What's the plan regarding Outlaw/Ele/what it's doing to the season?

Unholy dk can do 15-20 million on large aoe packs and has been able to all expansion.

The rogue and shaman are bugged but aoe balancing has been ruined since they started hard capping most classes at 5 targets which made no sense.

Oh, yeah I agree that AOE balancing is broken due to caps.

UH does 12-15 once in NW 1st pull w lust, and then slowly drops to equivalent to every other class (it’s behind FDK on almost every metric in M+).

Ele is finishing approx 1mil above the top end UH or FDK logs.

I can’t even understand how anyone defends this, if warriors did this I would be wanting a nerf.

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Do you have selective memory?

We’ve all said it needs a nerf. We just don’t want a “sledgehammer” as you put it.

One of the eles in here referred to the upcoming nerfs as not needing to be a “sledgehammer”, I used his same term to say it does.

What are you even arguing?

You’re creating a strawman.

Akston is very aware the spec needs nerfed. No one is saying otherwise.

Like, what are you smoking? At this point you’re just arguing to argue.

Actually, I was responding initially to the monk defending it, at which point he stepped in by first defending the minor slap last night as enough, to which I said it’s not even close, to which he referenced a sledgehammer by saying it wasn’t necessary, and I merely said it was indeed.

You jumped in out of nowhere throwing a fit, without context, and I supplied you the context.

None of this is a strawman, get off reddit and stop using buzzwords you do not understand.

The monk also said it needs nerfed.

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I’ve said ele needed a nerf in every post I’ve made. You keep throwing out numbers like 30% better or million more overall and thats from a very specific clientele of keys and I’ve been posting explaining which parts of our kit are the reason for this and ele should not get some stupid aura nerf by popular demand because the spec has things that should be looked at as problems, specific things. You have repeatedly claimed you don’t care how ele works and just nerf it which is what I’m objecting to. This is the stuff that leads to holy paladin getting nerfed 5 times in s3 for no good reason, or arcane mage having sunfury killed over a wowhead post.

Also I wasn’t the sledgehammer post.

Outlaw exploit has been fixed, but 0 punishment to the exploiters is just going to continue the exploit early exploit often mindset.

Insinuating it needed a minor nerf was what warranted my responses.

Reading comprehension is not strong in the face of the reality facing you I guess.

Ele is not RNG highrolling, stop pretending it is, not 1 R1 ele is even remotely pretending it does yet here you both are.

And I referenced you, and then referenced the sledgehammer poster (since you know, Snowpine named him in his, I didn’t think I had to rename him.)

Reading comprehension lacking + main character syndrome = these hilarious responses.


Actually no.

I did not defend the hot fix last night as enough.

Please do not strawman me.

They were rolled back and are getting some form of multi day bans, I can confirm this as 1 of them is in my guild and has already stated he was rolled back.

If true, it needs to be made public so people are aware Blizzard is doing something about exploiters.

Heck, I would even go as far as to say Mythic guilds that let their rogues exploit should eat a punishment of some kind.

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There’s that strawman buzzword that doesn’t contextually fix here again.

You said it didn’t deserve a sledgehammer, monk said it was enough, I am replying to and referencing you both.

Did that help break it down for you big guy?

What are you even talking about now?

DRE is a gambling talent, this isn’t really a debate. Ele is still very overtuned.

Any other nonsense you want to spew?

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But where did I do this

Where did I defend the hotfix and say it was enough?

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The monk did, wow you really just cannot read eh?

This is…something else to experience.

Please just stop.

That isnt what you said.

You seem to be misremembering the conversation.

I have not once said it needed a minor nerf. I am once again saying it needs targeted large nerfs at specific things namely our pure rng talents, and probably the burst potential of ascendance which is busted, because yes ele high rolls historically ele has had specs called gamba spec. Most of the wowlogs kills are using gamba talents because suddenly we’re using aftershock and dre instead of the consistent damage one we used before. Also the lightning rod nerf was a horrible start, it isn’t enough and it just hurts a talent that had skill expression that will stay nerfed when the actual needed nerfs hit so yes I disagree with it.

I assume you are referring to

And its true. You were the one talking about how ele is ruining the m+ meta despite enh being in more 15s then ele.