šŸšæ What's the longest you've gone without showering?

Back when I was around 14 or 15 we had a bad ice storm knock everything out in my area. No electricity, no water. We had to use candles and thankfully we kept a stock of water for such an occasion. Went little over a week an a half with no shower. Felt awesome once we were able to get one at my school when they got the water going up there.

thats disgusting. i shower everyday. you should too.

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Due to gaming? Never. Due to illness or being in the hospital 6 days (though they did come in and give me sponge baths if that counts).



Like 2 years cause the water pressure where I lived was abysmal so I just took baths.

My first apartment had a broken shower and wonky faucet, my landlord was a butthole, I hate being around people, and Iā€™m very sedentary so I donā€™t sweat much.
Before I knew it I had gone 3+ years without taking a shower (or a bath)


I think we have a winnerā€¦ :nauseated_face:


About a day. I was travelling with my hubby while he was working (truck driver).

Not true for everyone.

Iā€™ve come across a few guys who thought they smelt like roses.

Two stank, like poo from a very sick cat. One was horribly, permanently constipated, the other needed to hire a wiper, as he obviously didnā€™t know how,.
One smelt of stale vinegar - he drank so much he sweated alcohol, copiously.
A couple of others - well, not going to say here what they stank of, but a guy has to be awfully lax in personal hygiene to get that eye-watering stench.

And of course thereā€™s various types of halitosis.

So donā€™t trust to being aware that youā€™re smelly.

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ā€¦please explain. Two months?

1 day tops. You clearly have low self esteem if you let it go a month. Get some self pride dude

30 days, I was on a CAX in 29 Palms and missed my opportunity. I did get to use a washcloth and water out of a water bull to give myself a PT shower. My cammies were standing on their own.

Never due to gaming, occasionally one day skip due to being super busy or in a hurry or something. When it happens I feel dirty the entire time, but always make sure to have deodorant on at least.

Youā€™d have like 50 different species of parasitic insects living upon you if that was the case.


Well I layed down on the couch one day and got comfortable.

4 Days, itā€™s always at the start of an Xpac when Iā€™m going and blowing till my mains are maxed and ready to roll for raiding.

Comfortable or comatose?

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for gaming? nah. i shower everyday. but when i was in the military there would be long stretches that we would go when we were in the field. you make due with some baby wipes though. when i was in theater we made our own shower point with bottle water lol. rough but she go. better than being raunchy.

A bit of column A and a bit of column B.

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What colour was the mold growing on your butt?


Black, certainly. Probably some red too.

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