In Vanilla - the little islands off the coast of Desolace are amazing. Other than that Jade Forest.
The majestic Malorne
Redshire hands down
Dun Morogh at night looking at the gates of Ironforge.
I always liked Netherstorm.
Nagrand (outland) at night.
A lot of my favorites have been mentioned above; but Iâd add Throne of the Four Winds. Just love the art in there.
probs eversong woods for me
For me, Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Darnasses pre fire.
I love those places, so peaceful and beautiful.
I vote Suramar, personally, but I also really enjoy Grizzly Hills, Eversong Woods, and Telogrus Rift.
There are a lot of beautiful serene natural places that are also pretty mundane - too much like our real world.
I think Deepholm is amazingly gorgeous. Itâs like the Unâgoro cave except huger. Crystals, asploding rock formations, beautiful colors in a dark foreboding underground cave. Always fascinating there. I send my druid there once in a while for heart flowers to make stacks of the Elixir of Deepholm - only insta-port item that still works perfectly.
Plus that makes me go thru that dungeon right there for some mount drop that still hasnât happened in whatâŚ8 years? smh
agreed, but iâm also quoting because your mog looks fantastic! Whereâd you get it? Like a fel ranger!
Nazmir is pretty nice looking actually. The music just sucks.
But nicest is probably Valley of the Four Winds, certain parts of Jade Forest, or Shadowmoon Valley.
Honorable Mention to MacâAree as well.
Eversong Woods
Iâll give one per continent:
Eastern Kingdoms: Deadwind Pass: Beautiful in a dark way.
Kalimdor: Winterspring: looks very nice!
Outland: Zangarmarsh: A nice, calm blue aesthetic.
Northrend: Tie between Storm Peaks and Grizzly Hills for 2 entirely different reasons.
Cataclysm Zones: Uldum, obviously.
Pandaria: Vale of Eternal Blossoms: One of the best places in Azeroth. Also gives me a nostalgia trip whenever Iâm there.
Draenor: Frostfire Ridge: Tragically underrated.
Broken Isles: Suramar: The Elven ruins, with the construct of the advanced Elven city add wonders to Suramar.
Kul Tiras: Mechagon: The other zones are bland.
Zandalar: VolâDun: Best Desert in WoW!
Overall favorite: Frostfire Ridge: Itâs just that damn good (and underrated).
Recruit a Friend
A lot of Argus.