Whats the hardest class to max level in your opinion?

Not contradicting myself at all, different classes are afraid of different things, im not afraid of runners while playing my priest because he can handle them. On a pally i am. Also i didnt say anything about 3 mobs being a problem on a pally i said anymore than 3, and if your leveling with prot like you say you are then yes 4-5 mobs you can handle, but your kill speed is so slow at that point single target as ret would be better.

Also holy nova / swp does more aoe damage than conc and ret aura and then wand when your oom and with spirit tap your back to full mana by the time you get to the next mob. You can never have down ime on a pally to but it involves circleing in seal/judge wisdom which drasticaly reduces your damage and youd be better off just drinking at that point. I really think you have never played a priest to know how easy the class is to quest and lvl. If anyones contradicting himself it would b you by saying you kill things fast and your leveling as prot, those dont belong in the same discussion ever if you compare hem to literally any other spec than prot warrior.

Warriors are the BEST class to level imo. Once I got sweeping strikes, whirlwind and mortal strike, Iā€™m like a dps machine.

As long as weapon is kept up to date, I had no issue questing and was hyper aware of mobs around me so I didnā€™t accidentally pull anything. I had to sit and eat almost every fight but get a mage to give you high level food and itā€™s not that big of a deal.

Out of all my 3 toons I have (mage, war, paladin) Iā€™d have to pick warrior as the most fun to play.


I guess I didnā€™t really answer your question. Hardest? Meh. I was too busy having fun to notice but I would say it took longer

Paladin. Because you will fall asleep at your keyboard trying to level.

? Where do you get the mana to sw:p 5 times and holy nova? And if you do have that mana you are sacrificing so much spirit or stamina even with spirit tap. And you are forgetting that the paladin is swinging their weapon the entire time and not only when they are OoM. Not to mention your shield isnā€™t invincible and will break.

The whole point of being afraid of runners is that they will bring reinforcements. If in the exact same situation and having runners is a problem, the priest canā€™t use their one defensive cooldown. Paladins have many and can prevent runners outright.

As for mana, you obviously havenā€™t used a lot of spirit on a paladin have you. I can tell you right now that there is very little down time as mana is full by the time you get to the next group which is generally as you are killing the last of the previous group.

Push to 20. Cat form makes up for those earliest levels.


I would say warrior, especially if leveling as prot warrior. There wonā€™t always be dungeons to do all the time, and sometimes youā€™ll have to resort to old-fashioned questing, and it can be a pain. ::shudders from the memories::

Then again, itā€™s probably not bad if the warrior is a dps spec. Iā€™m a weirdo who leveled as a prot warrior (as well as a holy priest, rofl).

How was rogue hard to level? I rarely die as rogue. You have evasion, blade flurry if your combat, vanish, blind, stuns. You even have crippling poison to run if need be.

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Thatā€™s why I said pre 20. The only ability you listed that you get before that point is Evasion.

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You have plenty of mana to dot 5 minions once then holy nova spam them down then switch to wand to finish them if needed, and if you do a big pull like that yes you have to drink afterwards, its not ideal to attack like that anyway your better off 1-1 just stating its faster and easier to kill like that as a priest. I dont specifically gear for spirit or int, i choose the best peices i ge while questing or dungeoning, i dont go out of my way for any one stat.
As for pally, if your full mana after killing a group then your white hitting everything to death. Doesnt madder how much spirit you have, if you cast spells your mana does not regen for 5 sec, so with conc/judge/healing your will not get any benefit for that spirit until you are out of combat. A preist on the other hand gets regen during combat through several talent choices.

Also a paladin does not have many def cooldowns, they have 2ā€¦ both of which are on a long cooldown. arguably 3 but 2 share a debuff/cooldown. You have bubble and lay on hands which is an hour cooldown. Preist have shield to make up for lack of armor, then if you play a good race, desperate prayer (basically a lay on hands that doesnt drain your mana pool) and psychic scream if you just need a minute for forbeance to go away or you need to run, o ya and renew to tick you some health as you get out of any dicey situations. On a pally if you have to run, you have until your buble is gone to drop aggro and hope you didnt grab more then your screwed. priests can fear every 30 seconds. shield more often than that and run with a renew ticking. Do you also forget that priests have inner fire? It doesnt equal the difference between cloth and plate, but that with shield mixed in you are sturdier than a pally to everything except bosses and elites. to argue that any melee class is easier to level or faster than a ranged character is ludicrous.

Ah my bad I didnā€™t see that part. Have a great day!!

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Ok. It seems you donā€™t understand the concept of cooldowns. You canā€™t use abilities during the cool down duration. You wonā€™t bother with judgement because that is just a waste of mana unless you need it. You will use consecration on an 8-9 second cycle to maximize regen ticks as most of the damage is passive. When the enemies get low enough you can simply stop using consecration and allow your mana to regen.

As said for priest, depending on talent choices you can bubble once every 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and LoH once an hour. And yes, there is a 1 min debuff. Priest has an 8 second fear on a 30 second cooldown and 15 sec. debuff shield that protects for a little damage. A shield using paladin take less than 2/3 the damage you take with inner fire on. And once a paladin gets BoSanctuary damage is reduced even further. There isnā€™t much running to be had.

I dont think any class should be judged by their skills/abilities levels 1-20. You can level to 20 in a couple days. 1-15 you can do in a day. I remember leveling a warrior as arms in vanilla and had a blast. Coming from playing a lock as my main it was a blast using charge and purposefully taking a beating.

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Just kill greens. Youll never have downtime.

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Warrior is the hardest to level.
Also, u can 1 vs 3 mobs once u have cleave and ww.
If you go lvl as a prot , you are probably on drugs, then gl.
I died not more than my aoe mage (both leveled to 60).
I donā€™t recall at what lvl, but at least form STV you basically can kill 3-4 mobs and only then eat.
Not sure but it seems like a warrior has a more skill cap than a mage pvp wise.

Warrior definitely picks up after 30 with SS, I found fury to be hot garbage for leveling and that was my one big mistake, but even if I had been Arms the entire time leveling the level 10-29 range is just outright brutal for warrior. Itā€™s basically an uphill battle and once you get past 30 itā€™s downhill from there. After you get execute and MS things smooth out and I found it more HP efficient to fight two, maybe three, mobs at a time than to try to solo them 1v1.

And being Undead is SUPER helpful as a warrior because it greatly reduces your downtime. I carried very little food with me while I leveled, in fact almost none. Just a constant rotation of bandage and cannibalize to push you through.

But I wouldnā€™t call them easy mode. They still lack all the things people have been talking about and youā€™re still face tanking mobs all the time. My rogue and warlock have both felt REALLY good for leveling, albeit only in the 30s with them. My warlock has been able to get tangled up in 4-5 mob continuous pulls and be able to pull it off, that canā€™t happen as a warrior. In fact some bonehead warrior tried to gank me twice while I was involved in ~3 mob pulls and I killed him twice and still mostly cleared out the mobs. Was pretty great.


I tried to roll Alliance for the first time ever to level a paladin to 60 on Stalagg after it hit like 95%+ Horde population. I couldnā€™t even make it outta Elewynn forest. That class got so boring. If I wanted to sit and afk all day, Iā€™d play Old School RuneScape lol.

If you really want to be a masochist, solo level as resto druid.

Still not 60. Started on launch day. :sloth:

I leveled resto druid in vanilla because I didnā€™t know any better. I didnā€™t start my first alt until I hit 60. It was a lock. I felt like I was in God Mode.

Druid is by far the worst to solo lvl until cat form at 20. Every pull makes you want to punch yourself in the face.

Level 1-20 was the easy part. :slight_smile:

When we started classic, the guild I was rolling with wanted to do Alliance. I didnā€™t want anything to do with that. I wanted to be a Horde Shaman, just like vanilla, because Horde is the best and Shaman is the best and itā€™s the only thing that makes any sense.

I did want to play with them though, so I grudgingly rolled Alliance. But I was determined to hate it. So I picked the most masochistic and difficult option to level that I could think of: Restoration Druid.

There is no bear. There is no cat. Resto caster only.

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