What's Your Character's Backstory?

Phaeliea Sunsong was a magistrix, born a noble in the court of the Sun King with her twin sister Luminea and together they fought in the third war when Arthas laid siege to Quel’thalas. Phaeliea a Mage from a prominent family, had always had a fascination with experimental magic. Her sister was a Priestess, and they often were at odds with each other. Her mother was a Mage trainer and her father was also a Priest, however they were both killed by the undead scourge.
She was greatly affected by this tragedy, and never fully recovered from her grief and guilt for not doing enough to save her parents, as much as Luminea tried to give her comfort in their time of greatest tribulation.

When Prince Kael’thas left on his on his campaign, she readily joined his crusade, much to the chagrin of her sister, who decided to stay behind to help her people heal. Once she arrived on Draenor, she focused on her love of experimental magic and honed in into the darker arts and became a Warlock. She commanded a large portion of Kael’thas’ Warlocks, and at first she felt her choices were justified. After her Prince started to go down a path she couldn’t follow, she joined the Scryers in Shattrath to atone for her part in his campaign.

Once the Horde arrived, she was initially surprised that her people joined the faction that once also tried to destroy her home, but eventually she decided she would come back to Silvermoon and support her people. She reunited with her sister, and learned that she had become a Paladin, and Luminea was disgusted to see her sister fall so low as to make pacts with demons.

This tension came to a head once they both signed up for the Northrend campaign. Luminea went with Saurfang, hoping her sister would come with her, but Phaeliea decided she would rather assist the Forsaken and left via the Howling Fjord. They would not see each other until the final assault against the Lich King, and while the armies of the living were victorious, their relationship was irreparably broken.

She then became a wandering Warlock, always somehow involved in the Horde’s campaigns and conflicts, becoming a loyalist to Sylvanas and reveling in the burning of Darnassus. The irony of an Elven city being destroyed would have once disturbed her, but she had seen horrors beyond comprehension, and all the while her magical experiments became darker and more unhinged.

Now, she hides her dark appetites in the guise of being a champion of the Horde. After all, how better to acquire new tomes, artifacts, and ingredients for her machinations than by conquering those who would oppose her? :smiling_imp:


Keymah was a young farm girl with an adorable dog. One day a storm came and everyone died, or so she thought. She awoke, got some new shoes snd skipped off to a melodious toon, befriended some nice but rather weird dudes, traveled through some asbestos snow, and overturned a bucket of water to rapturous applause. The buffoon from the green city who was supposed to give her a ride home, left without her but she made it there eventually anyway. Later she became a werewolf.


Dracthyr are a little difficult. We somehow had an expansion about them and yet there’s very little lore. And due to how long they’ve been in stasis, no culture.

So I’m still working on Sen. :confused:


The extremely short version:

Rosenivy was originally a woman and they were stuck in 2 things at one point. Their dad was a blood knight and wanted them to be a mage. They also had Rosenivy in an arranged marriage.

Well ( I’m gonna use male pronouns for Rosenivy onwards just to make it easier ) he wasn’t gonna have any of that. They solved the problem by studying your typical warlock stuff. First summoning a Imp that could help them stage a murder / accident to get rid of the fiance.

After that they left Silvermoon to get away from all that. There’s more throughout the expansions but eh. Don’t wanna type it.


I am Duke. Son of Nuke. Terror of Hazard County.


Hereswith’s notable start began as a gun runner for Darious Crowley’s potential Civil War against King Greymane; smuggling cannon and cannon shot from gaps in the wall to cellars dotted around Gilneas proper.

When the Forsaken breached the Great Wall years later, she and the vagabonds met the undead and their pet abominations in the gutters. Meter by bloodied meter, she had hacked her way out from the city into the countryside, where she would contract the Worgen curse from a disarming young child who had appeared lost in the wood.

Unlike her countrymen, Hereswith did not follow the Elves across the sea. She followed Darious Crowely, chasing down the fleeing Forsaken, into Silverpine Forest, where she would continue east until reaching the Eastern Plaguelands. In the ruins of Tyr’s Hand and the surrounding Hearthglen of the Scarlet Crusade, Hereswith and a group of other Worgen found purpose in reviving the Crusade out of its ashes.

Hereswith the Cannonball Runner became Hereswith the Runner of the Silver Manes–a Worgen chapter of the Scarlet Crusade’s ideals to uphold the tenants of the Light and drive out the Undead.

Silver represents refinement of the soul, re-shaping the Scarlet Crusade’s once noble goal of the Plaguelands free of the Scourge’s corruption for all Worgen.

Red represents the blood spilt in that pursuit. Never forget the Siege of Gilneas or the Forsaken that laid waste to Hereswith’s heart and home.


Ladencrel Talonbranch was a guard of Kur’talos Ravencrest’s estate.

When the Burning Legion came, he was a rank and file archer with the Kaldorei defense. Ravencrest perished, his successor came and Ladencrel was reassigned to be a scout. After Jarod Shadowsong became the leader of the Kalimdor resistance, Ladencrel earned the rank of Lieutenant-Commander and given command over his own retinue of expert marksmen.

During the long sleep, Ladencrel was one of the very few males that never went into hibernation, choosing instead to maintain a secluded vigil over the region of forests that are now called Felwood. When the Orcs, and those from the east, came to the shores of Kalimdor and a new war erupted Ladencrel was back on the front lines leading his retinue. His foes were, at first, the Orcs that cut down the forests. Then his sights turned to the Burning Legion when they came.

In the time since the Third War, Ladencrel has kept himself at least somewhat involved in whatever new affair came about, mostly sticking to the background to not draw too much attention to himself.


Worgen? Nah, man, that’s a common mistake. I’m not actually from around here. I’m a Vargr, a scout pilot for the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service. I crash-landed here after a misjump. I’m really still trying to get my bearings.

You should practice your kidney aim lol


checks if OP is from Moonguard

Oh wow, you’re not from Moonguard lol

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I dont have a backstory because my character has no point in the narrative. Im just a nameless sellsword that occasionally gets hired to do things the named NPCs cant do but never get credit for.

Im the Clint Eastwood of WoW, I stroll in the town, have no name and no past, fix everyones problem, leaving before sun up the next morning for pastures unknown.

I am now named Hell… and I’ll be your waiter this evening.


Blood for the Blood God!

Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Too cheeky to be a monk, too sneaky to be a soldier… but just the right amount of both to be a rogue~


Luna was one of three kits born to a very happy vulpera family, they didn’t have a very big wagon or the nicest alpaca but they had each other and that was enough for them. As they came of age to start thinking of what their jobs would be her sister chose to be a rogue as she was always incredibly good at stealing stuff and getting away clean, her brother however came home with an imp friend mumbling something about having to make a contract with a imp mother and now all his friends hated him. Luna however had it rough being born an albino so the desert sun was brutal on her, she found she had a talent for protection holy magic and minor healing spells but she wasn’t happy with that, all her friends who became priests could do much grander healing and shields than her. She’d turn to her one dear friend, the night sky as she always felt comfort in the dark.

Then it happened, Alliance raided Vol’dun and in one of these raids she was forcibly dragged away by her sister. Their mother and father had gotten hit in the wagon which was then set on fire by the alliance. Not even their parent’s tails could be salvaged from the ashes and it was at this moment her siblings ended up parting ways. She was left alone…in a fit of rage and sorrow she found an odd pool that during the day was clear and clean but this night it reflected the stars and night sky, it called to her. Luna decided to give in to the beckoning and found new strength in the darkness, in the void. Now she pretends to be a priestess of the holy light but in reality she’s carrying three old god idols under her gown and wields the void stronger than even the light, the void shall be made to bend to her whims and any who dare try to steal from her again shall be made to kiss her paws or be fed to the creatures of the void who serve her every whim

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My guy is just an aimless wonderer that gets involved in cheeky shenanigans.

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Zigstur was born a baby and then he grew up into an adult and became a shaman.


and a dapper shaman at that!


Me smash. Bash. Yell. Stomp. JUMP. RUN

If I could Zug, I would Zug.

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Tenebrae was killed by an Alliance commander and woke up here in his other body for some reason.