What's the largest animal you could survive one minute against in combat?

Probably either one of my dogs.

Cat saliva and scratches can cause a lot of health issues. Always wash that out thoroughly with antibacterial soap.

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I work at a vet and assure youā€¦ nope. Youā€™re underestimating dogs and 60 seconds is longer than it seems. Thereā€™s a reason they make things like muzzles and catch poles. :wink:

I can say Iā€™ve lost to my about 4oz. senegal parrot in well under a minute. On the other hand, itā€™s important to note I was trying NOT to hurt him while he went off on meā€¦ and left me unable to feel one of my fingers for hours. :roll_eyes: He can be a brat. :sweat_smile:

Yup, this. Also if itā€™s legitimately a no-holds-barred fight, thatā€™s different from my above example of me trying to not hurt my (bratty :joy: ) opponent.

Maybe, but itā€™s wild to know deer are responsible for a LOT of deaths. (Yes, even when not counting vehicular collision!)

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A German shepherd attacked me once, I had a big box of books in my hand and I shoved it in its face, he ran off crying, but he managed to bit my leg in the process, it legit hurt for a week. I donā€™t know what I would have done if I was bare handed. Itā€™s always scary to punch a dog since theyā€™re smaller and this opens you up to get bitten in the neck if you miss. Kicking kinda sucks too because you do not want your calves bitten at all. So i I donā€™t know, I think in a truly life or death situation I could take on a dog like a German shepherd, but I wouldnā€™t be able to walk away unscathed.

I am smoking the absurdity of an ā€œevolutionary budgetā€.

As a letter carrier in the early 1970ā€™s I found the friendliest dog to be a particular Doberman and of the three that managed to put a tear in my pants none were taller than a foot at the shoulder, including one Iā€™d just been pettingā€¦

Sometimes the home owner would just stand there as the dog ran at me. One guyā€™s German Shepard ran at me and I smacked it with the 8-track cassette I was delivering to him. There was a satisfying crack of plastic and I handed it to the guy. Never heard anything more about it.

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I donā€™t knowā€¦ I mean look at that eyeā€¦

My rule of thumb is if it canā€™t be reliably taken out with a fly swatter, itā€™s best just to leave it be.

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What if I believe the Planet Earth is really some animal we all live on, and kicking rocks and littering is my way of fighting back for all the volcanos and tidal waves.


I think if I ate my Wheaties and stretched for an hour I could take it.


I donā€™t know, man, in that case sheā€™s kinda washing us. Literally in the case of tidal waves.

Considering Iā€™d have to live for a minute?
And considering size?
And considering the animal is actually wanting to fight me?

Maybe I could stay alive with a bear for one minute? Or am I thinking wrong?

Spend maybe 20 seconds shouting at it really loud, 10 seconds running, 30 seconds taking the beat of my life, but if it stops at exactly 60, I might live?

I suspect that most predators arenā€™t that concerned whether theyā€™ve killed us or not but rather are we still capable of harming them or getting away while they are eating us.

Looking in on my last runin with a bear while hiking, yes.

I was scared as hell but the poor thing looked at me for about a second before booking it off the side of the cliff.

As far as I know, it was fine, it wasnā€™t that big a drop and we saw it limping off, but that fall did far more damage to the bear than i could have unarmed.

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A cow?

Have you ever seen a cow at a full gallop? Because I have and itā€™s a truly frightening sight.


Somebody needs to watch some Monty Python


a mouseā€¦ maybe.

Iā€™ve watched a bison pick a fight with someoneā€™s car door ahead of us because the people in the car were taunting it.

I think it would have won that fight had it cared to finish it