Whats the hardest class to max level in your opinion?

I personally havent found any problems in regards to leveling. They’re all about the same to me in regards to just questing or dungeons. I’d say there is a 24-48 hour difference in regards to fastest leveling paces from fastest to slowest class which really isnt that much. Depending on how much you can play everyday is what makes the biggest impact. For example it might take an extra month to level a warrioir, vs a lock/mage/hunter simply because the efficiency within your short play time is greater for those classes in regards to xp.

I think warrioir slowed down to 1 lvl per day at about lvl 40. So that means I needed to get 3 levels every weekend which added another month to my grind giving it a seemingly longer grind time.

However once you get close to 40, as a warrior, you can pretty much grind mobs till 60 and be there by about 8 days play time or sooner, which really isnt bad. Even faster if you can spam dungeons.

I think every class for the average player, will take between 7 and 10 days of /played.

There really isnt a rush, by 54 you’ll need to start getting prebis anyways. By 60 youll probabaly still be farming for prebis, and if your lucky youll get a new raid piece every week, or 2 weeks, or once a month if your rolls are bad and rolling against pugs who always need gear.

The grind doesnt really start for anyone until they hit 60. Mages being the slowest.

It all balances in the end. I get to roll against 10-15 people every week. So really it doesnt matter it took me 7 days to get 60, I’ll easily spend months just finishing t1.

With good armor and a good shield, you take around half damage. Consecration and ret aura will melt the mobs. I should also point out that you play a paladin differently than your priest. You don’t just run into a group of casters and you do have JoJ to keep runners from running.

I also want to point out that 5 mobs are just as dangerous for a priest because you take so much more damage. And I find it funny you are worried about runners for the paladin when you would openly use psychic scream.

I personally found Warrior really easy and enjoyable. Mines level 51 and so far I can kill about 5-6 mobs before needing to eat, so I’m not really sure what people are talking about. It was kindof tough up to 30, but once you got WW Axe it was stupid easy and fast. I think leveling Warrior was less annoying than Druid. Druid has no downtime And isn’t hard, but has to shift out of cat a lot to heal after 2 mobs or so, which just got annoying. Personal opinion though I guess

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My highest level rogue is combat swords and feels like he’s come into his own in the 30s (he’s 36 now). He just shreds most mobs, and can sneak around problem spots, pickpocket so gold is less an issue, and vanish if adds are a problem.

This made me curious. The only classes I have in immediate proximity are a rogue and hunter, both 36, and the hunter is a full 32 hours ahead already - even with all the time spent running around to learn pet abilities. I’ll have to make a point of noting all 8 classes /played when I ding 60.

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Lol youtube overhyped and exaggerated a lot, basically mind controlled people. Dig in and you’ll be surprised :confused: it’s like people are actually dumb and I’m in denial.

Warrior is fun to solo/quest with IMO. Charge is just a blast to use, and downtime in very minimal if you are just charging from one yellow or green to the next. Two yellows are no problem to handle (or 3-4 greens or 1 orange), but you will likely need to bandage or food-regen after that. Anything more than that & you will need to consume a healing potion probably. It might be worse if you are doing 2HND though. I use 1HND/SHIELD all the time (my preference) with a cherry-picked Fury spec currently & my experiences are based on that. I don’t consider it slow (like my boring-to-play + slow Paladin), but it isn’t fast either. Pacing is about right.

Only thing about any melee is that ocassional strings of misses and/or parry/dodge can be really frustrating - especially when it is a lower level mob to you.

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I leveled a hunter first, then a warrior, and am now leveling a mage.

Hunter is ridiculously easy, but annoying to have to keep spending gold/bagspace on water, food and ammunition. However, you have a pocket tank and good kiting capabilities early and it’s easy to kill red mobs. There’s minimal downtime. It’s quite difficult to find dungeon runs, though. (But once in a dungeon, hunters have a lot they can do to make the run go smoothely.) Also hunters have a lot of useful buttons and are interesting to play.

Warrior could not kill a red mob. Warrior spent a lot of time dead. I ate food like a starving person. Warrior really did not feel whole without some sort of healer, but with a healer felt godlike and invincible. Warrior had no trouble finding groups. Warrior was a lot of fun to play after about lvl 30, with many useful abilities and options for optimization. Even after reaching 60 and in decent dungeon gear, the warrior still feels under powered in the world compared to the hunter. However, I have to beat groups off with a stick.

Mage is stupid easy to play. My rotation is basically frost bolt with the occasional frost nova. That’s it. It gets boring in groups because I am basically just spamming frost bolt and making water. But kiting is easy, killing red mobs no problem, and finding groups is also pretty easy because mage aoe is so useful in leveling dungeons. No money or bag space spent on food/water, though occasionally I beg a higher lvl mage for some better water.

Next toon will be a rogue, I think. Or maybe a priest.

If your using a shield and conc to level, your talking even slower. Conc costs so much mana and does so little damage and ret aura barley does damage, so idk were your getting it melts enemies from, you will die from more than 3 mobs before you kill everything. Yes a pally does play differently, thats why you have to worry about runners on a pally and not a priest. You have no way to distract additional mobs like a priest does. And if you think your gonna keep joj up on all humanoid targets in a group your crazy, you will go oom so fast and you will do so much less damage its funny. 1v1 ya its easy to keep up but then again your still going to kill slower than a priest and here is no getting away from that.

Warrior isn’t hard at all. Just keep a blue weapon around and level as arms because DW fury misses all the time and it’s easier to worry about one weapon.

Yes, even without a high level main it shouldn’t be hard with a gathering prof to stay up to date in “of the bear” greens and a decent weapon. You get sweeping strikes and a few OH NO buttons in the form of retaliation, shield wall, and the aoe fear shout.

Paladin is probably the hardest. Safe, but very boring. Auto forever, heal or cleanse when needed, judge. Priest is probably second but gets a little more exciting as you level and get new abilities and deeper into shadow so you feel more like an offensive caster and less a wand bot.

Honorable mention goes to pre-10 hunter. So hard to work up the willpower to level one to 10 but after that it’s one of the best levelers in the game.

druid because the entire time you will be sitting there knowing you will be a healbot at max level and hate yourself the entire time…jk I love u furry weirdos.

most dungeons are not worth the trouble of looking for a group if you are a rogue at this point. low level blue weapons are pretty cheap in classic. spending a few gold saves a lot of time messing around with dungeons

warrior is amazing to level if you can’t level one then you aren’t just good at it im sorry

I hear death knights, monks and demonhunters are nearly impossible to level in Classic.


I’m lvling a priest now and I take a lot less dmg as a priest. That shield is very OP. And honestly priest has almost zero down time, which is massive while lvling. Priest is easier hands down. I was skeptical of this before playing one.

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IDK about hardest

But most boring is def levelign as a ret pala

It’s not so bad if ur an alt and can AOE farm…But that requires the horde to leave u alone as you go on

Warrior prob hardest from discipline perspective…If u over pull u will die, pala can almost always bail

My druid is stuck at like 15, Holy god lvling in bear form is boring.

Why would you use JoJ on everyone? Consecration is way more efficient than SW:P on multiple mobs + ret aura + block damage. If you die from 3 mobs then you aren’t playing effectively.

And you keep contradicting yourself. You are either afraid of runners or not. If you are not then there is no need to JoJ as you are free to Psychic Scream. You only need to apply JoJ when they get low on health too.

Ya priest bubble is hands down broken, but it works identical to how I remember it from vanilla (broken piece of…). I rarely had down time what so ever on my paladin. Leveling prot I ended up with some but it really wasn’t more than just walking to the next targets. I’m a big spirit guy for leveling so maybe that’s where the disconnect is coming from?

Exp and dungeon quests can add up fast. If you run SMs for example you can level 30-42 without all that travel time when you run out of quests in zones. Not to mention dungeons just kinda break up the grind.

I think you are seriously underestimating how handy it is to tank dungeons while leveling. It’s not always about loot.

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I do have to agree with a Warrior, personally. Maybe I’m just bad at it, it’s a possibility, too. I just don’t have the mindset of a Warrior. I’m pretty OK with every other Class. My favorites being the following: Druid, Shaman, Mage and Hunter.

i was talking about rogues, no one wants them for sm groups in my experience. its not like i need those dungeons that badly either