What's the prettiest place in wow?

I always liked winterspring, ashenvale, eversong woods, and nagrand.

Figures, the beautiful elves get 50% of the places I find pleasing to my eye.

Crystal forest under Northrendā€™s Dalaran.

The Arcanā€™dor.

The latter I even turned into a 30x50 diamond painting.


The Den of Mortal Delights

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I like Valley of the four winds but the prettiest to me is Vashjā€™ir or Nazjatar I really like the underwater areas I would say Macā€™aree gives me the same kinda vibe too.

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Blademoon Bloom in Shadowmoon Valley.

BC Zangarmarsh. Giant, glowing mushrooms.

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Itā€™s tricky. But Iā€™d say the nicest looking zone over all is Grizzly Hills in Northrend, followed closely by Suramar.


If music counts then exodar and eversong woods. Just for looks suramar, zuldazar, OG zangarmarsh.

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Teldrassil is a little hot at this time of yearā€¦

Easy Shadowmoon Valley TBC, the fel corruption and shades of green are really designed to sell it as a Hellscape.

Iā€™ve always liked Teldrassil/Ashenvale as it gives the vibe of a very deep forest and itā€™s music is mysterious as well.

But If youā€™re looking for updated graphics and such, Suramar.


When I first leveled a Draenai when BC was current I was very sick with flu and just couldnā€™t sleep. Although it is a pretty zone, to this day if I am ever there, the scenery combined with that meandering alien musical score actually makes me feel sick like itā€™s muscle memory or something.

Yeahā€¦ hot in several ways :wink:

Grizzly Hills.

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Feralas :slight_smile:
Such a zelda-esque zone!

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Seems like most people are aesthetically pleased by cool tone colours.

There are a lot, but one of the original places I used to go in vanilla was the cave in northern Unā€™Goro which is filled with glowing gems. The place just always seemed magical to me. I believe the cave survived the Cata changes, but now is infested with mobs making it a lot harder to enjoy. (It had no mobs in it back in vanilla.) So if he goes to see it, I recommend visiting it in classic where you will see itā€™s as it was originally.

Other prominent locations, for me:

I second @Miriel for the Arboretum in the Jade Forest.

From Legion, the garden where Botinist is located in the Nighthold raid. (Iā€™m not sure if this is accessible only inside the raid, or if itā€™s an outdoor location as well.)

Also from Legion, Eonarā€™s area. (This is not accessible outside the raid.)

Honestly, there are piles of gorgeous locations in WoW. Which is part of why I donā€™t complain when an older zone is reused for something unless itā€™s to wreck itā€™s original ambiance.

Pandaria: Jade Forest, Valley of the four winds

Teldressil starting area


Voldun at night
Highmountain at night

Shadowmoon Valley in Outland. Atypical beauty, but beauty nonetheless

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Vashjā€™ir might not be the most fun zone to navigate, but itā€™s hard to deny itā€™s really damn beautiful.


Winterspring (Kalimdor) will always be one of my favourite zones, visually speaking.
I also enjoyed the look of the Storm Peaks (Northrend).

What can I say? I like snowy mountains.

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