What's the largest animal you could survive one minute against in combat?

also if you back down from a gorilla and go into baby mode they will not mess with you


Where do these ā€˜man vs. animalā€™ concepts come from? Are the posters authoring them trying to get ideas for gladiatorial role-play or something?

Iā€™m really not usually one for being nit-picky about off-topic threads, but this idea has cropped up more than once lately, and has a lot less to do with the game than most.


I donā€™t get it ether to be honestā€¦ Not sure why people have fantasies of hurting animals in some kind of arena. And forcing animals to fight in some blood sport arena to satisfied some sick fantasy.

Animal abuse been around for thousands of years unfortunately.


No, sheā€™s talking about the evolutionary budget. We can only afford to sustain that which we can provide for, so we ā€˜tradeā€™ things for other more beneficial things.

By ā€œsurviveā€ do you mean being able to walk away from unhurt or at least not life-changingly injured, or do you mean just not dead at the end of one minute?

If itā€™s the second, I guess the real question is what animals can kill you in under a minute? Like, dead, not dying, dead dead, no brain activity, in under a minute. Then I guess itā€™s also a question of does it have to be consistent, or does any animal capable of a lucky shot count?

An animal youā€™re in combat with that will always kill you in a minute or less does narrow things down.


Iā€™ve been attacked by dogs before lol. If you donā€™t panic and fight back they donā€™t keep going when alone. One good hit to the ribs or the jaw and theyā€™re yelping like you shot them.

I feel the need to correct you on this. People misunderstand canines often.

If a dog or wolf is attacking you, they will not stop. What likely happened to you was that you were caught in a dominance struggle, which is why they yelp. They only yelp when in exceptional pain, or to let you know to stop. The latter doesnā€™t happen if they actually have deadly intent with you.

I know someone who almost died due to similar advice, so Iā€™m sorry if I sound preachy.




I think I could take on a hamster on a good day. On a bad day, maybe a gerbil.

Not sure. I might be lying to myself to make me feel more badass than I really am.

Life is hard. /sigh.


Assuming it is actively trying for my life, Iā€™d say it depends. I could probably survive against medium dogs assuming regular wear and shoes. If Iā€™m completely unequipped, I think I could probably handle a ornery squirrel or similar sized non-predator.

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Itā€™s an interesting question, one aimed more at gauging the potential physical capabilities of the playerbase than actually harming any animals, Iā€™m thinking.

That said, thereā€™s this show I watch called Quite Frankly online.
Frank runs it & is the host and he has his buddy, Matt show up on occasion and whenever Matts on itā€™s almost always hilarious.

They got into a conversation thatā€™s basically the question of this thread, how long would you last against (insert powerful animal/s here) in a fight for survival with no tools or weapons?

Matts funniest response, said in a deadpan tone he always uses, is white shark.
He said he could just hold the shark above the water til it passed out from lack of breathing.
Just tread water, holding this great white shark above his head and the visual I got from that was hilarious.

Itā€™s funnier when he says it. That was a great show. But in reality, most people wouldnā€™t fight any other animal and most animals donā€™t want to fight humans. They avoid us because, I suspect they think weā€™re annoying.
No other reason really. Just annoying, not good eating either which is why itā€™s almost always the very young or the very old and sick animals that will attack a human in the woods (not including the occasional enraged mother bear but thatā€™s another reason and story).

Animals do watch us though. Iā€™ve seen videos of bears straightening up traffic cones that were knocked over on the highway, deer that will kick a soccer ball into the goal post on an empty soccer field, bears and big cats that have learned to open car doors, house doors even which is why I still lock up even though I live out in the woods.

So theyā€™re smart. Maybe even smarter than us, Idk.

Bear. I am like Zangief.


Depends, whatā€™s my charisma rating?


A frog dropped on my head when I was going into my shed the other day

So . . . :frog:


Still think not panicing and fighting back is solid advice. Humans are a lot stronger than some damn dog unless youā€™re a literal child.

Whatā€™s the alternative here? Curl up in a ball and let the dog use you as a chew toy? Not outrunning a dog unless you can climb something

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Depends on the dog. The average person is not stronger than a Malinois, generally speaking.

My concern is more about overconfidence, not that people should let the dog tear them apart. If you suspect a dog might be violent, you should avoid it if possible. If not possible, you have little option but to fight, youā€™re right.

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I fought Big Foot once and lasted 61 seconds


Hand to hand combat; a pitbull.

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I had a friend who had a rabbit and for some reason it went bad. We think it maybe ate some paint off a door because it then made a roughly rabbit sized hole in the door and they couldnā€™t get near it after that. Iā€™m sure you could survive but I donā€™t think you would be happy. I mean there are people who survive being mauled by bears. Itā€™s not fun but they do live.

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Any of them

I fear no animals