You live a very small life if you think the only things going on are explosions, YA novels and CW shows.
You should broaden your horizons. Watch something other than cheesy action movies. Something that requires you to pay attention for longer than fifteen seconds. (Those last four words have a 25% chance of being quoted and snerked at)
I used explosions as shorthand for “only the biggest, most spectacular events matter”-style argument you have used. Calling all that nonesense “explosions” is meant to demean it into what it actually is; a fixation on the spectacle over the story.
This is not hard to parse.
This is where you lose all credibility.
I mean no, you already went out of your way to destroy it, but… Come on.
That is not a contradiction though. Ion literally used titans as a level of power when he said “Titan++”. Saying something is a titan-level threat does not contradict the statement of “is more powerful than a titan”. Titan-level is simple to understand shorthand for “extinction-level event by a space god” that we, the players, readily understand and don’t need to think too deeply on.
I honestly assumed you were just trolling trying to turn that into a debate point, because it’s such a dumb point to try and make. Sorry, my bad. I overestimated you.
No, you haven’t been discussing the lore at all. Just how cool some things are, and how the lore doesn’t matter.
That’s not a discussion about the lore; it’s a discussion about your feelings. We’re not here to talk about your feelings.
That’s what the PVP forums are for.
An unnecessary qualifier, only added when you realized you’d quickly contradicted yourself by implying Sargeras was powerful because of the Legion.
The only thing I’m genuinely confused about is why you bothered to pick a fight in the first place. Arguments are clearly your weak point. Switch to another alt and maybe try again. It might work out better for you.
Frankly, you should be thanking me for giving you as much attention as I have.
You live a very small life if you think the only things going on are explosions, YA novels and CW shows.
I can’t help but notice that, despite your sneering, demeaning reply, you didn’t actually list any examples of what you enjoy. Why is that?
Personally, I’m rereading Gardens of the Moon right now, but I can’t say I would recommend it to you. Pearls before swine and all that.
I used explosions as shorthand for “only the biggest, most spectacular events matter”-style argument you have used. Calling all that nonesense “explosions” is meant to demean it into what it actually is; a fixation on the spectacle over the story.
You use “explosions” as a strawman to avoid actually addressing what I’m saying, even after I clarified that I was being facetious. If you don’t know what that word means, there are several free dictionaries available on the internet.
Your sanctimonious speaking down to me over the recent story of World of Warcraft is embarrassing. You readily acknowledge that most of the recent lore has been garbage, but you simultaneously act as if it’s all some rich, deeply emotional story that I just don’t get.
This is where you lose all credibility.
You? Dismissing my argument without actually addressing it? I never would have expected this. I’m shocked. Appalled, even.
That is not a contradiction though. Ion literally used titans as a level of power when he said “Titan++”. Saying something is a titan-level threat does not contradict the statement of “is more powerful than a titan”.
You cannot be on the same level of something and “plus plus” to it. Those are mutually exclusive statements.
Titan-level is simple to understand shorthand for “extinction-level event by a space god” that we, the players, readily understand and don’t need to think too deeply on.
And now you’re going to pretend your own disingenuous interpretations of text are “Word of God” as well? Tell me, what distinction is there between “Titan-level” and “Titan Plus Plus”? Why is one meant to be taken literally as a direct statement on Zovaal being more powerful than the Titans, but the other is just “shorthand” that we “don’t need to think too deeply on”?
Whatever squirmy excuse you offer, we both know the truth is that one supports your argument while the other does not.
You have all the backbone of a slug.
No, you haven’t been discussing the lore at all. Just how cool some things are, and how the lore doesn’t matter.
If me discussing the raw physical power of Sargeras isn’t “discussing the lore”, you harping about in-game fights and their implications certainly wasn’t “discussing the lore” either.
An unnecessary qualifier,
It’s a distinction I drew from the Michael Bay film The Wise Man’s Fear, where ̶M̶e̶g̶a̶t̶r̶o̶n̶ the Maer Alveron has a discussion with ̶O̶p̶t̶i̶m̶u̶s̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶m̶e̶ Kvothe about whether inherent or granted power was greater. Once again, I can’t recommend it. Too many explosions.
only added when you realized you’d quickly contradicted yourself by implying Sargeras was powerful because of the Legion.
Sargeras doesn’t need the Legion, and I didn’t bring them up until you started invoking the command of armies. If we do include the hosts under their command, the Burning Legion is still a thousand times more successful than the Mawsworn.
Frankly, you should be thanking me for giving you as much attention as I have.
I can say with full confidence that no man - or woman, or nonbinary person - has ever thanked you for your attention.
If you want to get to know me better, you should ask the questions you want to ask, not assume I’ll volunteer the answers unprovoked.
You did not discuss the raw power of Sargeras breaking a world. You just stated it. You made no effort to discuss the implications. In fact, when I did point out the severe differences, you refused to discuss that point at all and focused again on the big explosion.
I get it. I like big things too. (That one’s for you, Akiyass!!)
No, I would not find that very interesting.
They do all the time. It’s a big part of my job irl to talk to people, to give them my attention freely, and they usually thank me for talking to them!! I always tell them they don’t have to, I like to help them with their issues.
I tried to get into Erikson, but having grown up reading AD&D books in the 90s, it just felt too similar to thing I’d already been reading for about a decade. I should probably revisit him at some point and see if distance from similar material changes my opinion.
I’m not saying he’s a bad writer, not at all, but it just felt too same-y at the time.
When you finish the book and have calmed down a bit, tell me how you felt about it.
You have the courage of a mouse, the manners of a cow, the hygiene of a swine, the wit of a stone and the charm and good looked of a mangy hyena. I find your uncouth demeanor repugnant and off-putting. I would sooner stick my hand in a hungry lion’s mouth than offer it to you in peace and friendship. Were you lit aflame and I had in my hand a glass of befouled water, I would sooner drink that tainted beverage than offer it to your aid!!
I say good day sir!!
Good day indeed!!
I just realized at the time you posted this, at least 10% of your posting history mentions Michael Bay.
Just an observation, mister “I like big explosions”.
You did not discuss the raw power of Sargeras breaking a world. You just stated it. You made no effort to discuss the implications.
How should we “discuss the implications” of a character being able to split apart a world? What are you expecting here? A calculation for the amount of kinetic energy he would need?
It’s self-evident that splitting a planet in half requires a tremendous amount of power.
In fact, when I did point out the severe differences, you refused to discuss that point at all and focused again on the big explosion.
And where was this? I asked you earlier where I had refused to engage with your arguments, and you never responded.
When you finish the book and have calmed down a bit, tell me how you felt about it.
I’m rereading the book.
As for how I feel about it, it’s a solid, if sprawling, introduction to a fantasy world of surprising breadth and depth. It’s scope sometimes works against it as an first novel, but Erikson’s world feels realized - even if the characters sometimes suffer for the focus on worldbuilding.
I just realized at the time you posted this, at least 10% of your posting history mentions Michael Bay.
The only Michael Bay film I’ve ever actually watched is The Rock. I do not remember anything about it, except that it starred Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage.
That is not a question, that is a dismissal. It implies to already know the answer and assume a judgment call about the overall quality of what I must like.
That is not an accepted method to get to know a person’s likes and dislikes.
As I’d already mentioned; the context. I’ll just restate what I’d already stated and you did not care for, just because fishing got boring.
The void-world Sargeras cracked in half did not put up a fight (which we know is a thing in Warcraft, weird as it is), had not awoken its sentience, and was basically little more than an easy target, already compromised by the void entities infecting it. It does not compare by any measure to Azeroth, the Greatest Most Special Planet of All. So, let’s compare events intended to shatter Azeroth herself.
Sargeras tried to perform a similar feat to the partially-awake Azeroth (though with a stab instead of a sweep). It did not go the same. He managed to damage just Silithus and, for reasons, the two new mini-continents.
Comparatively, Deathwing did a few flybys after waking up from a nappy. He caused significantly more raw destruction from incidental actions than Sargeras could do intentionally.
If we’re measuring raw power by means of destructive capabilities alone, then clearly Deathwing is stronger than Sargeras; his passing alone did what Sargeras’s intentional stabbing could not. Both are attacking the same target (IE: Azeroth).
If you’d like to argue we only saw damage in those limited areas (Silithus, Zuldazar and Kul Tiras) from the Great Stabbifying due to game mechanics, I’d gladly agree.
It is still less catesphofic and overall damage than what Deathwing did. The world was not reshaped across two contients from the Great Stabbening. We just had some eruptions elsewhere and a single zone wrecked.
At best, we’d have to conclude that power as measured through destructive capabilities places Deathwing and Sargeras as equals, and only barely; Deathwing’s feat is still grander, but Sargeras gets a very honorable mention.
That’s why measuring a character’s power via destructive capabilities is just plain dumb; Deathwing is obviously not in Sargeras’s league.
It’s actually kinda funny. Earlier you mentioned I’m using game mechanics to support an argument when in actuality, I was doing the opposite when you chimed in. Potato stated Argus must be stronger than Zovaal because Argus actually killed us. So did Arthas, and he didn’t need Sargeras empowering him to do it. Is Arthas now equal to a titan empowered by Sargeras now? I don’t think so, but arguing mechanics and raw destructive power certainly says he must be. For that matter, Illidan is stronger than both; unlike Arthas and Argus, we didn’t manage to kill Illidan, only put him in stasis. If our own destructive power could end Arthas and Argus, but not Illidan, then he must surpass them. Right?
It’s silly. It’s dumb. It’s a poor measurement, and causes quite a lot of issues. Explosions are not power.
So how do we measure an individual being’s power?
We don’t. We can’t. Who would win in a fight between Azshara and Elisande? There’s no answer until a developer tells us the answer. We cannot actually measure either’s power, so it’s a moot point.
Zovaal is a “Titan++” power-level. Great. What does that mean? What number do we associate with that? What is the numerical level of his power? Is it 9001?
Who knows. We only know it is at least bigger by two pluses compared to Aggramar and/or Argus.
So. If we must “discuss the implications” of what blowing up a world means, it should at least be within a frame of context.
Eh. I’m more of a character-driven story reader than a world-driven one. I love me some Dresden Files, but any of the side stories about characters not named “Harry Dresden” that flesh out the rest of the world feel just… Less important and interesting without the character I want to follow being in the story. I like the journey a character takes more than the foliage the journey passes through.
That is not a question, that is a dismissal. It implies to already know the answer and assume a judgment call about the overall quality of what I must like.
It was an open invitation for you to correct me, which is more than you offered when you started insisting I watched Michael Bay and loved explosions or whatever.
The void-world Sargeras cracked in half did not put up a fight (which we know is a thing in Warcraft, weird as it is), had not awoken its sentience, and was basically little more than an easy target, already compromised by the void entities infecting it.
Are you telling me that breaking a planet in half with a single swing is easy as long as it doesn’t “fight back”. Is that what we’re doing.
I need you to be very clear about this. I need you to tell me, directly, that breaking a planet apart is easy if it doesn’t fight back.
Sargeras tried to perform a similar feat to the partially-awake Azeroth (though with a stab instead of a sweep).
Before he started getting sucked into prison, Sargeras was trying to corrupt Azeroth into a demonic Titan, not destroy her. From the Tome of Blighted Implements:
“Since then, the eye of Azeroth’s world-soul has not been far from his thoughts. He commanded the eredar who forged the scepter to crown it with that lone, wondrous orb. Next to it, the eredar placed two nathrezim wings, a testament to Sargeras’s conception of the world-soul: corrupted, demonic, and most importantly, his.”
Sargeras only stabbed the planet as a last-ditch effort, and he did so while being pulled away from it, meaning the sword did not go in all the way. It still would have killed her without intervention.
It did not go the same. He managed to damage just Silithus and, for reasons, the two new mini-continents.
This is a gross understatement. We know for a fact that it almost killed Azeroth, and would have if not for the adventurers 1.) neutralizing the sword’s demonic power and 2.) shoving all Azeroth’s blood back into the planet.
Comparatively, Deathwing did a few flybys after waking up from a nappy. He caused significantly more raw destruction from incidental actions than Sargeras could do intentionally.
Deathwing doing “a few flybys” isn’t what caused the Cataclysm. He was responsible for destroying the park and leaving a big ugly scar in the Bad Lands, but most of the actual damage resulted from him messing up the boundary between Azeroth and the Elemental Planes by flying out of a Deepholm.
And if the planet fighting back is somehow important here, Azeroth did indirectly contact the players and help them fix her after Sargeras stabbed the planet, because she would have died otherwise. She let the shamans handle it in Cataclysm.
That’s why measuring a character’s power via destructive capabilities is just plain dumb; Deathwing is obviously not in Sargeras’s league.
It’s clear to anyone not being deliberately disingenuous that Sargeras demonstrated more destructive capabilities anyway. Comparing the feats of characters is obviously an imperfect system, but if you’re going to compare them, it’s the best imperfect system there is.
So how do we measure an individual being’s power?
We don’t.
Okay, good talk.
Eh. I’m more of a character-driven story reader than a world-driven one.
Then you should try Joe Abercrombie (so long as you don’t mind your stories a little dark).
You brought the Bay into this. Don’t blame me for your mention of him.
A dismissal is not an invitation. That’s just not how English works.
You don’t know that titans are world-souls who evolved into their current form. You also don’t know that Azeroth, being the super-bestest, strongest world-soul is a thing and has been stated to “fight back” against things already.
And yet it has been repeatedly stated he wants to destroy that same world-soul. In both old lore and new.
In the end, what is factual is that he did, in fact, try to stab it to death.
So are you of the belief that the individual player character is as strong as Sargeras, or in the same relative ball park?
I mean, all we needed to do was wet vac some blood and shove it back inside the planet to fix all of the damage Sargeras did, all while killing each other over ownership of said blood and maybe a burning tree (that happened during BfA and was called the War of Thorns/Fourth War. You previously established you don’t know about that, so I’m clarifying for you). Clearly if we can distractedly fix the problem he created, we must be somewhere near Sargeras in terms of power. Since we’re just feat-comparing to determine power now.
Sadly, with Deathwing’s flybys, no amount of shaman could fix those problems. The land is still broken and according to the new Exploring books, hasn’t been undone in all this time.
We can fix the gross damage done by Sargeras. We cannot fix the gross damage done by Deathwing.
Deathwing > Sargeras
You just do not understand sarcasm at all, do you?
So you feel it’s a safe assumption to say that Illidan is easily titan-tier. Arthas as well.
I’m not very shocked. You didn’t know that the Cata/MoP or BfA Horde v Alliance conflict happened, or at least what happened during said conflict.
Man, we should discuss the comparitive strength of a single mana bomb to a titan. The results will shock you.
A dismissal is not an invitation. That’s just not how English works.
Okay, whatever.
You don’t know that titans are world-souls who evolved into their current form.
I do, and you’re changing the subject. I asked you a direct question: is it easy to destroy a planet that doesn’t fight back? Yes or no. Show your work. You’re over here saying a planet is an ““easy target””, as if it doesn’t require an almost unimaginable amount of strength to cleave one in half.
You also don’t know that Azeroth, being the super-bestest, strongest world-soul is a thing and has been stated to “fight back” against things already.
Honest to god, what are you imagining here? Azeroth sprouting an arm through the crust of the planet to ward off a blow from Sargeras? What way has Azeroth “protected herself” that makes you think she could do anything about it? Because she sure didn’t when he stabbed her.
You previously established you don’t know about that, so I’m clarifying for you)
Are we just making things about each other up now? Is this like a fun little game?
Let me try: You have never tried ravioli.
Clearly if we can distractedly fix the problem he created, we must be somewhere near Sargeras in terms of power. Since we’re just feat-comparing to determine power now.
This is not “comparing feat”, it’s just bizarre circular logic. How would being able to clean up the mess left by a character prove you’re stronger than them?
I can explain how Sargeras destroying a planet is relevant, and I have done so. It takes a tremendous deal of physical strength to break apart a planet, far more than Zovaal has ever demonstrated, and nothing we’ve seen from Zovaal would be able to match or otherwise counter that sort of world-destroying power.
Sadly, with Deathwing’s flybys, no amount of shaman could fix those problems
Actually, we fixed the worst of Deathwing’s destruction halfway through Cataclysm leveling. Maybe you should quest through Deepholm again.
You just do not understand sarcasm at all, do you?
You’re the one who spent 10 replies harping about me using the word “cool” facetiously.
So you feel it’s a safe assumption to say that Illidan is easily titan-tier. Arthas as well.
Is your strategy to just vomit out nonsense until I get sick of replying to you?
I’m not very shocked. You didn’t know that the Cata/MoP or BfA Horde v Alliance conflict happened, or at least what happened during said conflict.
Are you experiencing a fever dream right now? Are you sleep deprived? What are you talking about?
Man, we should discuss the comparitive strength of a single mana bomb to a titan. The results will shock you.
You mean destroying a city versus a planet? Yeah, shocking.
Really not, because if you already know this and already know Azeroth can ambiguously defend itself, then you should know being able to ambiguously defend yourself is better than being defenseless.
You have a very limited imagination, don’t you?
What do you mean “now”? You established that parameter a while back.
Suddenly you forgot?
I thought I watch CW shows while reading YA novels.
These are all very unimaginitive. You are neither creative nor amusing. I’ll show you how to do this with a flair of creativity and amusement.
You should probably stop thinking about covering iguanas in jelly every night before bed. It’s kinda weird and says a lot about you as a person. That you’re stroking one of the fifty Michael Bay posters hanging up in your bedroom while thinking about jelly-covered iguanas is literally offensive. Not as bad as that nasty, nasty habit of yours to dig out use tissues from the hospital trash and soak them in your coffee before eating them, but it’s pretty close.
You are a horribly disturbing man.
I never said stronger. I said comparable. Are words really this hard for you or is today a special day for you?
We’ve also never seen Zovaal try to cleave a planet. Hell, Zovaal has never been in a position to be near a planet to cleave it. You’ve assumed he cannot based solely on the fact he has not.
Sargeras has never been seen to touch his own nose. Clearly such a feat must be beyond him.
See, I’ve done that, but Auberdine is still gone, the Barrens are still seperated by a chasm, Thousand Needles are still flooded, and every available source confirms those are the state of things at present. That island off the coast of Feralas that sank? Still hasn’t arisen from the ocean.
What’s the Deepholm quest that undoes that again?
And yet sarcasm has still proven an insurmountable barrier for you.
So now you’re not okay with using comparable feats to determine strength levels.
This is becoming a trend with you; establish a set of requirements for what power is, then when it doesn’t work for you immediately deflect and backtrack.
If you’re so insecure with your own arguments, just don’t make them publically so you won’t have to act foolishly all the time. It should help your self-esteem.
Not stroking the Michael Bay posters while thinking of jelly iguanas might also help.
The primary storylines of BfA and Cata/MoP. It involved these factions called the Horde and the Alliance.
The Horde did some very reprehensible things to the Alliance. Both times. It’s made them effectively irredeemable.
You should learn the lore some day, it’ll make these discussions easier.
FWIW: You are currently at 17%, up from 10%. Your Michael Bay levels are increasing!!
Really not, because if you already know this and already know Azeroth can ambiguously defend itself, then you should know being able to ambiguously defend yourself is better than being defenseless.
Third time is the charm:
Is it easy to destroy a “defenseless” planet?
You have a very limited imagination, don’t you?
Do you? I asked you what you thought would happen. If that was too much of a dismissal for you, then let me be clear: this is an invitation. I want you to tell me what you’re “imagining” Azeroth would do. More importantly, why didn’t she do it when Sargeras stabbed her?
What do you mean “now”? You established that parameter a while back.
Mm. Where, exactly?
You should probably stop thinking about covering iguanas in jelly every night before bed.
Creative and amusing, huh. If you were reading AD&D books in the 90s, why do you have the humor of a tweenager from 2010?
I never said stronger. I said comparable. Are words really this hard for you or is today a special day for you?
While you’re looking up what “facetious” means, maybe you should look up “pedantic” too.
We’ve also never seen Zovaal try to cleave a planet. Hell, Zovaal has never been in a position to be near a planet to cleave it. You’ve assumed he cannot based solely on the fact he has not.
We’ve never seen him do anything comparable, not just that specific feat. That sort of incredible strength would have doubtlessly come in handy during his campaign to take over reality, so unless he’s just been holding back, it’s a reasonable assumption that he doesn’t possess it.
See, I’ve done that, but Auberdine is still gone, the Barrens are still seperated by a chasm, Thousand Needles are still flooded, and every available source confirms those are the state of things at present. That island off the coast of Feralas that sank? Still hasn’t arisen from the ocean.
“That island no one even remembers the name of sinking” isn’t an especially serious concern compared to the threat of Deepholm collapsing into Azeroth.
So now you’re not okay with using comparable feats to determine strength levels.
You’re going to keep up this bad faith nonsense, huh. Alright.
Without first establishing how powerful the adventurers were when fighting Argus relative to when they fought Arthas, you cannot accurately compare them. A basic, reasonable assumption would be that the acquisition of artifacts and years more experience would at least make them more powerful when they fought Arthas, but then, there’s nothing reasonable about the way you’ve been arguing.
As for your “feat” regarding Illidan, it’s just nonsense. We chose not to kill Illidan. We absolutely could have. We know now that he would have eventually regenerated in the Nether, but he still would have died first.
The Horde did some very reprehensible things to the Alliance. Both times. It’s made them effectively irredeemable.
Christ, is that what you’ve been talking about? The Horde was redeemed. What do you think the whole arc of the Alliance and Horde coming together was? Saurfang’s heroic stand and the Horde’s rejection of Sylvanas?
What, do you think the Burning of Teldrassil was somehow worse than the Bombing of Theramore, where Garrosh rounded up the fleeing civilians to use as target practice? How about what the OG Horde did to the Draenei? If the Horde could be redeemed after that, it could be redeemed for anything. And it will be.
I had planned to respond to the rest of your post, and even typed stuff out. Then I saw this line and realized what type of person I’m dealing with.
I think the only thing left to say to you is: 17% Michael Bay Levels are not enough to break a world. You need at least 20% Michael Bay Levels for that.
Yes, all you had to do was show just how out of touch you are with the story while trying to discuss the story.
To be fair, you’d done that from the get-go, but I mistakenly gave you the benefit of the doubt. You’re clearly someone’s alt, so I figured you were just playing dumb.
Yes, all you had to do was show just how out of touch you are with the story while trying to discuss the story.
I would ask you to explain how the Horde burning down Teldrassil is meaningfully worse than any of the other atrocities they’ve done in the past, all of which they’ve been largely forgiven for as soon as they helped stop the problem they caused, but we both know you can’t do that. So, you’ll feign like I’m not worth your time to squirm your way out of answering.
You’re clearly someone’s alt
This is by far the character I’ve played the most. is there anything you can get right?
Not at all. Instead, a more likely tactic I’ll use is to point out that anyone who genuinely believes the Horde has been redeemed either does not know what that word means or has some twisted view of the game and/or lore that no amount of words, no amount of examples, no amount of anything will make its way through their willful ignorance.
That’s what I’m much more likely going to say.
My priest on Alliance-side has about 1k fewer HKs than you. My honor level is significantly below yours. The facts do not back up your claim.
Late to the thread but more or less the question you are asking is a philosophical one that’s been debated, discussed, and argued over for literally the dawn of time and civilization.
You can say the sky is green. Point is, you’re not any less wrong.
Our introductory class quests were meant to give players an idea and feel for their class, and the mage one basically starts out, “guard yourself against corruption, because you’ll be tempted.” It’s not as if that’s the only time it gets brought up either. In the Legion class hall quests it’s also frequently explored. Heck, most warlocks started out as mages and succumbed to the lure for more power, and thus tapped into fel.
For anyone who pays attention to lore, the risk of corruption for mages has always been there. Maybe it’s not as bad as it is for Warlocks, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less there.
Not at all. Instead, a more likely tactic I’ll use is to point out that anyone who genuinely believes the Horde has been redeemed either does not know what that word means or has some twisted view of the game and/or lore that no amount of words, no amount of examples, no amount of anything will make its way through their willful ignorance.
“Not at all”? This is literally what I said you would do. Like, exactly.
So, you’ll feign like I’m not worth your time to squirm your way out of answering.
Whether or not I believe the Horde deserves redemption is irrelevant. In the story, they were clearly redeemed. What do you think the oh-so-heartwarming cinematic of Thrall and Jaina discussing how they’re changed was about? Saurfang’s heroic sacrifice, proving himself to be the real Green Jesus? And then, of course, the Horde joined forces with the Alliance to battle their former Warchief. Certified good guys again.
And why not? Once again, what happened to Teldrassil is not very much different from what happened to Theramore.
My priest on Alliance-side has about 1k fewer HKs than you.
I play defense and objectives instead of chasing kills, which is why my win/loss ratio is solidly positive despite being Alliance. I have done a fair amount of PVP on my alts, but my paladin is still my most played by far.
My honor level is significantly below yours. The facts do not back up your claim.
You claimed I’d say you’re not worth my time. I instead said you just wouldn’t get it. Because you believe things like this:
If this is your baseline, then clearly you have no connection to the story, the events presented within the game, or anything at all lore related.
But you’re as worthy of my time as anyone I respond to here.
That still looks extremely alt. 28 days at 60 is… Basically nothing. This is an MMO. 28 days at the cap is not a sign of being your main. It’s barely a bank alt.
Hey, I’m not judging you for posting on an alt. Clearly you have something to hide, and that’s okay.
You claimed I’d say you’re not worth my time. I instead said you just wouldn’t get it. Because you believe things like this:
“You claimed I would say you weren’t worth my time, but instead, I said it would be a waste of time explaining it to you!”
You are an unserious person.
If this is your baseline, then clearly you have no connection to the story, the events presented within the game, or anything at all lore related
You never answered my last one about whether or not it was easy to cleave a planet in half (lol), but let’s try again. Another clear yes-or-no question:
Are the Horde currently good guys in the story?
Take your time. Really mull it over. Come up with some suitably slimy non-answer.
That still looks extremely alt. 28 days at 60 is… Basically nothing.
Very observant. Now, did it occur to you that maybe I didn’t play Shadowlands very much? Because - oh, I don’t know - it was a bad expansion?
I played casually during the honeymoon phase, stopped playing altogether almost immediately after 9.1 (Korthia is a contender for most boring zone in the entire game), and came back a while after 9.2 dropped. I intended to catch up, but I eventually got sick of all the little hurdles and systems you had to go through.