Whats the hardest class to max level in your opinion?

What? Lol no. You’re playing wrong if a same level mob is giving you that much trouble. Elites I can understand but there is not a single non elite mob that should come close to killing you.

Great, now try to do it back to back to back to back. You basically have to stop and eat after every mob/every other if you don’t have awesome gear.

With a warrior, the threat of dying is always present - you don’t have a way to heal and you have no real way to reset a fight if things go south - or even if you have a string of bad luck with misses, etc.

Rolling a Warrior as a first character is a huge churn on your ability to make gold effectively. There is a reason Warrior is a lot of peoples second - as it can be bankrolled by a mage. Having the absolute best at level gear is paramount - and playing the AH for gear and enchants will make a Warrior substantially easier

Warrior is fine post level 30 if you keep up with weapons. Probably still the worst in terms of difficulty and risk of death but at least it isn’t boring.

Paladin makes me want to bash my head into a wall with how boring it is. If you think miss strings are bad with warrior just wait until you play the pure auto attacker and miss 3-4 times in a row.

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Paladin might be boring but there’s basically zero risk involved

Leveling a warrior is easy you just charge right in bandage and on to the next one and you obliterate them. Paladin is like the worst thing ever I could never make it last like level 20 it’s just so terrible.

My personal hardest is shaman. Totems can be a pain out in the open world, and sometimes it feels like the only options are run out of mana fast or whack things slowly until they die. Ghost Wolf between the pain is sometimes the only thing that keeps me going.

My warrior is my second highest character, and it never felt as bad as some people make out. NOTE: This is without any special amount of gold or feeding weapons or anything, just straight questing.

Sure, I’d hit certain mobs and just feel like a wet paper towel, but I’d immediately change gears and either get a group with someone else needing them or go quest another area until I nearly outleveled the problem.

As can probably be surmised, though, I’m an altoholic. At this point I have every single class at least over 20. Highest three are priest, warrior, and warlock. Lowest three are druid, mage, and shaman. (Mage was leveling with someone else, so would be higher. Druid is 23 and just taking off with cat form.)

Queue was just shorthand for the time it takes to assemble a group. Being a tank gets you into most dungeons in under five minutes, about 30 seconds for ones like scholo.

My warrior is up to lvl 42 now and I am just not seeing where all the warrior hate is coming from. If you play with half a brain and don’t treat the pulls like you are playing in retail then its ezpz. Get cooking and first aid and you are good to go!


Strongly disagree with this. I have leveled both. Maybe its just me but killing speed drastically goes in favor of a shadow preist over a ret pally. An also good luck finding a group that is cool with a pally tank past like 45, they can do it just fine, but many dont want it. Yes pallys have armor, but a preists shield and fear makes them safer imo aswell. most things dont break through your shield before they die. And you have mind control and mind sothe for big pulls which makes that easier aswell. I caouldnt take more than 3 tops enemies of the same level on me as a pally without bubbleing, with preist i could do 4-5. If were talking 1v1 high lvl or elite mobs pally is definetly better but for general questing/ kill speed preist is way better. Theres a reason pally is looked at as the worst to level. Not the hardest but definitely the slowest.

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It’s not a real queue in that sense. It’s more that a tank has only to decide they want to do a dungeon, look in local or LFG chat, and find a group that wants one or advertise for heals and DPS.

One example is me on my shammy yesterday needing WC or SFK, and all I see is a group asking for a tank for SFK over and over. I ended up swapping to my feral druid, bear form, and tanked it at 22 without breaking a sweat. Never did get my shammy into a dungeon group.

I’d argue rogue but I’m slightly biased though I have leveled warriors in the past. As a warrior I can slap on a shield and level in dungeons no problem. As a rogue is near impossible to find groups.

I was lv55 at Winterspring when Phase2 dropped. Yes happy journey indeed

Warrior is not that difficult to level if you can feed them gear from a main.

What gear? Glad you asked.

How do you feel about Gorillas?

Because your entire body should be clad in “of the Gorilla”.

Str for kill speed. Spirit for downtime reduction.

Enjoy autoattacking your way to victory.

For people strictly leveling via questing, Warrior/Rogue/Paladin are all incredibly slow and dull to level, my experience has rogue being worse than warrior in the 30+ level range, but I didn’t level as combat so there’s that. Paladin is even slower than warrior but much more durable.

I like to think druid is the hardest to level. Not physically, but mentality. Think of it this way, warriors are the worst to level, but atleast when you get to max level you are meta and get very strong. Druids suffer before cat form and once you get to 60, you are a meme. To be fair, memes get all the gear from raids especially if your a bear tank like me! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just equip a shield with shield spike and go to town just AoE grinding at that point.

Warrior leveling isn’t as hard as everyone makes it out to be. You just need to be always looking to upgrade your weapon. I would definitely recommend going arms too, once you get sweeping strikes you can easily take on 2 to 3 mobs at once if you have a good weapon. Always have bandages/food ready and you can plow through entire mob areas faster than other classes like rogues, druids, priests, and paladins.

I would say paladin is the worst class to level because of the boredom of auto-attacking.

I think cuz when you compare a mage who can AoE 14-20 mobs at once and then you have a warrior who can fight maybe 2-3 mobs at once the warrior is obviously going to take longer to level.

I personally don’t think its hard/difficult to level any specific class but some are faster than others for sure.

I would say paladin was the hardest class to level because I put the old forum post into practice. Or would that be I was the hardest while leveling.


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I fill like you havent actually leveled both of the classes in classic. Aoe grinding isnt viable while leveling, You can take 3 maybe 4 mobs your level even with a shield, and at that point it still takes you longer to kil the stuff than just single pulling, plus you would oom after every pull and if the group has a caster in it or are humanoid and flee your screwed. Aoe farming only really works at max level and can still be rough with more than 5 on you.