What's the largest animal you could survive one minute against in combat?

doesn’t sound like ‘combat’…
sounds more like combat-averse.
tooth and nail?
i’m going to say a…wombat…just
to stay on the safe side.

yeah…tooth and nail…humans are badly equipped.

The question is, will it be able to accomplish that in a minute.

Humans are pretty durable and have better endurance than most of the animal kingdom.

We reached the top of the food chain for a reason, and it wasn’t just spears.

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Does the Great Barrier Reef count? It is over 133,000 square miles and the single largest mass of organisms on Earth.


your mama


idk probably a pygmy goat but i wouldn’t want to hurt it so it’d just be a lot of dancing around like a rodeo clown. yee-haw!


Tickle fight?


I feel that “survive” isn’t really what I’m going for in regards to my decision-making.

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1.) Do I get to choose the battlefield?
2.) How much prep time do I have?

I only ask because I’m Batman.

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Batman is just a rich ninja without all his gizmos.

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I made this same mistake once. Bad call. This feral kitten bit my thumb, piercing all the way through to the underside of my nail.

A capybara.

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I often lose fights against my 6 pound tortie. She’s got lightning fast paws and some nasty combos.


You could survive against a bear for 1 minute. It would start eating you but you’d still be alive for a few minutes.

maybe, like a manatee? or a whale shark? they seem pretty docile and would probably not fight me even if Darkturnips told them to.

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Humans best assets are that we are endurance hunters (lung capacity/breathing is independent, we can sweat to reduce our heat levels, and our muscles are formulated for maximum endurance) and we have intelligence.

With no weapons, our ability to kill goes down dramatically because we traded brute force for intelligence, lol.

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so op the first question is why were you not wearing any type protection when tying to capture a feral kitten?
and for the fight not taking any chances

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I remember those documentaries about the folks who survived a minute with chimps. Survived, but lost a majority of their soft flesh and fingers.

Survive? Maybe.

But life won’t be the same.

What? Are you suggesting agency over genetic development? If anything, I would say causal development happens in reverse. We couldn’t afford brute force so the only option to survive was intelligence–we never had either to begin with.

(Not so sure what we have today is intelligent. We got lucky with walking to see a horizon, begin to think of the future, and plan accordingly–add in the dexterity of hands with thumbs and tools, luck may be a better description of our chief asset.)

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i rather fight a gorilla then a chimp

Me too those monkey’s are vicious. Get a Chimp hulk mad you wouldn’t last 30 seconds. Least with a Gorilla they will get distracted and do something else eventually depending if you avoid eye contact and do your best not to agitate the Gorilla. But a mad Chimp wants blood and thunder while screaming Loktar’ Ogar.


I wasn’t thinking that I wouldn’t, but now I’m wondering why I would. :flushed:

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