What's the plan regarding Outlaw/Ele/what it's doing to the season?

those sims destroyed a good mage hero tree yesterday because people couldn’t help themselves after reading wowhead.

Yeah, raids and dungeons. Before this outlaw nonsense went mainstream ele was the top raid DPS by miles counting this week only, and I don’t think there’s anything particularly specialised about beating the previous top damage m+ spec by the numbers it was, and will continue, to do.

I expect more ele nerfs to come, in very short order. Spec’s absolutely cracked.

I didnt say otherwise.

But. Whatever.

All I said is that it was acknowledged and reacted to 14 hours ago.

You can argue it could be reacted to stronger. I dont care. At that point it has nothing to do with anything I said.

I appreciate the constant attempts to pretend I said anything else. But its getting old.

Well, Remix Was a thing…

Yeah so we have practical VODs too.

You’re just wrong, man, accept it and move on. No class will be doing the damage ele is currently doing even in full BIS, barring 25%+ buffs (which will NEVER happen).

DRE is just a random proc of Ascendance, so yes there is some consistency involved.

No one is saying ele shouldn’t be nerfed, but the scale and speed that people are going for pitchforks on this .5 patch is getting irritating. Blizzard is obviously tuning based off public opinion which is why ele initially dodged nerfs by just having a “massive aoe damage” on their wowhead article. Its annoying.

I absolutely expect my spec to be toned done and I am fine with that.

I just dont want a sledgehammer to hit it too hard.

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Idk what Blizzard’s doing, but just to be entirely clear, Ele does need nerfs. I’m hoping their pace means they’re trying not to kill the spec again.

That’s like saying the Thane Avatar proc has RNG so warr damage is inconsistent.

It’s not.

Would you be fine going back to where it was in tuning prior to 11.0.5, cuz it wasn’t even bad then.

Dude if you have no clue how the spec works, why are you trying to speak with authority on it?

We agree it needs nerfed, idk why you’re on this “please murder Elemental” train.

I can find no fault with this logic.

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It also played completely different then, so its hard to say.

It went from a steady damage/no cd spec to everything based around lining up multiple things for a 3 min cd.

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You say that but if you look at logs every ele is using the gambling talents because you parse based on high rolling which leads to ele having a higher damage variance then other classes because a good chunk of its damage comes down to rng by design. If it was given blanket nerfs instead of just tuning the rng knobs it would be a disaster for the spec.

Only if they refund me for changing my worst stat to my highest one and having me recraft reenchant and regem my gear.

Keeping in mind I’m primarily an Enhance player, I think the new changes are good, gameplay wise. Elemental feels more engaging for me.

I’d be fine keeping pre-0.5 numbers on the current setup, it’d just mean outside of your procs and 3m, you’re a bit weaker

I say that as someone that plays with the eles who are doing it, and they are the 1s saying there is very little RNG to it, no more than every other spec ingame, and it is easily consistently recreated.

I trust them over you.

Looks like the keys pushed by rogue exploit are getting rolled back.


extremely weaker, since so much damage is gonna be based lining up like 5-6 different things.

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