What's the prettiest place in wow?

Prettiest place in wow is inside my Vulpera tent.

This is kind of a complicated question. One really has to ask, “are we talking about right here, right now?”. Or are we talking about how we felt at the time that zone was released? Because let’s be honest, time hasn’t been kind to a lot of the older content in this game. I’ll do it this way:

  1. Vanilla: Azshara. I and an ex used to hang on the eastern coast and watch the sky change. People did that sort of thing when the game was new.
  2. TBC: Nagrand of course.
  3. Wrath: Icecrown. Loved the soft blue hue on everything. Especially at night. Gunmetal gray/bluish structures.
  4. Cata: Vashj’ir. I am a water sign. I love anything aquatic.
  5. MoP: Jade Forest. It seemed to me like Blizzard said to the art team during this expansion: “ You guys have a blank check. We want Asian themes. Go nuts.”. And they did.
  6. WoD: Frostfire Ridge. This was tough to call. Because I really, really, enjoyed the color palette they used in Shadowmoon. But I really responded to the wintry theme and lands of FR.
  7. Legion: Highmountain. I really wanted to say Stormheim here, because I liked the theme. But I lived in Wyoming when I was a kid, so I really responded to the Native American themes used throughout HM. A lot of rich browns and earth tones there.
  8. BFA: Drustvar. This was tough. I really enjoyed the nautical theme (and the music!) of Boralus. But the dark mood and autumnal (read: Halloween lol) theme of DV won me over.

I doubt anyone will read through all of that. But hey, it was fun to think it through and write it out.

Original Teldrassil.

I vote Deepholm

Probably somewhere in pandaria.

Suramar imo