What's with all the alliance hiding under the bridge?

In Alterac Valley there is alliance hiding under the bridge every few games there’s 1-3 and one game there was literally 10 ally /afk under the bridge.

When we took over Stormpike GY I literally had to fight a paladin to prevent him from going underneath the bridge but got away with just using Bubble Shield and went into walk mode so he could get under the bridge… I just shook my head

They are letting you take SPGY so they can go south and try to kill LTs and Galv before you end the game. It’s way better than them turtling the graveyard so you probably shouldn’t complain.


Not true honestly, saw them sit there the entire game all the way when Van was killed, have video of it which I’m compiling for Youtube upload lol

The only people that queue AV Alliance side are bots/rep farming alts


On BG Weekend for AV the Rankers and the sweaty alliance queue up and it gets interesting pretty fast had some really great games during BG weekend

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Play as alliance and say it’s not true. If some didn’t go south they were leaching or you killed Van fast.

I agree that AV weekend is better, it’s the only time I play it now because the games are actually interesting.

No sane alliance bothers with AV any more other than to farm it for rep.


I do AV for marks.

Probably afk farming honor, they are in range of the battle that usually takes place at that chokepoint so they can just soak up honor while being relatively safe

Only reason alliance lose AV is the map imbalance btw :wink:

once you guys take sp it’s over, nobody on alliance cares anymore… hell most alliance give up as soon as SH is taken and we don’t have either IB or SF.

heck I’ll even go a step further, most alliance don’t care at all from the start since we start the match literally twice as far away as horde… it’s just so stupid


That’s usually where Alliance go to group up for galv. Most Alliance who bother to afk do it somewhere else.

Also, why didn’t you kill them?

I’ve seen some parking themselves in that general area to afk, or to be minimally involved.

Report them for AFK botting. They will then come to the forum and claim they never cheated.


They are afk leeching honor and it’s a good spot cause hordes can hardly get to them (they are not a priority). Report them, let the horde kill them.

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While there is imbalances, it’s not why alliances loses. People are focusing on theses imbalances in horde’s favor to justify losses but the reality is there is also imbalances in favor of alliance. But no one talk about them.

Alliances loses mainly cause rankers can’t premade av so they go ab and wsg with instant queues.


There are tomes written in this very forum outlining the major imbalances of the AV map. Please read at least a few posts detailing these issues before you comment.


I read a lot of them. Try me, I’ll show you how the imbalances either doesn’t really exist or they don’t have that much of an impact.

Anyhow, my point was there is also imbalances in favor of alliance. But no one talks about them. I’ll list a few :

  1. Much easier to take a tower ally side. You can skip guards very easily.
  2. You cannot enter alliance base except through death bridge guarded by 2 towers. Compare with horde base where you can jump over the fence. Horde’s towers are also pretty much useless;
  3. Impossible to go in alliance base without aggroing half the base. Guards from gy also leave aid station as soon as they pop to attack random npc. Horde base is like a swiss cheese;

Answer this one question real quick. No need to go into any detail, just answer the question.

If army A gets to respawn 20 at a time next to ARMY B’s first objective and they are 20 seconds away from that objective when they Rez.

Army B spawns 10 at a time 90 seconds away from their first objective.

Who is always going to hold that objective??


If this is what you think is an Alliance advantage then you sir have no idea how AV is.


Quick answer : Army A. But your facts are flawed.

We had that discussion before. The distance is almost the same on both side (alliance rezzing at spgy>shgy, horde rezzing at cave>bgy). The only real imbalance is horde can rez 20 in cave while alliance can only rez 10 at spgy. However, it’s very rare more than 10 people are trying to rez at any gy at any time. If so, the group will probably lose anyway when occupying another graveyard. Far from a game breaker in my opinion.