What's the prettiest place in wow?

Outlands Nagrand.


Dreamgrove, lots of “sight” seeing.

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By “sight” seeing, do you mean staring at Ysera?

Is that when it goes up in flames or during when it is up in flames?

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I’m a plain jane kinda guy when it comes to scenery. That being said if you fly north of winterspring there’s a good chunk of land that’s barren, but has a beautiful view of the water. Looks like complete garbage in a textures kinda way, but i’ll be damned if I don’t love it anyways.


Grizzly Hills!

Haven’t failed to take a character through there going up. Sure the capture a troll is a bit annoying but it’s sooo beautiful.


When you use zidormi’s power

I’ve always loved the look of the peak of serenity.
Ya know
 before legion.

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You know, we’ve seen a lot of “prettiest places” threads. Most zones in WoW are fairly pretty.

I’d be curious what people think is the ugliest zone.

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Place so beautiful I’m still stuck in it.

Got 4 kids, wife and a girlfriend. Don’t tell the wife about the girlfriend.

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I’m a fan of Gloom Hollow (BFA) right before dawn. The lighting coming off the fires and torches gives off a warm orange glow and completely changes the atmosphere of the place.

The darkness surrounding the Hollow makes it feel walled in by walls that slowly vanish as the sun rises. As it lightens it also reveals the sad heap of dirt and roots that is the insignificant Gloom in the Hollow.

Dunno why, it’s a striking contrast to other more appreciated areas and I’m likely the only one that likes the Sad little Hollow.

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The Jade Forest and Val’sharah (excluding the Nightmare part)

Blade’s Edge Mountains and Swamp of Sorrows. I can’t decide which is more of an eyesore.

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Krag’wa’s little frogmarsh. It’s a pleasing gradient of green and water with fireflies!

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Storm Peaks

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I think Bloodmyst Isles is very pretty, and very underrated. Nobody ever talks about it.

I may be a bit biased though since red is one of my most favorite colors lol.


Jade Forest has to be the winner, with old Hyjal as a runner up.

Place gives me a migraine. I leveled there once upon a time and decided within the first 5 minutes to never do so again.

On the flip side its sister island is beautiful and peaceful. Love that place.

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Blademoon Bloom

I agree, Hella. Sometimes I log my Draenei Alt in just to roam these zones, they are gorgeous. They have a unique ambience.