What's happening in the game right now is very concerning

What I’m finding particularly strange is that a number of the issues happening right now would have merited a post on the launcher. Not only is there no note on the launcher, only two of the bugs appear to have been acknowledged on the forums. Does not give me much hope that they are being worked on.

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I know, and I said I’m usually pretty understanding of them, but with this patch I have no idea what all is screwed up. I got mail on my paladin that had the old bloodsail stuff from stv, the one from lowering your rep with booty bay. I completed that quest who knows how long ago, and had I not got the tmogs in my mail, I wouldn’t have known until I went to put it on again. That’s one of who know how many things are missing.

Also, for some reason, my screensaver overrides wow now. It never use to, I’ve never had to change a setting to make it stop, and I cant locate a setting to fix it. My screen saver kicks in after 1 min, and it completely removes the background noise of the game.

Was, it’s actually quite good now after the rework in season 4

Are you referring to the 15 minutes of content we got with the pre-patch? I would hardly call that “jam-packed.”

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I don’t think so, no. The past patches in DF were also released unfinished, like 10.1 that was completely bugged with several dysfunctional features. And yet people were and are still defending this and pretend like this has been the usual quality of the game for every expansion. Management knows that they can release half-baked stuff without serious repercussions, so they will stick to the release date.

I’d rather have a mostly functional game on time, then a mostly mostly functional game delayed honestly.

Nothing has stopped me from enjoying prepatch so far

There is 0.0% chance TWW is getting pushed back. I mean, absolutely zero. There is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much money involved to push the release. If you think some bugged achievements will delay a multi billion dollar franchise from releasing an expansion you are on some interesting substances.

Lol right? I got the warband quests and the mobs to kill were level 30 and i was all set with that.

I mean… it’s not really that much about some bugged old content achievements. But obviously the new content is also in a pretty rough shape. They tried to rush the release so hard with this short beta, that a lot of stuff is barely tested at this point and it seems tons of feedback got completely ignored because there’s literally no time to do anything about it.

Ive also had this happen to myself multiple times. I submitted a bug ticket.

This pre-patch is definitely a really rough experience. It’s almost akin to the launch of WoD, but at least in this case it’s not the actual launch event and we can actually log in and do some things.

Though everyday I log in, I ask myself how much am I potentially damaging my character by logging in during this bug-ridden patch. I’ve already had multiple achievements I owned spontaneously be re-earned again as I logged in and had multiple achievements have their current progress regressed.

It makes me not want to play. As I’d hate to inflict lasting damage on my character due to their ignorance.

Edit: In my opinion, they should have done the “nuclear” option of not implementing this patch. I’d much rather still be in 10.2.7 instead of this bug-ridden experience.

QA by customer is a really weird strategy when you have the money to afford a team for that.

Um, no. It’s the same as season 0 with balance changes and adjustments to areas and levels. Nothing has changed but name of the season. There is nothing changing in the future or expansion that is on the horizon. The base game just plain sucks.

I agree with Death here. Microsoft number crunchers say August, it will be August. This isn’t the Blizzard Soon company we used to know.

Yeah, we normally have to deal with a lot of broken stuff but this one is probably the worst I can remember.

I do forgive them because a small indie company and all

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I suspect a big cause might be they don’t have a dev / testing environment that matches live.

So things like AH and warbanks go south when it gets to a multi data center environment.

This type of thing would entirely be on management.

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It was a huge undertaking to merge all those databases into warbands. There was going to be errors as seen on the test servers. They should have did multiple beta restarts to test the warbands en masse. They patched it week by week in the beta. And still have it messed up. Further, quality control should have stepped in and said to delay the product. And probably did. But, as you say, management didn’t care.

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except all the balance, massive itemization changes, and other massive overall changes

it’s basically an entirely different game from launch

Aren’t those errors addon related. Considering war within isn’t our yet would make sense your add-ons are bugging up?

No, it is the same crap game with the same mechanics. They just put lipstick on the loot and skills.

Why are you such trash? Quote me where they said anything at all about this being your fault? They said no matter what, bugs will always be a thing on launches. Which is not wrong. Get out of here with your straight up lying.