Whats the hardest class to max level in your opinion?

early rogues are brutally slow and painful, you’ll be waiting for health to regenerate, same with warriors, sometimes you run out of food and you just have to stand there lol.
People say wow rogue so OP !!! but its actually really tough sometimes to fight tough dinosaurs and meele monsters with leather, if you don’t dodge/parry you die.

just because you don’t die doesn’t mean its not hard to level, rogues level slow, you stealth around slowly… plan out your moves slowly… and sometimes when evasion and vanish is on cooldown you get smacked for a crit and all of a sudden youre nearly dead, rogues are squishy, leather and low stamina typically.

Rogues are not super squishy. I mean 17% evasion plus 5% parry at 10 does help. It’s not hard and this game will kill you a few times pre 20 for most classes.

LOL did you just say you dont use judgement because its a waste of mana but you use conc on cooldown?? Ok your trolling, conc does less or equal to 2 judgements for like 3 times the mana over a period of time, its not good to use single target. Its basically using a swp that costs 4 times the mana as normal. You would kill faster using the 3-4 judgements you can cast for the mana cost of that one conc. Even if you do it your way, if you cast nothing but conc and then white hit, you would get one tick of mana every 10-15 sec because im assuming you use seals to so that would disrupt your mana regen to. idc how much spirit you have your not coming out ahead unless you seal of wisdom or white hit with no spells for half the fight. Which once again means your the slowest character at killing stuff.

You have already admitted that shield is op. It doesnt protect for a little damage like you say… I on the norma l while leveling would pull 2-3 mobs. 1 would be dead before they reached me. 2 would be dead by the time the shield would break, then reapply and kill 3. and that was basically just swp mind blast and wanding. So with the right talents im full mana by the end and ready to go. I also like how you keep saying your kill things faster than a preist can and you talking about leveling as prot with a shield, you are either delusional or trolling or have never actually leveled anything other than a pally. Prot pally have the slowest kill speed single target than any class in the game. Even aoe they cant do until 60, and that its limited by gear. Look at videos of pallys doing lasher runs, then of holy priests. preists kill em faster and dont need to heal after.

My rogue is human combat swords but I have to disagree (so far). Rogue felt miles better at lower levels, but I suppose part of that is due to human swords. Having that extra skill really helps mitigate bad RNG and I assume it only gets better as expertise is coming up for him.

I would agree they are not amazing at low levels though, but once they have evasion, sprint, and vanish they have the tools they need to save themselves which warriors never get.

And you aren’t. It’s completely obvious I was talking about AoE combat.

I don’t retract that statement. Immunity to crits and preventing crit overflow is incredibly powerful.

Never once did I mention that. As the topic, I said they were just as easy.

Why would I bother ST killing when MT killing is more lucrative as prot? And besides, forcing Reck charges still works, if a bit harder than before the nerf.

That isn’t leveling and isn’t indicative of the process.

What’s a dungeon queue?

the above quote begs to differ

You can not reliably force reck charges. There was no nerf just something you could never do in vanilla that private servers got wrong.

then once again you contradict yourself.

Also im not arguing that pallys arent easy to level, they are just the slowest, and most boring to level. I will argue the fact that priests are harder to level, because its just not true. The class list from easiest to hardest to level if your just talking leveling would be

  1. Hunter
  2. Warlock
  3. Mage
  4. Druid
  5. Priest
  6. Rogue
  7. Paladin
  8. Warrior
    This isnt just about how safe it is to level this would take in everything from kill speed, downtime, and safety together, i would arguably put rogues tied with pally.

Any class will be fine, just as long as you go gnome.

Warrior is highly spec and weapon dependent. If you keep a great weapon for your level you’ll be able to easily kill 2 or 3 equal-level NPCs, although you’ll need to heal up quite a bit afterwards.

You also want to level as fury to 40 and the respec arms to get Mortal Strike, taking up fury for the rest of the way to 60. Go sword spec if human, axe spec otherwise and get a good blue 2-hander. I found it great to go polearm spec at 50 if you can get the Ice Barbed Spear from winning a single AV — right easy to do for horde, difficult for alliance.

Overall a warrior doesn’t level as fast as some other classes but it’s not too bad if you go this way. The specs given here are pretty decent:

Overall leveling speed I’d say:

  1. Mage (frost)
  2. Hunter (beast mastery)
  3. Warlock (affliction)
  4. Priest (shadow)
  5. Rogue (combat)
  6. Druid (feral)
  7. Warrior (fury to 40, switch to arms)
  8. Paladin (retribution)

Not sure where shaman fits here because it’s been a while since I’ve leveled one.

As far as how easy/fun they are, that’s a different matter. And spec does count a ton! Some specs are faster kills or less downtime. In fact a prot paladin with a lot of reflect gear might be faster at pulling a ton and killing them all at once than a ret paladin doing smaller pulls.

I never said kill faster, I said they out damage. You can go from one group to the next you know without slowing down.

You keep thinking that while I go surprise that mage outside MY instance portal.

It’s not a contradiction. If you have 5 mobs beating on you doing 100 damage each, even a 1000 damage shield is going to pop in 2 seconds. The power of the shield is crit prevention and rage starvation. It is very OP in PvP when a warrior takes 7-10 seconds just to break your shield.

Then what are we arguing about?

I refute both points. The first is that my experience is apparently very different from yours and I can’t get across to you how effective it really is. The second is entirely an opinion and I have an absolute blast playing paladin with it being extremely more engaging than another other than druid which is very similar.

Now that statement is a contradiction. A fact is a fact because it can’t be proven false. Grammar blank (word filter?) hooo! I understand the meaning; I’m just having fun. I never argued it was harder to level a priest. If you aren’t playing a rogue or warrior then leveling is so easy that it’s silly to compare them. On top of that, a simple list like that is just completely full of falsehoods simply because it doesn’t take into account obvious discrepancies in builds, play styles, and environment.

Even this list is so full of holes that it doesn’t do anything justice.

My conclusion:

HARDEST to level = Rogue.

  • equally annoying as warrior at low levels
  • much more difficult than a warrior to find groups
  • a single target class that has no readily available AOE making grinding xp kinda slow.
  • mobs auto-face you making getting behind them tedious if you dont spec combat

SLOWEST and MOST BORING to level = Paladin

  • no question about this one. easy to level with plate, heals, bubble … but sooooo slow trying to farm.

MOST ANNOYING to level = Warrior

  • have to keep up with gear
  • constantly harrassed to tank while DPS specced
  • tanking dungeons feels frustrating uphill battle because DPS goes ham
  • expected to know every dungeon and mark targets and lead every group

EASIEST to level = Warlock

  • dot, dot, dot, fear, target another, repeat … first mob comes back, dies at your feet to loot
  • literally only need one stat… shadow damage. and they added a ton of craftable shadow damage gear by 1.12
  • life tap + drain tanking + bandages + improved drain soul = infinite mana, never have to drink
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I got someone to help me get WW axe at lvl 30. only took 5-10 minutes. My warrior is now lvl 56 and only changed weapon once by spending 6g on the AH… and will get viable lvl 60 weapons from AV rep. The weapon thing is greatly exaggerated.

Since you dont have any instant abilities until lvl 30, you dont need very specific weapons before then.

stealth is mostly a waste of time until you get cheap shot. you can use it to bypass some things but its not worth going for the opener on every fight

Really? Do tell where they might be.

I may be off on a place or two but a lot of it is spec, person running the character, faction, and so on.

You can get by with a few upgrades and you don’t need to update every couple of levels but there are a few key upgrades that will keep your damage output high. The WW axe is one, the SM quest is another. There are a couple other easy drops/quest items you can pick up too.

It’s not necessary to spend a ton of money on weapons but if you don’t upgrade a decent amount it will slow your leveling quite a bit.

As I said, lists like that don’t actually compare build and play style. An AoE grinding paladin is obviously going to level faster than a single target killer. A frost mage doesn’t necessarily mean they are going to AoE grind either.

Which is what I said when I made the list.

This is were most of our disagreements come from. AOE grinding on a pally does not work well for leveling, You cant even really start doing it till you have sanct blessing. And even then, mail/plate armor and a shield does not make you take that much less damage. You talk like it makes you invincible. With the low damage you have with white hits conc and ret you can not kill enemies quick enough to be able to take on an amount that would make it faster to aoe rather than single target. Mages can take whole groups 6+ minions, thats why aoe farming is better on them. Pallys cant take more than 3-4 of similar level without blowing a cooldown period. And in he time it would take to kill all of those and move on to the next a character that can kill single target faster would have killed 4-6 enemies single target. Even at max level you cant farm more than 5 enemies of your level unless your very well geared or they are very weak enemies like lashers.