What's with all the alliance hiding under the bridge?

My facts are not flawed, yours are.

The distance is ALL that matters

Reinforcements are KEY in any war.

We Rez at SPGY and we need to reinforce IBGY when we take it as it’s our FIRST SOUTHERN GRAVEYARD.

When horde lose it they spawn 20 seconds away now at DOUBLE THE RATE.

If you’re going to be this blind I can see why you don’t understand the map or how impactful the horde advantage is.

This isn’t about SPGY to SHGY. It’s SPGY to IBGY so we can KEEP a graveyard.

You should also note that if we lose SHGY we Rez in 90 seconds away at SPGY, we will never get south again. Horde don’t need to DEFEND ANYTHING, they can full send SHGY and when it’s capped we lose out from the choke going south.

Horde lose IBGY because they don’t even need to try and defend it. So it’s 40 horde at SHGY VS 20-30 alliance because we need to TAKE SOMETHING to PUSH SOUTH. Once horde have SHGY they can easily send 20 to retake IBGY while they defend SHGY for the 5 minutes.

If you can’t understand simple math I’m not sure what to tell you

You’re coming off as another horde AV PvP hero with no other PvP experience to speak of. I guess congrats? You’re finally good at a form of imbalanced PvP.