Whats the hardest class to pvp with?

What are the hardest and easiest classes to pvp as?

Not asking what the most op classes are, but skill wise.

I want to level another character that is going to be challenging and while I am at get my brother started in pvp with something easy.

Rogue is difficult in arena to play at the skill ceiling. Disc Priest, too. Resto shaman.

Eh it really depends. All classes are generally easy to play, but with high skillcaps. Rogues and druids are pretty high up there on the skill level to play effectively, where-as any caster or ranged class is gonna get you free kills just to due to the nature of being ranged vs melee, but also do require some skill in 1v1 scenario’s.

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Hunter is easy to PvP with and not be completely useless. To be really good it takes skill, but it’s a nice entry level.

Druid is tough to master and really strong if you do.

You guys could find a healer and run some TBC jungle. :slight_smile:

Skillwise, Rogue, they aren’t too hard to pick up, but their skill ceiling is very high.

If you’re talking powerwise, Paladin (holy or ret), because while that class isn’t mechanically too difficult, there’s too many dumb gimmicks, and is lacking core talents introduced in wotlk to even perform functionally in pvp.

The skill ceiling for all classes is relatively low. Both in classic and tbc. Druid play probably requires the highest skill ceiling in pvp simply because of shapeshifting. Rogues/warlocks have the highest power level. But that’s not the same thing as difficulty.

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So thats 3 rogues mentioned.

Are they hard from the get go, easy to play hard to master?

When you say power level do you mean they are stronger at its core?

I say locks are the hardest class to play. Them dots put me to sleep.

Doing damage and stunlocking one target in a random bg isn’t too hard to do. The main difficulty comes in arenas, where you have to coordinate cc with your partner to always control the pace of the game and always be ready to shadowstep+interrupt someone.

Stronger in terms of game balance. Which is why I mention paladins, because they aren’t too mechanically demanding, but they are weakest in terms of strength.

Definitely druid.

Insanely high skill cap. High skill floor as well.

Any of the hybrid dps specs will be the hardest.

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Alright that was a good one.

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Prot Pally or Prot Warrior.

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Druid, rogue, mage hunter have the highest performance power gains.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people saying priest.

It’s a bit of a slower class, so the bottleneck to your performance are the globals you use and your positioning.

This doesn’t quite meet the same standard of the previously mentioned classes, which rely on positioning, movement, ability use, etc.

Priest is more like playing a slower game of chess than anything else, doesn’t really come to mind for me.

I mean most classes have a high skill-cap in TBC it’s pretty hard to narrow it down to any one. I suppose the fact that Rogues have a shorter GCD means that if you’re capable you can pull off quicker combos in succession, although without cooldowns they’re pretty much running away trying to AFK.

May sound biased but TBC warrior utility is actually pretty high overall, however because we don’t have a frontloaded resource like mana, or infinitely regenerating energy (and actually start with out resource depleted), it’s really really difficult to play warrior at it’s highest level. The class is very easily effective however just by even autoattacking with a healer once stam and resil are there, but it’s very easy to counter as well. At highest level play it’s really a toss up.

Warrior skillcap probably triples in wrath though.

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Wrath is much better than TBC for class mechanics in general.

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This depends. If you have the bandwidth to easily handle the different roles then it’s actually empowering to play these classes. It also becomes much more obvious what the right thing to do is at a given time often, when you have very specific utilities like feral charge rdruid spec. It can be much less obvious what the right moves to make are though when your class has power, but is easily countered in a single misstep.

Yes and no, the pacing is different and that comes down to preference, I like them both. Mechanics BEGAN their homogenization process arguably in wrath. This is when the mobility arms race really started. Cata it got worse with dispels and kicks. Overall most classes probably have higher skillcaps in wrath, but whether or not making a class feel like it plays cleaner internally makes for good game design is another story, because now you also have to deal with that from your opponents.

I’d play TBC or Wrath forever any day over any other WoW expansion in arenas though.

For Skill Floor —> Skill Ceiling
Druid 6-10
Rogue 7-11
Lock 8-10
Hunter 1-10
Mage 2-9
Shaman 2-8
Priest 5-10
Paladin 2-9
Warrior 4-9

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if ur talking about arenas then probs rogue hardest to perfect it