What's stopping other races from joining the Illidari?

This is going around in circles but I’ll leave this argument with this point:

Druids used to be two races. Now we have seven. You’re hilarious if you think DHs will remain forever at two.


Then they figure it out. Not that hard.

Illidan doesn’t know everything.

I mean if you think they’re going to keep DH locked to two races for the rest of WoW’s history… lol


Eredar are corrupted Draenei in service to the legion, they’re draenei but not the same draenei as velen. Not by a mile,

They can be similar all they like, they’re not the same, their entire methodology and thinking, not to mention their battle stance is completely different than what a true demon hunter is, they’re WARLOCKS who took it a single step forward and gained METAMORPHOSIS…which was then taken from them when true demon hunters emerged.

because it starts with a wholesome class and then before you know it you got flying gnomes and vulperas… shudders

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Lmao. If this isn’t a shining beacon for “because I want it, why not” then I don’t know what is, you have no justification for why other than, you just want to play more races. And thats not good enough clearly for blizzard or the community.

Yeah that may change in the future, and I’d grudgingly accept that cause what else could I do, but if it does indeed stay the same, ill be just fine with that too. Get over it.

Nah I’m good. Hope you’re still around to seethe when the plot eventually moves forward.


Ill be waiting, just like you i suppose, but for now it seems I remain on the winning side :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

History is on our side, not yours, but continuing being smug. Almost makes me want to bookmark this thread.


Eventually there will likely become a point where wow enters serious maintenance mode, where they will give into the small but vocal minority and make changes like these, but it won’t be soon at least, as it has stayed for the last 3 expansions, so ill keep hoping that they stick to their guns.

For now. Give it time.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

From a non-lore, mechanical context, the involved work, the relevance, and the class weakness.

First, Demon Hunters have unique, specific skins, which would demand a great deal of investment for the new races. Unless they didn’t want to bother, which means you get half-baked Demon Hunters. It’d either demand extreme effort, or get ruinously phoned in.

Second, Demon Hunters are an intensely lore heavy, lore specific class. These aren’t just general, no questions asked warriors - anything other than the current qualifiers would raise a lot of questions. Questions which would demand answers. And if we’re not in a state to deal with such questions…?

Demons just aren’t relevant at the moment. Taking time to expand the Illidari when they really don’t serve a purpose would be completely senseless. Demons don’t matter right now, so diverting focus to put in the legwork to make that work is pretty unthinkable. Demon Hunters need demons to hunt, and it’s not going to be demon hunting season for probably a parade of expansions to come.

And that ties into the third game-design reason… the Demon Hunter is an extremely weak class, thematically speaking. While some classes can play to myriad themes, roles, and archetypes, the WarCraft Demon Hunter exists exclusively in that exact, specific space. They’re completely dependent on their image, which is a 90s edgelord elf with the most ridiculous overwrought design in a franchise where that scale starts at 11 and only goes up.

A “Warrior” can be anything from an Orcish Barbarian to a Human Knight. It’s a super generic class that can wear dozens of hats. But a Demon Hunter is only an Illidari Brand™ Illidan Approved Demon Hunter and that’s it, and that’s all they have. It’s extremely popular - popular enough to be a playable thing no matter how unwieldy or ill fitting it may be in the roster. But it’s a class crippled by its own hyper-focused identity, and watering that down undermines the whole class.

The Demon Hunter image is load bearing, and anything that chips away at that without a massive, massive overhaul and reinforcement effort subverts the only thing that made the class happen to begin with.

They did. It’s called the eredar and it’s a major part of your lore


Right the Eredar hunted them and slaughtered thwm, so ya i am sure if any Dreanei turns to the Eredar ways now they would be killed or at leadt banished forever

See that’s why only Elves can be Demon HUnters. Everyone else just says, “Ahhh I can kill demons just fine the way I am. That’s just nonsense…”

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Why go through all that to kill demons when you can already do it? Lol

  1. The transformation ritual itself kills 4/5 people, 2. Even if you DO survive the initial binding ritual there’s a high likelihood of exploding or turning Demon anyways…

It’s not a lightly taken undertaking. Also unless you’re an Elf or Draenei or other race with insane vitality and longevity the Fel will drain your lifeforce till you age the majority of your life away in a matter of a couple of years.

Development resources and the fact that illidan is in timeout with sargeras.

This is precisely why they should not.

I literally worked in the games industry as a concept artist so you’re preaching to the choir mate! New races that can play druids get 6+ druid forms. Making 2 models for each race is well within the realm of worthwhile investment. Everything in this game from little quests to big model updates costs big money regardless in the grand scheme of the pipeline.

Nothing I wrote insinuates that I didn’t understand that. Everything you just said doesn’t disqualify any specific race from doing it, and you could simply say your character is “one of the lucky ones” who survived the rituals and rigorous training lol.

It pretty much boils down to the whim of the writers. But for the sake of predictability, let’s assume more continue to join under the assumption that more demons are inevitable. Real world militaries always continue to recruit new infantry even when there aren’t any actual world wars happening. It’s just so that there is a force at the ready for when its needed.

Regardless of what the naysayers in this thread say, whether 3 out of 5 recruits die, whether there aren’t demons around anymore or not, whether draenei hate demons and as such would never become one themselves- it’s a lot to assume player agency would somehow come beneath non-concrete lore. To say Draenei or Mag’har would never become Demons is like saying Night Elves would never become demons. They suffered in a very similar fashion to the same forces of evil.

Not every races needs to be a Demon Hunter, but to act like literally no other races/characters would try is nuts. Especially when the only real argument people have is “they just wouldn’t”. The point is they could. So that should rightfully be expressed in game.

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concept art is a LOT different than digital sculpting, animating, textures, ect.