a DK. His backstory: He died.

I logged in for the first time in vanilla on the day of release and said “shaman sounds cool” and I was right.

“The mystery man from nobody knows, even the ABI (Azeroth Bureau of Investigation) doesn’t know what to call him”.

Mixing IPs is TIGHT

Catspurrs doesn’t remember much before waking up undead. However, he found that he had a love for cats. They made him feel comforted in his new life. A life, which was what? To be undead? Forever? A heavy heart burdened him.

He traveled with his cat companion, Babis, throughout the world. Looking for a purpose. Anything that would remind him of who he was. He happened upon a herbalism trainer one day and took up an apprenticeship with them. The variety of herbs that were found delighted him. Gaining new knowledge, Catspurrs was able to trade his herbs for gold. Soon after, he picked up a mining apprenticeship. The work was hard, but enjoyable. However, something was still missing. As distracting as the work was to his mind, he couldn’t completely shut out the part of him that yearned for something more. This life wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough. Again, a heavy heart burdened him.

While on his travels, he happened upon a board in a major city. It was a call to arms. Confused by the posting, he ripped it from the board. A war? Azeroth was in trouble? The sudden realization flooded over him. Azeroth was in trouble. It had been in trouble for some time. How did he know this? Sitting down, Babis curled into his bony lap, he began to read the post further.

‘The sword of Sargeras was plunged into Azeroth herself. Our home is still scarred years later! We call upon the citizens of the Horde to fight for her!’

What could he do? He was a simple gatherer. Folding up the paper, Catspurrs put it in his backpack. Petting his cat companion, he began to feel disheartened. His home was slowly dying and he’d forgotten about it. Maybe though. Maybe this is what he’d been waiting for. He gently nudged the cat from his lap and went to answer the call.

The horde had sent him to a far off land, the Dragon Isles. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine such a place. He trained many years as a warrior, choosing the sword and shield felt somewhat familiar to him. Fighting many battles, making friends along the way. He was finally happy with his life. The purpose! He had found it! The strength flowed through him. Finally, he could protect Azeroth. However, facing Fyrakk, he gave the ultimate sacrifice and died from wounds he had suffered in battle.

A voice called out to him. A voice? From where? His eyes opened. There, stood before him, was the Lich King. He had been resurrected as a death knight to continue his journey. The blood spec called to him, he answered. Returning to the Dragon Isles, he finally defeated Fyrakk. Catspurrs had overcome a great enemy and continued his training, growing stronger with each battle.

Then, there was a call to help out the people on Khaz Algar. Wasting no time, he made his way to the newly discovered continent. While prepping for the next great battle, the death knight returned to a pastime; herbing and mining. After a long day of farming, he heard a gentle meow in the distance. It was bittersweet. He’d lost his cat companion when he died and was reborn. Looking up, he recognized the tabby coat that graced the beautiful cat. It was his cat! Walking over to the cat, he scooped up the small creature into his arms. Purrs emanated from the small body. The last missing piece in his life had finally arrived. Looking up at the blue sky, he smiled. All was right with the world again.


my character has no backstory because he thinks it’s cringe xD

"Down from the North like an icy wind,
swept Odyn’s bold Warrior breed.
With broad axe and spear, they followed a star,
adventure and glory their need.

They conquered the seas in their dragon ships.
fought bravely in many a land.
For Valkyrie maids, ride down for the man.
who dies with a sword in his hand…"

I can’t understand what the guy says in the very last line of that song to save my life, been trying for 65 years to find out. Guess I’ll die never knowing.

A shaman Zamorak

I’m boring. This is just a friendly little fox thing that likes and is competent with magic. She not terribly unlike other vulpera that made the trip to Orgrimmar. She likes helping. That’s really it.

How many unions has she busted? :smiley:

(Because Kiro’s portion of the Vulpera unlock questline involves stopping Horde Peons from unionizing lol)

'Swarf, the Stalwart Defender of Ironforge

In the heart of the snowy peaks of Khaz Modan, within the mighty city of Ironforge, a young dwarf named Swarf was born. Swarf hailed from a long line of warriors, each more formidable than the last. His family had always been staunch defenders of the Alliance, known for their bravery and unyielding spirit.

From a young age, Swarf was fascinated by tales of heroism and valor. He spent countless hours in the Hall of Explorers, listening to the stories of great battles and legendary warriors. Inspired by these tales, Swarf dedicated himself to mastering the art of combat. Under the tutelage of seasoned veterans, he honed his skills, becoming a formidable warrior in his own right.

Swarf’s true test came during the invasion of Ironforge by the Frostmane trolls. With his home under threat, Swarf fought with unmatched ferocity, wielding a massive two-handed hammer that crushed his enemies with every swing. His bravery and skill turned the tide of battle, earning him the respect and admiration of his fellow dwarves.

After the invasion, Swarf was appointed as a captain in the Ironforge Guard. He led numerous expeditions into the treacherous depths of Blackrock Mountain, battling various threats that lurked in the shadows. His courage and leadership became legendary, and he was known as the Stalwart Defender of Ironforge.

But Swarf’s adventures were not undertaken alone. By his side was his beloved pig mount, Hogrus. This sturdy pig, with a heart as big as Swarf’s courage, was a gift from the Wildhammer dwarves. Hogrus was more than just a mount; he was a loyal companion and a source of great comfort. Together, Swarf and Hogrus charged into battle, their bond unbreakable.

Despite his many victories, Swarf remained humble and dedicated to his duty. He continued to train new generations of warriors, passing on his knowledge and experience. To this day, Swarf’s name is spoken with reverence in the halls of Ironforge, a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the dwarven people, and Hogrus is remembered as the steadfast companion who stood by his side through every trial.’