What's Your Character's Backstory?

Fixed it for us

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This made me chuckle

Never gave it that much thought. Could be a few. Maybe got the peons talked out of it by bribing them with conjured sweets.

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Grabbler, a renowned gnome mage from Gnomeregan, ventured beyond his city to explore exotic lands. There, he met the beautiful African American Faerin, a regal beauty with wild, untamed ratty hair. Enchanted by her, Grabbler crafted a stunning golden weave to complement her majesty. Their passionate affair flourished, with Faerin’s new golden locks making her even more radiant.

However, their romance eventually unraveled due to the pressures of their separate worlds. When they parted, Faerin discarded the weave, and her hair reverted to its natural, wild and hideous state. The discarded weave became a symbol of their fleeting love, while Grabbler returned to Gnomeregan with a poignant reminder of the transient nature of enchantment and affection.

His family was killed by stormtroopers, his father is elune, and he is secretly a titan xenomorph from the planet cambodia.

My actual Mage was initiated into the Kirin Tor as a child and studied there for years. She has a strong affinity for portal magic and learned telemancy as a result. After Graduation she started teaching small classes and is texhnically considered a Professor. After what happened to Dalaran she searches for a new stable Leyline in order to re-establish a portal hub where travel and transport will be less of an inconvenience.

Oh, and she also wears glasses :eyeglasses:

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Fell on my head as a kit. Been kinda fuzzy since, but can yell and growl real good. Hate the desert. It’s too hot. After some furless pointy ear rescued friend’s alpaca, was told that if I followed chilly man with blue eyes that I could yell and growl at everyone and people would like it.

Been yelling and growling ever since. And haven’t been sweaty either. Win-win.

Gnomes are going to turn on the alliance, and start their own faction , my character is going to lead the charge

Most of my characters are pirates from the same crew.

The SS Wetwun

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My name is Stoutfist and I used to be a dwarf paladin who was very angry at the devs for intentionally keeping the retribution spec crappy. I got so mad I turned to stone and the Light said “screw that” and left me. Now I just swing my axe in the face of things I don’t like.

Rogue NPC turned Deadpool parody. Somebody left the Grove of Awakening unattended, and now I’m here to abuse the 4th wall like a drunk father.

Also somehow ended up a world renown bard, tavern owner, and father of three kids.

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God was bored. So God made a hunter. But God already had a hunter, so it was dumb to make another hunter.


Murphy Pendletorque served as an Alliance fighter pilot in the Second War. After the Horde’s defeat, he settled down in Ironforge and eventually joined the Explorer’s League. Murph and his trusty flying machine, “Miss Merriweather”, have been getting into explorer shenanigans ever since.