What's the plan regarding Outlaw/Ele/what it's doing to the season?

Are we going to get some kind of reaction to what’s happening?

Title has gone up 40 points in 36hours, all of the keys causing this are outlaw bug abusers (triple outlaw keys getting world 1st due to abuse etc), or ele shamans which are clearly NOT working as intended, OR a combination of both. It’s likely title would eventually reach this level eventually regardless, but it doesn’t make it acceptable, especially when the outlaw 1 in particular requires an intentional multi-step exploit to achieve (noone is bumbling their way into it)

Many guild first kills on Brood/Kyveza/Silken are being achieved with this as well.

This is worse than the M+ DF debacle where you had to nerf dungeons after nerfing the classes so people could even stand a chance.

Tuning is absolutely broken, all levels of content are riddled with intense bugs, exploits are running rampant, and it’s been long enough that hotfixes should’ve been applied. A simple reminder that this is no longer beta, this is a paid product that is currently unplayable if you care about climbing/achievements/personal growth within the game systems.

I can’t speak to PVP here, but if anything of the sort is occurring there, please chime in and I will edit and include it into this post.

Can we get some blue acknowledgement here? I don’t even want to play because I have zero interest in even 1 io for me coming from this abuse, meanwhile you have streamers openly abusing it and laughing with no repercussions.


Rogues are cheaters by nature. They’re rogues. This shouldn’t be a bug, it should be a feature.


Oh, don’t worry, the same problem children in PvE currently are also problem children in PvP right now. Every PvP community area I look at is screeching to the heavens about that, lol.

And Feral weirdly got general buffs instead of targeted PvE buffs, so… there’s that, I guess.


No lol. Silence is all we ever get.


I don’t really understand the condescending “children” portion, but feel free to elaborate productively on the PVP issues and I’ll include them.

Putting on the “I’m so cool nothing phases me it’s just a game bro” attitude doesn’t make you anything but a doormat, and a person lacking any conviction.

This is absolutely unacceptable for a seasonal based game that we pay for, if you believe otherwise, please come to my business and purchase a myriad of services and never actually use them while paying the bill, you’re a dream for business owners to laugh at.


I figured blizz was just trolling as a company policy when they buffed DK, Mage, Rogue and Sham. That is way too on point with buffing specifically the classes that were already outperforming the rest :+1:t5:

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People are getting banned for playing with Outlaws.

It is a very bad time to even play the game now.


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It’s quite frankly unacceptable at this point; it would take 30 seconds for 1 rep to post a tweet/forum post saying “We are aware of and working on the multitude of issues/exploits, and apologize for the inconvenience. We have solutions coming.”

But sadly, you are correct. It’s so disappointing.


As a ele shaman main I can say that they weren’t broken (atleast not as broken as everyone seems to think) and that Lightning Rod did not deserve a knee-jerk 50% nerf from blizzard this morning.

That one dude doing 26 million aoe DPS on his ele shaman is the extreme outlier, with perfect gear, stats and skill - He is not the norm.

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Problem children, as in the same culprits in PvE (Rogue in general, but especially Outlaw), and Elemental are causing issues in PvP.

What did you think I meant??

I think you sorely misunderstood what I was saying.

Again, I think you completely misunderstood me.

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Nothing will happen. Give us time to reroll

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But that’s not true, Bond himself achieved 4.2mil on broodkeeper, and the 50% nerf would account for dropping him to 3.8.

There are many videos of him and Petko specifically doing double the DPS of FDKs in 14/15/16s and in raid.

There is something deeply wrong with ele, denying it when the data and VODs exist in order to hope to gaslight blizzard into not fixing your class is just wrong man.

If fury had these same bugs, I would WANT them fixed, why do people find it fun to be so broken it’s abuseable?

I would freaking LOVE to know just how the heck they were doing it because my dps has been pretty comparable to other specs in this season.

If you play Rogue or play with Rogues, I wouldn’t even log in lmao. I’m afraid to log in because of the bugs. Deathstalker has a bug where the mark just falls off randomly.

This is the second time I’m afraid of bugs this expansion and this has never happened in my 25 years of playing this. The first time this xpac was the Bubbling Wax bug in Timewalking where I was one shotting all the the bosses. Legit thought I was gonna be reported and banned.


Throwing in the lackluster 20th anniversary event that we’re being drip fed, it’s all getting to be more than a little frustrating. Might as well throw in the guild bank debacle that’s been put in the corner to collect dust, too.

Painting themselves a pretty bad picture here lately.


If that’s what you meant, I did and I apologize.

It is a forum with text, and I think your post will be easily misconstrued because this forum is full of a trolls.

I was essentially just saying that the same problem/broken specs in PvE are screwing up PvP right now, and weird overall changes happened Tuesday to other specs. Frost Mage got hit by nerfs intended for Arcane Spellslinger, Hunters’ Dark Ranger tree has some hilariously broken 1-2-shot bugs going on in PvP… It’s a huge damned mess right now, lol.

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It’s likely a talent or combination that they aren’t openly sharing, but it IS starting to spread and is a real problem.

It sucks deeply for people like yourself who are attempting to move forward playing normally, because it’s likely going to lead to an even bigger kneejerk nerf that leaves you guys dead, but we still can’t pretend it isn’t happening.

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Why cant I just get the secret sauce before it gets meganerfed lol

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It’s insane they’ve just STOPPED using the PVE/PVP tuning knobs randomly as well, it’s just showing the lack of effort or care from their end; it’s wild to see and it’s concerning.

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