What's Your Character's Backstory?

Luxuria was born as Luura, the daughter of a couple of Draenei who were faithful in the Light. Like all Draenei, she was raised to hate Demons and Fel Magic.

But one day she saw an Alliance Warlock summoning a Succubus and she thought that was hot. With no rational thought involved, Luura decided to become a Warlock.

She would take frequent travels to Stormwind, telling her parents that she was going to pray in the Cathedral, but she never even saw the inside of the Cathedral in her life. She just sneaked inside Lion’s Pride Inn to learn Warlock Magic in the basement.

But one day she Warlocked too hard… The Fel Magic saturated her body and she became a Demon! She panicked :scream:

Luura decided to take upon the Demonic name of Luxuria and live the rest of her days in hiding.

Conveniently that was the same day that the Draenei accepted the Man’ari Eredar into their society so changing her name was completely useless but she had already paid the gold to legally change her name so that was that.

Also no hiding was necessary, but her parents were super disappointed.

The end :smiley:


Faezwrystsyn went on a drunken bender one night in Limsa Lominsa.
Somehow got press-ganged abroad a ship and washed up in Boralus.

Another bender later, wound up as a Death Knight. After some extremely fortified drinking to counteract a mild case of undeath, got stuck collecting Bronze for the infinite dragonflight in Pandaria.

Currently prowling the interwebs for the fabled Gargle Blaster which will somehow get him back to Vylbrand.

… not entirely sure if he stood up Merlwyb or had a good time that night. Probably has still owes Baderon for whatever beverage (or several dozen) started this wild journey in the first place.


The Warcraft version of Brakkarion was pretty simple.

He was a Dracthyr so obviously things were limited to how he could start, but in his case he was a Talon of the Ebon Scales, not a full evoker but a Devastator that specialized in the Red-aspected spells.

The events of Dragonflight happened and instead of following Sarkareth and the Sundered Flame upon being awoken from stasis, he took to pursuing his own freedom and all that he could do with it.

So he became a mercenary, started to sort out the various customs of the natives of Kalimdor and carved out a place of his own, complete with all the luxuries gold could afford. Now he still operates as a mercenary that commands an excessively high price tag of two million gold minimum per assignment as to dissuade all but the most affluent or desperate from giving him orders.


I originally wanted to be an artificer. But my apprenticeship kept getting interrupted. First by a bunch of rude green jerks invading my home city and forcing me to move north, then by a bunch of rude zombies invading my new home city and forcing me to move south. I ended up at Northshire Abbey with a lot of unresolved anger issues. This would have been … oh, about a month or two before the Dark Portal opened again, linking us to Outland. After training as a Paladin I knocked around the Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor for a bit before heading through, myself.

After that, I was sufficiently senior to join the first wave headed to Northrend, to deal with the Cataclysm, to Pandaria, and then through the Dark Portal again to sort out the Iron Horde. When they reformed the Silver Hand after the Legion invasion, for reasons that frankly escape me – I’m convinced it’s because someone in BuPers hates me – I was made Highlord.

After we got back from Argus, we had to sort out that whole Azerite mess, and the goat-rope that they call the Fourth War. After that, Shadowlands, and the less said about that the better. Then I went on a hunting and fishing vacation in the Dragon Isles, and now we’re here in Khaz Algar.

I’ve been damn near everywhere, know damn near everybody, and I’m way too old for this crap … but what else am I gonna do? Play tiddly-winks?


In 1972, a crack commando was sent to prison
by a military court for a crime he didn’t commit.
He promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade
to the Azeroth underground.
Today, still wanted by the government he survives as a soldier of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him…
maybe you can hire Lötö."


Snikrot was born as Snikrotosis, the son of a couple of Orcs who were faithful in the Light. Like all Orcs, he was raised to hate Demons and Fel Magic.

But one day he saw a Horde hunter summoning a Boar and he thought that was hot. With no rational thought involved, Snikrotosis decided to become a Hunter.

He would take frequent travels to Orgrimmar, telling his parents that he was going to pray in the Cathedral, but he never even saw the inside of the Cathedral in his life. He just sneaked inside Gryshka’s Inn to learn Hunter Magic in the basement.

But one day he Huntered too hard… The Hunter Magic saturated his body and he became a Green Orc! He panicked :scream:

Snikrotosis decided to take upon the wild name of Snikrot and live the rest of his days in hiding.

Conveniently that was the same day that the Orc accepted the Green Orcs into their society so changing his name was completely useless but he had already paid the gold to legally change his name so that was that.

Also no hiding was necessary, but his parents were super disappointed.

The end :smiley:


Awakened rat.

Surely, I need no other explanation.


Served the Burning Legion out of fear for her own safety, and now seeks to atone for her actions now that she’s free

…my retail character is an Eredar Shaman


Elk woke up and decided to be skimpy mog Monk here to put a smile on the faces of her friends through the power of kicking and punching things!


Cleon was created because the name was available.


That’s a very engaging and brilliant plot! Nice! :smiley:


It’s complicated.

My warband is a secret society that believes they share an otherworldly connection so outlandish that they don’t feel comfortable talking about it to others.

But that aside, Eternosus was a young archer who didn’t quite fit the stereotype of a sentinel, so wandered off alone into the world to explore, doing occasional small mercenary jobs while mostly living off the land. On thing led to another and … well … you’ve probably read the quest text.

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Woke up from a week long bender cuddled up next to a wolf in Elwynn.


Wrote it here a year and some change ago:

Tell me about your characters! - #44 by Maurdeth-moon-guard


i decided to make all the belves i make sistsers and all have diff personailty
then i decided to make my bank orc alt a peon slave that use to sell their items lol.
hes not abused, he is loved.

waitin on warbands to expand so my orc can tank for them. the dream lol.

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Once I was a powerful Orc warrior who was slain in battle. When I met the maker they said, “Hell, or Bert?”

I was like, “The gnome?” …they took that as my answer and I have been suffering ever since. To troll me they made the question became my name. Never choose Bert. Silently choose hell. :slightly_smiling_face:


This one time at WoW camp, Saángreal was a Worgen. She had a terrible name and got picked on all the time by hostile Horde in her PvP universe. She thought she was happy. But in truth she was unhappy as she had no tail. And because of path not found grew tired of the Warrior life

So, she died. Got rezzed by the Lich king. But came back as a blood elf because reasons.

She chose frost, because it looked cool. And then she joined the forums. Where she became leader of the anti-pineapple brigade.

When the 4th war ended, she elected herself Interim Warchief.

You’re welcome

:izakaya_lantern: :spider_web: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :spider_web: :crab:


this almost had me crying


I chose Bert once and woke up in a bathtub full of ice missing a kidney.


To summarize, the character I primarily portray on this Monk (at least in game), Zhaoyang Cloudpaw, was born into a martial family and trained to be a Monk at a young age until her eyesight began rapidly failing, eventually leaving her blind; a congenial condition within her family, believed to be the result of a Troll curse received during or after the Zandalari Wars. She soon stopped training, became depressed, but was eventually brought out of it by her father and soon after returned to training through a revised curriculum focusing on weaponry, particularly the sword and staff. She worked as a masseuse in the meantime until the faction’s arrival when she embarked on a quest to reconnect with her mainland ancestors.

Though she started out as more of a pseudo-monk in my mind, through the ensuing years she has caught up on her previous training as well as learned new things, becoming a full-fledged Monk. She’s somewhat loosely based on Zatoichi. I’ve also written lore on her family lineage, including a martial style unique to them. I thought about trying to make this funny but the opportunistic urge to sincerely share character stories is apparently stronger than my desire to trash post.