What's the largest animal you could survive one minute against in combat?

Hand to hand combat. No guns, no armor, just you and your fists. You have your teeth of course.

A couple decades ago I spent a couple weeks luring a feral kitten out from hiding with the idea that I would save it. I finally got it close enough to me to touch it and I grabbed the kitten. It could fit in one of my hands. It was really cute. It was able to bite into the knuckles of several of my fingers. My hand was swole up and hurt worse than breaking bones. I had trouble driving because I drove a stick. I ended up in the emergency room and the health department for a lot of shots.

I don’t think there’s any undomesticated animal I would willingly fight. I’m talking I would be wary of chipmunks. If a mouse charged me I would probably run.


Does the animal know its in combat with me? Like, why is it attacking. How mad at me is it already?


200 Ton Blue Whale. They don’t eat humans so you’d really just have to avoid being crushed for 60 seconds and they tend to run away from conflict anyway.


Out of principle of not wanting to harm animals, that’s a tough call. I’d probably be able to survive being attacked by something about raccoon sized relatively easy but if I was forced to fight (and it was being aggressive enough to attack), I’d go with a small-sized dog because I could probably punt a Chihuahua far enough that it won’t be a problem.


Pretty sure an elephant while being in a thick forest :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe like… a medium-sized dog? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Part of the bit is that you’re going to fight. Maybe you stepped on its tail. Maybe it’s just having a bad day. Who knows. It’s not going to just walk by and leave you alone though.

The average WoW player.

Based on what I’ve seen at Blizzcons, it should be smooth sailing :sunglasses:.


Hand to hand? Virtually no animal my size or larger, and likely not many half my size or larger. We are horribly equipped for defense without our tools.

In an absolute life or death scenario I’d say something like a shark, but I’m not coming out of it pleased. Best case I get lucky and blind it, worst case I survive the one minute and die later in the hospital, if I’m even found. I think even in the best case, I’m losing a limb.

Like most human beings- a medium sized dog. And even then that’s sketchy. A Cane Corso is tearing everybody in this thread apart, me included; let’s be real.

And nobody but the most elite of killer humans- talking bush warriors and plainsrunners; people who hunt these things on the regular- is going hand to hand with anything bigger. Except in those once-in-a-lifetime instances.

A wild animal that wants one of you dead, is going to kill you



A rabbit.


Well if the goal is simply to evade for 1 min and avoid combat entirely… you could say something like a cow or a bull.

One ant :frowning:


Could probably survive most animals for 1 minute. A lot of times they even drag you off while you are still alive. Of course, Ive read plenty of accounts of people surviving all sorts of attacks from Bears to Sharks to Elephants.

Maybe could box a kangaroo for a minute as long as it doesn’t grab you and disembowel you with its legs

Me? Probably a chicken, maybe.

I’m a tiny twig of a person.

It’s one of the reasons I’m playing a tall race in here lol


The bunny rabbit.

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A mosquito. Fact. Done it. I don’t always win though.


some sort of turnip.


Probably a large raccoon if I have a broom. I’ve done that before.