my little brother is doing a survey and would like data, thank you
Thunder bluff at night is high on my list.
Just anywhere in Pandaria!
Vale of Eternal Blossoms (You know, the pre 5.3 versions. Before it was ruined.)
Gallywix Pleasure Palace
WoD’s Shadowmoon by far.
Prettiest zone?
I’d say the Vale or Valley of the Four Winds. At least on Azeroth.
Shadowmoon Valley over on Draenor is very pretty.
Though, if I had to pick a specific spot on the planet, I’d go with the little crystal cave in Ungoro…that place soothes me.
Pandaria would be my guess
WoD Shadowmoon, Vashj’ir, Valley of the Four Winds, Grizzly Hills
Nagrand. Both Outlands and Draenor versions.
depends, you talking architectural, or natural? suramar for architecture, and teldrassil for natural… err… teldrassil BEFORE it was turned into charcoal.
The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran.
Suramar is pretty but there’s too much to take in. I like Dalaran better for it’s simplicity (for a magical floating city).
The whole memorial area in SW where the park used to be has got to be pretty high on the list.
Crystalsong Forest and AU Shadowmoon Valley have my heart. Love the purple hues, which is why I’m so excited for the night fae zone in Shadowlands.
Though I guess it also depends on how you define “pretty”. If it is just aesthetically pleasing, anything goes because everyone sees things differently.
As far as visual appeal goes, I would have to say Nagrand as stated above, the Jade Forest in Pandaria, as well as Moonglade over on Kalimdor. All three of these places are very serene and calming.
But when you look passed visual appeal and look more towards aesthetic and environmental appeal, Storm Peaks is my number one favorite zone, followed by Icecrown, and Gorgrond. All three zones are quite intimidating and mysterious, but that is just part of the appeal to me.