What's the largest animal you could survive one minute against in combat?

I could probably take out a skin mite. With enough prep time.

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Surprisingly most of the people in this thread are pretty reasonable. Sometimes these threads go in a direction. People get very insistent that they could totally not only survive a bear but drive it off. Or a tiger. Or a wolf. Pick something ridiculous and they will be absolutely sure of themselves against something like that.

I think the thing humans have going for them in general is that we are wizards, doing impossible things that most animals can’t understand. Even when they understand in some way, it’s still magic. Flimsy wizards, like tissue paper, but still wizards. :slight_smile:

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From what I can tell bears take their time so I could “survive” one minute but only because its not to quick to get the kill in. I of course wuold quickly die after that min do to injuries or just the bear finishing its meal.

A hamster.

Not even 5 seconds :smirk_cat:

You can never handle Turnips with Dark Glasses!


A legless cockroach!

Not just that; they physically cannot eat humans. Their throats are as wide as a beach ball.

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Elephant. I bet I can pivot faster for a minute.

I’d like to post a specific kind of whale, but the blizzard censor said “no”

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That’s unfair because Druids and Monks can win, Druids going into bear or cat form and monks do not use weapons to attack anyway.

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A worgen. Just keep doing /pet and /scritch

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Imaginary potential does not potential make. There are not two wolves inside of me, and given the proper context, wolves are smarter and stronger.

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Fights are typically won or lost in the will, so knowing the why is critical. Are we also assuming both parties know the fight is happening?

The biggest I’ve fought personally was a rottweiler. To be fair, though, it was threatening my child and didn’t realize player three had entered the game until impact. The dog figured out pretty quick I was willing to die and he wasn’t.

Most ambush predators are pretty easy to handle/avoid if they don’t get the drop on you.

Deer aren’t super hard to kill if a person is capable of acting instead of reacting.

Nearly all smallish animals can be handled with a swift kick if the human knows its a fight and is willing to act.

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I’m fighting?? Probably not anything dangerous, not interested in harming anything or supporting animal rings.

If I can run, I think I could survive farely well against large animals, maybe up to a large kitty. Elephant would just be a matter of staying out of range, once it catches up it’s ogre. But smaller I think I could make it to a minute before I bleed out.

It knows the rules. It had a strict swing timer (2.5ish?), has to reset if you run away for 10 seconds, and automatically evades everything if it can’t path to you.

What are you smoking and where do I sign up?

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Years ago my wife had a white Parakeet, it got out of it’s cage and when I went to get it I got attacked. It would literally glide from the ceiling and swoop on my head and rake and bite it. Ever since I have a deep fear of birds, with that said the other day a giant rat attacked my Chihuahua/Mini Pin. mix and I proudly fought that rodent to the death.

a whale, if that thing wants to challenge me it’ll have to come up onto the land where I have the advantage.


I’m not strong, and if it were only attacking me I wouldn’t feel very inclined to fight back, so probably like none of them.