What's so unnatural about Order anyways?

You are very bad at reading.

Explaining it wouldn’t be any more or less of a waste of my time than anything else any of us post here.

I said you just would not be able to understand it.

As an example, I’m not going to try and explain to you the plot of, say, Hickman’s X-Men run if you came out and said something like “Batman’s an X-Man and the guy with the laser eyes in Superman who is the leader of the X-Men”. You would lack any context or ability to understand what I’m trying to explain. You clearly have not engaged in any way with the content I’d be discussing.

Similarly, you lack any basic understanding of the lore and think the Horde is presented as already redeemed. Effectively Batman is an X-Man. I’d first have to teach you the definition of the word “redemption”, then teach you what a redeption arc is, and then highlight how no such arc exists and the prominent NPCs for both Horde and Alliance certainly do not speak as if the Horde is redeemed. And only then, after this baseline understanding is met, could I begin to explain why the Horde is presented as irredeemable.

It’s not that all of this would be a waste of my time. I like wasting my time. Video games, comic books, novels, posting on forums… Wasting my time.

I’s that thus far, any attempt at a reasonable discussion with you have been met with hostility. Heck, your very first interaction with me was hostility unprovoked.

You cannot expect me to take on the role of teacher now when you just want a fight.

That is very unreasonable.

I did actually.

No. Simple answer to a simple question.

Huh. So you’re trying to be an expert on a subject you admittedly have not engaged with much.

That actually tracks perfectly.

I dropped out for the entire Korthia patch, dropped out again after getting flight in ZM, and have exactly one day less played time at 60 on my druid than you do on your alleged main. 28 days /played is not a main in an MMO.

It’s okay to post on an alt. You don’t have to poorly deny it.

Top three for sure.

Everyone watching this back and forth now like


Oh, come on now!!

That “Batman is an X-Man” bit had to at least get a chuckle!!

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Me watching the back and fourth :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just want to say both you and Ashric are wrong and suck in equal measures, and the only person that is right is me. If someone can just summarize what we are talking about so I can know what I am correct about would be appreciated.

I am the master at summarization, so I can do this.

Currently, Ashic is of the opinion that the Horde is fully redeemed because Jaina and Thrall are friends again.

I am of the opinion that the Horde, as currently presented, is effectively irredeemable.

Also I like wasting my time, Batman is not an X-Man, and Korthia is just the worst.

You are caught up on the current state of this very odd debate that all started because I offhandedly mentioned the whole “Titan ++” thing (complete with quotation marks) while explaining why people are speculating that Azeroth will turn out to be not a titan but a something else.

And neither Thadeus nor Erevien were even involved.


It is. I never did it and now realized I want the nightfae transmog locked in it, argh.

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Thank you. Just as I suspected I was correct and you were both wrong.

I haven’t seen Erevien post after my last post to him.

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Yeah, just blindly going off of Word of God (when that very own WoG changes with the day of the week) is like when someone says Saitama could beat Goku because the show is literally named One Punch Man and the whole gimmick is he wins in a single hit, therefore he only needs one punch, in spite of the vastly different power scale actually demonstrated in each respective series.

Just saying Zovaal is stronger doesn’t count for anything if he has no feats to back it up, or to even remotely suggest at anything said being accurate.

The death pantheon is Titan level. Logically, Zovaal would not be more powerful than Zovaal by much if at all, they should be roughly equal.

Well the primary difference there is that those are two separate settings with unrelated authors. Whereas here we’re going off authors within the same setting and company.

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I would hope not!!

It would be weird if he was.


Zooval had a cousin called Zoovie. We don’t talk about her. She’s the zoovevilst of the Zooval family :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Shamelessly sees himself out)

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Whoops, I meant to say not more powerful than Sargeras. Though with the way the story is going, I’m frankly shocked we never met an AU Zovaal who shouted something about the Shadowlands being free.

According to Shadowlands lore, AU Zovaal’s spirit would be consumed/merged/eaten by MU Zovaal. Because threads of a tapestry.

It is much more likely that we will instead meet a villain three or so expansions from now who was the secret mastermind behind Zovaal, nicknamed the Imprisoner, who orchestrated the events that Zovaal orchestrated and is the double plus plus super secret origin behind WCIII’s plot.

He manipulated Zovaal into manipulating Sargeras.

The Imprisonationeer will be a member of the First Ones who is very upset that everything was designed by the Originally First Zeroes, the creators of the Firsties, and the Imprisonatrix just wants to destroy all the everything to fix a fundamental problem within the cosmos.

This problem will then be revealed to be the faction population imbalance on most servers. We will be heavy-handedly told that what the Imprisonadent was morally wrong and evil, so Blizzard can point to that as the reason they don’t give the Alliance better racials.

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You are very bad at reading.

And you are very bad at making excuses.

Explaining it wouldn’t be any more or less of a waste of my time than anything else any of us post here.
I said you just would not be able to understand it.

So, in other words: it would be a waste of time, because I wouldn’t understand it.

Heck, your very first interaction with me was hostility unprovoked.

The post itself incites to deeds of violence.

You cannot expect me to take on the role of teacher now when you just want a fight.

I don’t expect you to teach. I expect you to make lame excuses to avoid my arguments. So far, you have more than lived up to those expectations.

I did actually.

Really? Where? Please, point it out to me. Show the class.

The first time I brought it up, you said the planet was an “easy target” because it didn’t fight back. I asked you to clarify if you thought cleaving a planet in two was easy if it didn’t “fight back”, and instead of answering directly, you responded with a snide comment about me not knowing planets could fight back.

When I later asked you how Azeroth could have fought back and, more importantly, why she didn’t do it to prevent being stabbed, you did not answer at all.

No. Simple answer to a simple question.

That’s funny, because everyone in the story is certainly acting like they’re good guys again. There’s peace between the Alliance and Horde - with Alliance dignitaries even attending Horde celebrations like weddings - and they’re working together like old pals to explore the Dragon Isles. I mean, why would Alexstrasza personally invite bad guys to visit her home? With Sylvanas doing indefinite community service, why, even Genn Greymane seems to have mellowed out (much to my dismay).

But maybe authorial intent only matters when it’s beneficial to you.

Huh. So you’re trying to be an expert on a subject you admittedly have not engaged with much.

I can’t imagine the kind of brain worms I would need to tell someone they aren’t qualified to comment on a bad fantasy story because they only spent ~672 hours experiencing it.

I dropped out for the entire Korthia patch, dropped out again after getting flight in ZM, and have exactly one day less played time at 60 on my druid than you do on your alleged main.

Is your point supposed to be that you play too much WoW? That’s all I’m getting from this.

28 days /played is not a main in an MMO.

Whatever you tell yourself to feel better about spending way, way too much time in a bad expansion. For your sake, I hope most of it was spent role-playing and not doing dailies or whatever.

I’m just going to respond to the important parts, since I’ve answered and explained the rest enough.

Thank you for your concern!!

I mostly spent my time running around in old raids and dungeons, fishing where ever I felt like fishing, making gold from the AH and other non-Shadowlands stuff. It was actually fun!!

Oh, and towards the end, due to the prompting of others, I did finally get back into PVP and dungeons, mostly for leveling. That was pretty grand.

Dang it, almost forgot. I did try dipping my toes back into RP, but I just had no idea where to even begin. Like, my blood elf hunter just came back from killing the dead and… I’m’a hang out at a tea party in Pandaria now? I dunno, way back in the forever ago times things like this never phased me, but the narrative dissonance caused by Shadowlands just made it impossible for me to even begin to consider what to do with my character from a storytelling perspective.

Oh, and I went back to quasi-exploring. Like, running (or rather flying) around areas I’d rarely visited and just seeing what was what. That re-inspired me to finally get my Loremaster. I’d first made a stab at it in Cata, but Vashjir triggered vertigo issues for me, so I gave up. Now with a better glasses prescription, my old semi-vertigo hasn’t been a problem and I figured “why the heck not”, right? NGL, that felt good to finally have done.

I dunno. Shadowlands was kinda like WoD in that I spent very little time (of the already-very little time I was subbed) in the actual new stuff. Once I got my night fae transmog (because good looking mail transmog is just rare as heck) and a few other things, I just dipped around in older, better stuff.

Thank you for inquiring. I knew you secretly wanted to be my friend. You’ve done a lot to try and coax otherwise irrelevant details from me.

Oh, see, I got my Loremaster back in Wrath of the Lich King (on this paladin, by the way). Must be why I didn’t need to play Shadowlands as much as you.

Having the Loremaster title just means you completed every quest in a zone, it doesn’t automatically make anyone a lore expert lol.

It should be changed to “Questmaster”

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Huh. That sounds a lot like something a person who doesn’t have Loremaster would say. Let me just check your achievements…

Ah. How unfortunate.


That sounds like something someone with less than 300 mounts would do.

You need to learn to get mounted, my new friend!!