AV Cave Rez situation

You disagree it takes 12 seconds to run out of the cave but you don’t have any timer. And you don’t time it yourself. Try alliance cave it will give you a good idea if you can’t believe it takes that time to run out of any cave …

Lol I remember that 28 seconds run back from cave to IBGY was a massive advantage for horde according to you. But now that you know you’re wrong it’s suddenly irrelevant. Zero credibility. Here is what you wrote in another post What's with all the alliance hiding under the bridge? - #20 by Jeromagnus-darkspear :

Zero credibility my gnome. And don’t try to confuse people with the rez cycle or SPGY, that’s other stuff. Now that you know horde cave to IBGY is basically the same distance as ally from SPGY to SHGY the distance doesn’t matter for you anymore. Pretty convenient. “The distance is all that matters” … except when you’re proven wrong …

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