What's the purpose of Achievements if it's not Account-wide

No seriously, what’s the point of grinding out achievements on a single character if your alts can’t benefit from it.

It’s already kind of a waste of time to chase achievements in Classic to begin with, but not having it account-wide is silly considering people might not only play a single character, all it does it limit the pool of people who want to earn it.

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How is this even a question? Achievements are still achievements, why do your alts need them too


What’s the point of your threads in our forum?


Wdym? My alt isn’t some other person playing it’s still me wtf lol I should get credit across everything I do in the game.

Not having account-wide achievements is actually extremely annoying, especially since they said several months ago that they were originally planning on adding them and then changed their minds (but gave no real reason for their change of mind?)

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sounds like he has a fresh 80 and wants to sneak into icc 25 man heroic spamming he cleared 10 man nax without dying or something :slight_smile:

side note, i hope mounts are account wide… i dont want to capture the timeless on my druid to go to waste. Bird form is the best mount out there but it would look cool with my level 20 riding bareback on a drake


Lol. Also I dont think the account wide mounts happened until cata, maybe even later. Though I wouldnt mind if they did it wrath.

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Ah yes another Garmuck thread, yay. Lets try and predict what he’ll post next.

Garmuck: “Magnets… how do they work?”


I wasnt sure what this was, so i googled it and google thought you meant garmin… which I dont think you want to know where this is going… hah

I bet you meant to type “Gimmick” aka



a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.

“it is not so much a program to improve services as a gimmick to gain votes”

Although, I think he has a valid point, if we do something on our account, we should be able to link our achievements - seems reasonable.

You should keep your dim shower thoughts off this forum.

The entire game is pointless and a waste of time.

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And not having account wide achievements makes it even more pointless, why put it in any effort if only one character reaps the benefits lol

1600+ posts in the last 46 days. Most of them seemingly you bashing WOTLK, or at least baiting to that effect. What’s the point of making so many posts about a game you appear to hate?


The reason they aren’t account wide is/should be because in Wrath they weren’t account wide.

I wish they would be more faithful to actual Wrath in many other areas as well.

Yeah but this is 2022 not 2008, we moved past this a long time ago.

Make it make sense why there shouldn’t be account wise achieve besides the time line.

“Yoga with llamas and how it changed my life except there’s no RDF so it’s garbage.”

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You already posted this Garmuck the troll. Running out of troll topics, starting to recycle old ones now.

If we all just mass report garmuck theyll eventually ban forum accounts too right?

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Yikes how is anything I post that offensive to you people? Just stop clicking on them, I never posted anything wrong lol

I don’t agree with OP on certain things, but it would be nice to have achievements be account-wide.