Whats the hardest class to pvp with?

Hunter is without a doubt the highest skill cap class in all of tbc.

They’re not all that great and have 1 comp in 3s and literally have to play long mana drain games in 2s.

They require TONS Of skill and situational awareness to do well with.

aside from dps

Resto druid has A LOT of stuff going on between position/changing position. They have to pillar hump, CC and heal.

Tons of macros tons of 1,2,3 for all their heals and cc and what not.

Hunter/Druid top 2 in terms of skill cap.

This man knows.

You should have stopped right there. All warrior needs to do is be aware of his position and not over extend while healer is trying to drink ect.

They focus hamstring and Fear… The rest is zug zug dps pooling rage for go’s and not putting his healer in a bad spot do to tunnel vision.

I would say warrior probably the easiest to play if im being honest.

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The internal mechanics of warrior that you DON’T see (stance dancing for optimal incoming / outgoing damage w/ rage balancing and knowing when you just have to sit zerker) if you aren’t playing one is in big part what I was referring to.

I’m sure warr looks overly simple from the outside, it’s a different kind of setup and prediction than an on-demand resource class where you can use your abilities at basically any time.

Also with batching gone, things like gouge batching etc. are likely out of the picture, but you can still benefit (or get crushed due to rage cost) from instant cast predictions w/ spell reflect, everyone can predict things but it’s hard to name a class that gets punished more for making a bad one. Intervene timing is also pretty tricky, especially when everyone wants to cross-cc you, I feel like warrior trinket decisions are one of the more important ones (assuming you have a good healer worth defending), even though the impulse is to zug zug.

Are people really saying rDruid? The skill floor on rDruid is pillar hump and hot. It’s the easiest healer to get along on. Shaman is all predictive actions with totems so it requires you live in the future to master. Priest is all about positioning and can be difficult if you don’t use positioning properly. Paladin is all hard cast so gl. RDruid is the easiest healer to play.

Rogue is highest skill cap melee.
Mage is highest skill cap ranged.
Rsham is highest skill cap healer.


Warlock is the hardest. Casting 4 dots and a fear requires copious amounts of alcohol to make it fun to play over and over. :sunglasses::grin:

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People have stated this sort of thing before. Can you provide steps that one could repeat to arrive at the same conclusion?

This is an interesting system. How does it work? I.e. how did you arrive at these numbers? Is there a set of repeatable steps that one could use to verify them?

So just curious as I only played rogue from wotlk into cata.

What makes them so difficult?

Holy Paladin is hard in 2s and 3s this patch, from the testing I’ve done. You have to outplay the other team like 3x over in order to win a lot of matchups, and be a fake casting god. But it’s fun and people are kinda taken by surprise sometimes because Hpals are so rare in arena.

Bad != high skill cap. People used to have this misunderstanding all the time.

Paladin is a half-designed class, even in TBC, with very few options in most scenarios.

In some ways, a Paladin healer is going to be the hardest to PVP with, as it will be difficult to find people to push with you, and you’ll be the weakest PVP healer among the 4.

How are you determining skill cap?

This question is easy, a warrior has the highest skill cap. The best ones are gods. Gear swapping 2h for 1h and shield to spell reflect. Rage management and stance dancing to interrupt or break CC. Tons of build options to create something to fit your play style. Utility and damage. Then in Prot you got dispel, silence and more stuns. The difference between an average warrior and a great one is massive.

Aziegodx is great to follow and the video where Xaryu on his mage was getting bullied by him was interesting. That is where you can see just how a great warrior can play. When a warrior comp bullies a mage comp it’s about skill. Not just any mage either.

Decent list but lock skill floor is wayyy to high here

When locks aren’t getting rank 1 and high gladiator while still having their felhunter spelllock and devour on auto cast, you can talk to me about the skill floor being set too high.

I use a combination of percentiles of ratings mixed with representations in those percentiles via historic numbers with original TBC and some private servers.

I mean it’s common knowledge that sl/sl is one of the easiest and op specs in the game. After playing almost all the classes in pvp on pservers lock was the easiest for me to setup and abuse. The floor could not be lower with all the safety nets given

That’s the reason the floor is so high. The skill floor refers to the value the class gets when playing at a low skill level. The skill ceiling refers to their potential when played really well.

Applying dots, spamming fear, macroing pet abilities is hard?

Ah i thought your rankings meant low number has lowest barrier to entry

Feral Druid.

Disc Priest.

Survival Hunter.

Can’t agree more. I never play druids because the skill ceiling is SO high to be really good. I don’t want to be a mediocre or good player and I am too old and slow to be a twitchy, great druid player.

Classes that require the most activity to succeed with, classes that require frequently pressing more, varying buttons, classes that have to predict, rather than react, classes with multiple “roles” to fill in the arena. Classes that have to hard cast/constantly be IN los to utilize all, or most of their tools vs classes that can set and go pillar hump. Healers that lack instant cast abilities as a part of their regularly spells. Etc etc, consider all of these, and imo i came up with what i came up with.